May as well ask for the perfect male MC game for all the meaning that has.
Female MCs are only an awkward topic because most everyone writing anything we have here is male, so "Female MC" is practically a genre in itself since the go-to is playing a cocksleeve. Not that it's a bad thing to default to. We're here for porn. Action. Having titties just below the character's line of sight and not being able to put them to use at will is just stupid.
Ideally, a female MC would be written by a woman, since dudes naturally aren't good at writing decent thoughts or relationships for them. But then she'd have to appeal to men. You see the problem?
For lack of artistic talent in regards to a female MC that appeals to men in your typical story focused game, a form of 'ideal' would be a focus on reactivity to player choices rather than your own idea of what makes a good woman, which is only one role in a story. Whereas male MC games often have many women to pick from, each with their own personalities and storylines, female MC games are mostly limited to the one female, with maybe some boring lesbo crap I don't care about. Biggest trashy trope is a town full of practical strangers. The more interesting and meaningful your actions, the more satisfying the MC. But then that requires making an actually good game.