- May 5, 2021
- 104
- 190
One of my favourite game category was female MC. Therefore, I tested a lot of them. Like, really a lot...I've played a few different Female mc games now and they all feel basically the same.
It got me thinking.
what would the ideal/ perfect game look like with a female mc in it.
What would the perfect female mc look like and act like. etc.
I've played games like
1.the office.
2. anna.
3. kate.
and others.
Chloe, Claire's Quest, Slutcraft, ... , Good Girl Gone Bad of course, you name it. Even Violated Heroine, Legend of Krystal and stuff like that way before F95. Yeah, I'm kinda old.
Why do I tell all this ? Because from my experience playing all this I came to the conclusion that there are basically two categories of game with Female MC :
- Those who like women and enjoy the female body, get exited about them and like to see them explore their sexuality, have fun, etc.
- Those who hate women and want break them, humiliate them, turn them into sex slaves and such.
Very often MC has some kind of sacrality or be a figure of authority, that will be even more degrading. It's so obvious with japanese games, you could make a social study... Nuns, goddesses, Kamis, elves... The more sacred the better, to crush them in the end.
Now I guess people are free to enjoy both categories without being misogynist (although it clearly helps to play the second...), but I thing your question greatly depends on which one of these two you are interested.
*sarcasm starts here
Because if the answer is the second, then it's really easy to make the "perfect" game :
Take a hyper arrogant or exaggeratedly kind 18yo female. Don't bother to give her a personality or back-story. It's useless here. But give her some kind of sacrality, she must be a princess, an elf, a nun, a paladin, or whatever. And then destroy her. Gang-bang, piss, scat, rape, free use, bestiality, forced pregnancy, the more extreme the better. Oh and she must love it. All of it. The more she screams the more she likes it. That's the basis here. And once she's destroyed choose another cliche and destroy her too. There are enough for you to come with a whole bunch of games.
And don't worry, you will find people to enjoy it and even pay for it.
Some don't go that extreme, and "only" turn the MC into an easy slut, but the principle is still the same.
*sarcasm ends here
And that's pretty much in my opinion why you got the feeling they all are the same. Because they are... Especially from one unholy country I mentioned before.
But you can apply this to many non Female MC games too.
But if you're up the first one then it's a little more complicated.
One would have to find the right balance to make the MC sexy and having fun without turning her into a complete slut. I don't want to see a realistic housewife (absence of) sex life either. That would be very boring as hell...
So the question would be what would make a good porn game ? I guess we all have our personal thoughts on that...
*sarcasm again
You might have to worry about story-telling, scenario, dialogues character writing and other boring stuff. Or even worse in a video game, a gameplay ? Ewwwww...
*sarcasm ends
But to clear up any misunderstanding, I'm not saying that your basic porn game has to be Shakespearian or an essay to reinvent the whole side-scroller genre.
On the contrary, I actually think basic games work best for porn. But even, or maybe especially, basic games must have a very solid foundation, and that require some work and maybe a bit a talent too. It's actually quite easy to hide a bad game behind a whole bunch of characters or an excessively complex story. That's a personal feeling, but I can think of quite a few games that I loved at their start that are now beginning to show us what there are in reality : shallow and not that interesting...
But anyway, those were my two cents to your question. I'm sorry if that wasn't a magical answer (if you expected one).
Edit : it seams that some people deeply misunderstand my point, so I added some "sarcasm labels"
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