VN - Ren'Py - The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.11.4] [PixelsLab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. It's one of the first VNs I've ever played, and yet is still at the top of my list.
    Great characters, good plot, nice animations.
    Good enough english for a non-native speaker.
    Just waiting to see how the story unfolds.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    V 0.11.0

    I've stopped playing at chapter 5 because it's unbearable.

    The pace of the story it's boringly long, taking "milking" to a whole new level.
    5 chapters to cover 2 in-game days and in all that you have only one sex scene (I know many of you will be angry with me, but dreaming of sex doesn't count).
    The story isn't convoluted, it's just not existing: you barely know something of MC and his family, you know nothing of the other people on the island, nothing of the redhead you keep dreaming of and absolutely nothing of the plot. It's just a jumping around between a tsundere, a loli and a milf and sometime you get a vivid hallucination about a supposed ex-girlfriend and a homeless redhead kid.

    And if this wasn't enough it's all put together by the best engrish possible:
    View attachment 4024587
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The good thing first: I think the chars are pretty good, but that's about it ...
    I find the story confusing, sometimes incoherent with unnecessary flashbacks. The story would have been best started on day 1 instead of sometime in the future, with constant jumps into the past. The whole thing is made worse by the rather poor English. I would strongly recommend DEV to look for a good proofreader.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, intrigue and splattering of fantasy weaves this story which is very well written! Love it. Renders and animations are good to boot! Developer is active and polite and transparent, that's a rare combination if I do say so myself. Get on patreon and support it!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel game is an absolute masterpiece in every aspect. From the captivating storytelling and well-developed characters to the stunning artwork and immersive soundtrack, it surpasses all expectations. Every decision feels meaningful, leading to multiple riveting endings. A true gem in the world of interactive storytelling. 5/5 stars without a doubt!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    When you are trying to make an in-depth complicated story full of weird shit, make sure English is your first language or you have a mastery of it because if you don't the end result is this. There is a story here, but the way it's told is broken, fragmented, and certain elements are introduced seemingly randomly. I have no idea WTF is going on, and the sentences are full of grammatical errors, sentence structure errors and spelling errors. Now combine that with an insane story that is introduced poorly and the end result is a mind fuck that you cannot recover from. Even skipping past all of the dialogue and skipping as much of the story as you can, what's left is not that impressive. The girls are not anything you haven't seen before in other games, and there are no unique or impressive elements that make the game worth playing despite the mind shattering story. Ultimately, this leaves you with an indecipherable story with average renders and an MC who looks like he drinks soylent with a straw and crosses his legs while he does so.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the better vn's out there.
    The story is definitely unique, I saw some glimpses of inspiration but this is as original as it gets.
    Characters are likeable, it's easy to get excited about the mundane things in game.
    Which comes to the point of why I cut one star, the pacing.
    It's not so slow you want to uninstall, but I found myself skipping through the fillers to get to the main story developments about 70% into the game.
    This is still pretty good, you don't get bored easily or too much.
    There were no big plot holes, it's clear the story is written by someone clever.
    One maybe personal note is, the game introduces a lot of mystery and ends before most are answered.
    I'd have prefered if they evenly spaced out the reveals so we wouldn't be left wondering till the very end.

    Overall, definitely recommend playing, if you don't rush through like I did there's a lot of enjoyment to be had.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best story games out there. I would actually say it is among my personal top 3. All the way up there with City of Broken dreamers, BaDIK and Summers Gone.

    The Design speaks for itself and the plot is far from the usual stuff. Actually very creative. Characters are well written, believable and interesting, with quite a few plot twists sprinkled into the storyline.

    The animations are good as well. Mid-tier I would say. Sound design, moaning etc. could use a bit more work. @Dev: There area lot of professional sound... designers that are doing their work for free on
    Maybe you could askthem tohelp you with your production.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely find a game to enjoy the storyline, and this game blew me away, I found myself more interested in the story development rather than the H-scenes. Fantastic job, PixelsLab! One thing I wish I had in the game is a little more freedom of choice in the dialogs, alas, I know how much would that increase the development workload, so - I'm fine with what I got. Looking forward to the next update.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6430996

    At The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.10.3] [PixelsLab]

    Spoilers throughout ...

    There is plenty of sex in this one, and much of it is quite sexy.

    Where this VN shines is the characterization, character depth (slow burn reveals), and dialogue.

    It's one of my favorites, and the pace of development doesn't bother me. I happily wait for something this good. When the development of this story ends, I will be sad, like losing a friend.

    The relationship with Eve and an opportunity to converse with her shadow allow the MC to start becoming his true self in a believable way.

    The unnamed one, Olivia, Officer Green, even Skipper. All great characters, and easy to identify with. Teagan's story parallels MC's, without the super-powered abilities, and the softening of MC's heart to help her beat her issues is profound.

    I can't assign a numerical rating. This isn't just another VN. This is something special. One of the few VNs I could see being spun into other media like a book, TV show, and movie.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing, theme and setting are all very interesting. My sole gripe is that the English translation at the start really grinds but thankfully the quality improves over time. Interested to see how the story plays out.
    Edit: Also wanted to say its visually gorgeous
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good VN with a lot of potential

    Story: 5/5 very unique and interesting

    Dialogue: 3.5/5 For all the characters exept the MC the dialogue is really well written and doesnt feel off. Biggest problem is there are quite alot spelling and grammar mistakes which leave some dialogue with no logic to them which kinda pulls you out of the experience.

    Characters: 4.5/5 The sisters are exceptionally interesting and very likeable although beeing polar opposites. For the other characters there is still not enough know to judge but seem to have also a lot to them.

    Renders: 4.5/5 Renders are nice and all the girls look gorgeous. Animations are nice but nothing out of the ordinairy.

    MC: 2.5/5 This is for me the biggest flaw. He is supposed to have a dark and twisted personality, but there is so much story going on and for a most of it he seems to be stuck in his character development. Even tho I like slow burns it feels like eternity since he made some progress in either direction (love, darkness, etc.) By now we made a lot of big descisions that should shape his character in a certain direction but it still feels like he is an unpredictable machine which is not so pleasent this far into the story.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    OK, this one is loooong overdue.

    I have been playing this game for a long time and have found it enjoyable, but confusing when I started it.

    Then I gave it a bit of a break, played it again from the start a few months (year?) after. This time it made a bit more sense.

    Gave it a break again for a long time and now replayed it again from the beginning. Now, everything is becoming crystal clear up to where the game is at this point, but with plenty of mystery remaining.

    Unlike other stories, where there are lots of females, in this one, every girl seems to fit a specific purpose. Every one of them is a piece of the puzzle.
    You might not know at this stage where exactly they fit in, but you can clearly see a well-defined plan with every single character in the game.

    Technically, especially looking at the start time of the game, it still holds up well:
    The girls are very pretty. 9/10
    There is animation. 7/10 (Not it's string point, but enjoyable and not off-putting)
    There is music: 7/10 Music is not it's strong point, but once again not off putting.
    Sounds during sex: 5/10 Not to my liking, feels like a porno vibe.
    Characters: 10/10 As per my game description, no character is wasted.
    Story: 10/10 Not the typical story I would go for, but so well executed. The game could have no sex scenes, and the game and story would still be 10/10.
    Sex scenes are sexy and frequent enough.

    Can not wait to see where the story goes!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The Intoxicating Flavor (0.10.2) is a pretty good game. The story is interesting and characters are well created and solid. It's not the story with the most amount of sex, so if you're here for a quick fap it probably won't work for you as it takes time to build the relationships, it's own universe and mythology and so on. There are some errors, but nothing too important. The important error here is that I believe it should be labeled as a kinetic novel, since choices so far seem not to matter at all and only impact wether you see or not a specific scene.

    Render quality is pretty high and animations are pretty decent. Played without sound so I can't judge that. And at least in my playthrough there were no bugs and there is quite a large amount of content so far.

    So, all in all, so far it is a very recommendable game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The visuals are okay, the dialogue is okay, but the story just goes around in boring circles from the second chapter. I'm pretty sure 80% of the story is dreams or flashbacks, which just isn't interesting as a narrative. Start your stories where they start. You could technically say the entire story is a flashback as the intro cuts to "3 weeks earlier".

    It's just a boring mess currently, and you'll want to skip through half of it.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    The story is absolute jibberish, there are some good images in this game, but the game is absolutely unbearable and insufferable. You lose all interest in anything happening, when you see things jumping from this to that.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Im assuming the people who rated this a 4 just used the skip button and skipped all the dialogue...the story is a jumbled mess of words and its gives me a headache just trying to figure out whats going on.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Yikes this was hard to play, My brain hurts trying to follow the story. Not to mention the dialogue doesn't make sense half of the time because the dev's first language obviously isn't english. All round an extremely confusing mess..
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game starts off slow, but once it picks up, I found myself completely immersed in the story. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous, and I genuinely cared about the characters, just like I would in a great book.

    As many others have mentioned, the English translation in the first few chapters Is Meh, but I didn't feel like it detracted too much from the overall story. However, as the game progresses, the English did improves and becomes Great
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I was curious to check out this game because it seemed like the dev put some thought into the story. But despite the grammar issues, the story still has not grabbed me to keep me interested in the long run. To be honest, I ended up skimming through some of the dialogue while trying to stick to the main plot, just so I could get to the scenes with the redhead mom, who quickly became my favorite. Although those sex scenes were way too short and basically felt like filler for the story.

    I will say it is above average in relation to other games on this site, but it definitely needs a lot of work. Some scenes felt forced even with the choices I made, and that really took away from the whole experience as the game is more of a kinetic novel than a traditional visual novel with multiple routes. Right now, I'll give it this rating because I see some potential, but I might change my mind later if the new stuff added is better or worse than what is available now.