As a fan of Incest themed games i think that the main problem with incest games is something else.
There are to many (new) devs who have 0% creativity but think that they can make a big game based one 1 horny idea/thought.
To many of the same games because those devs have 0% creativity so they look at other games and copy that all.
The games with good art, story, writing still sell pretty well on the internet and have many, many fans.
But people are getting tired of the many shitty games.
If i look back 12 months ago i couldn't wait for new updates of my favorite games and new ones.
Right now i'm tired of it all.... I haven't downloaded a new title in months and even the games that i like are not getting any attention from me...
I still support a lot of Devs on patreon (Right now over 450 bucks every month), but that "special" feeling that i used to get with a new game of update is completely gone with me.
It's like playing a Fifa, c.o.d, BF or something like that.... Sure it's fun the first couple minutes but after that it's the same shit all over again.
But i'm getting off-track.
Because of all those 0% creativity Devs who aren't getting any money (with good reasons), the good ones are scared away.
Patreon used to be the best thing that ever happend.... But right now it's more like a disease for Incest themed games.
Not only for the censoring(because a creative dev can work around that), but for allowing every idiot to make a page for a game and for allowing it to be used by Devs who use their Members for their money.
I think myself more as a Software Tester then a Pirate
If i like a game or demo then that Creator gets an pledge from me, if i don't then i won't.
If a Creator that i give money to don't delivers i will lower or cancel my pledge, if he/she keeps getting better then i will raise it.
To many shitty games at this point to pay up front....