VN - Ren'Py - The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.11.4] [PixelsLab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interetig characters, great renders combined with some of the best storytelling I've encountered so far. One of my favourite Games on this site. It is one of the only games where I aam never dissapointed even if an update has only story and no H-Scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a refreshing new plot, something that is a very welcome change. The renders are good and there is plenty of content to play with.
    I hope the MAIN SCREEN gets a makeover, it looks very common and plain.
    Apart from that, it has good characters along with good character development .
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.8...

    I wasn't sure I would like this game at first and almost moved on to another, but I decided to stick with it and I'm glad I did. The story is deep and the characters are unique.

    The character models are gorgeous and are emoted very well. The bodies are very realistic...for the most part. The two exceptions are Maria (the mother) and Lillian (MC's trainer). Their breasts are a bit too unrealistically large. Especially Lillian's. A woman with a bodybuilder type body like Lillian does not have the massive tits that she does.

    There isn't a single character I hate. And while the story is a slow burn it allows for a lot of character development which is appreciated and serves to enhance the story.

    The one thing I could have done without is the awkward moaning sounds added for the sex scenes.

    The writing is the games biggest issue. For the majority of the game the writing is rich with grammar and punctuation errors. It sometimes made things hard to follow. I don't know if it's due to a bad translation or some other issue. I did notice during chapter 8 that the writing was much improved.

    I would highly recommend this game. Like I said the game is a slow burn, but the story and characters are worth it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    When I started playing this, I thought "Great. Yet another game with supernatural abilities. How original." Yes. Very sarcastic. But I decided to see if it was a bad as some of the others.
    I was pleasantly surprised. The main character doesn't have outlandish abilities and the story is very interesting.
    Plus, the women are proportioned adequately. There's no one with size triple F tits. I like realism in games. If the characters don't look believable, then I can't take the story seriously.
    Keep up the great work, Pixelslab!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this isn't your typical "lets see some boobs" game, yes there are lotsa boobs and great looking artwork, but it a long slow but very interesting game. Kinda like "RUSH" is a thinking mans music this is more a thinking mans game. While there is plenty of flesh being shown for titilation there are deeper movements in the depths of this game. I have been playing the previous versions and thus far I recommend this game, I am about to start the latest update and barring some dissaster I expect this to be as entertaining as the last few.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Sausage & Bread

    I read a bunch of commentaries. A lot saying how the english translation is not good at all. Even if is true, that's cause I'm not native speaker. So, whatever if is or not miss translation. I really don't care. I really liked the story. It's understandable as far I know. What really bothers me it's the scarcity of lewd scenes. Just a few sex actions.
    Intriguing me cause other VN have a bunch of lewd and poorly story or other backgrouds on the hole picture. But that it is. A good VN and maybe soon became near to the greatest VN that I played if some minimal corrections comes by the developer part. Good luck and keep doing a good job. Congrats to the development team.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    The title says it all, this has one of the most intriguing stories that I have seen in a VN in a long time, its not touching or loving, and the writing is obviously poorly translated in the beginning, but the mystery and the drama are TOP FUCKING NOTCH.

    The Characters all have some details that hook you in, making you want to know more, they are all 3 dimensional, and if the author just gets someone to proofread and translate this story it would be a 10/10, as it is I give it a 9.5/10 just because of the translating issues, especially early on, it gets better halfway through.

    It has a air of mystery that makes you want to keep playing more, almost like a book that you just cannot put down. Everything you find out about each character simultaneously answers and provides a new question that you want answered, and the story building is actually amazing. My one main negative on the game is that the MC looks like a 15 year old wannabe, and I hope the author lets him grow up in the looks department, because it is impossible to take him seriously when he looks so young.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v.0.7.9
    One of the best story telling based AVNs I have read. Warning for those looking for a quick FAP or some routine. It is not that kind of AVN. It is more of a story rich AVN. It does have good content in that regard and a whole lot of beautiful renders.

    Story wise this is probably one of the best in regards to original story telling that I have seen. Better than I would ever expect in an AVN, if I am honest. It is the type of story I would read even if it was not a full AVN. It had me very engrossed into the story.

    The only negatives I could see so far are...
    1. Some engrish here and there. Worse up front, but shows occasionally. None of it is egregious.

    2. Some interactions are forced, no matter the choice. From what I can tell it is required by the story, so it is not a huge issue. I am not a huge milf person, but at least the milf in this regard is true to the sense of milf (she is sexy as f). Some stories with milfs forget that they need to be sexy.

    Not a negative to me, but I can see some maybe not liking how much story there is. Same with the sex aspect of the game. There is more than enough for me, but some of the posters here are chronic ;)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Sure,this game is not flawless,it doesnt have a lot of choices,I was shocked when I opened the 0.7.6version walkthrough and found out there are only 6 pages in it. and for me personally,eventhough Alice and Teagan are above 18,they still look like CHILDREN,so any sexual scene with them make our beloved MC a paedophilia,which I dont like,a lot.

    But damn the story is good!the theme is so unique,and deliveried very well,there are a lot of Adult Games trying to be deep and mysterious,but they all failed,ended up pretty lame and superficial,but this game is a job welldone,all the writing and dialogues are amazing,and the timing of the light、the sound、the music,make it even better,I didn't skip a single line of the game.

    Most importantly,I loved the MC immediately,he is goodlooking、strong、smart、chill all the time,have a great sense of humor,like joking around,in matter fact,he is probably my favorite MC of all time,I can totally get why all the girls love him,I mean,who wouldn’t?

    Strongly recommended,i just crosses my fingers hoping it will not have any sexual scene with Alice nor Teagan in the future,maybe more with Liv?since she is my favorite girl in the game, :sneaky:
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 4/5
    It's a in media res where we're thrown into an already established story. Only that we don't know much of what has happened and need to puzzle it together. It does hold promise with some interesting twists, you want to know more but at the same time you wonder how much of it is actually thrilling and how much is just nonsense.

    Characters: 3/5
    MC is semi-interesting. The things surrounding him is appealing and some say he's not a simp or rapist. That's partly true but I found him to be a bit of a pushover.

    Dialogue: 2/5
    This is the most glaring issue of the game. It's riddled with broken English that makes you miss so much of what is actually said. You lose so much immersion, meaning and wit when the English is insufficient. How can you paint a story when it's difficult to project it's meaning? Huge turnoff. But if that doesn't matter to you, by all means.

    Renders: 4/5
    They're nice! Sex scenes feel a bit stiff but they're still erotic.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking awesome game, intertaining story, good humor, one of the best romance's i've seen, really good models. I hope the developers dont abandon the project and that they dont stop at this game. I love an OP MC but having a decent MC is so rare, but here u have a legit god. The slow romance is so nice and it developes so well. Sincerely a banger of a game. 9/10. Hoping to see future projects as well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I will keep this short. If you are after a well crafted story, lovable characters, MC that is neither simp nor rapist, beautiful renders and some drama, then this is for you. It's a true novel, single story. Do not expect many important choices or different paths, if any at all. That's not required.
    Is there anything to change/improve? Translation to english could use some love but it's OK.

    Took me while admit it to myself but this is definitely my favourite VN narrowly beating COBD.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The Intoxicating Flavor [v0.7] [PixelsLab]

    "The Intoxicating Flavor" is a game that I first played three years ago, and it has left a lasting impression on me. There are two prominent aspects of the game that stand out, but it's essential to look at them critically.

    First and foremost, the game's storytelling is a complex and ambitious endeavor. It interweaves elements of science fiction, soap opera drama, and history in a truly unique way. While this blend of genres is intriguing, the way the story is conveyed through dialogue can be both a strength and a weakness.

    On the one hand, the use of dialogue to tell the story gives the game a distinct flavor. It feels like you're part of a conversation, eavesdropping on intricate discussions that slowly unravel the narrative. However, this approach can also lead to a cluttered and confusing narrative. There's an abundance of information, events, and exposition, often repeated by different characters in slightly different words. This can leave you questioning whether you've missed something or if it's merely a reiteration. At times, it's akin to watching a complex TV show in a language you only half understand. This blend of frustration and intrigue can be both captivating and bewildering.

    The second standout feature of the game is its character interactions. These scenes, whether they lean towards comedy, drama, or sensuality, are exceptionally well-executed. The characters themselves are well-developed and possess distinct personalities. Maria and Kate, in particular, shine with captivating personalities and stunning aesthetics. Alice, on the other hand, embodies a more typical anime-trope character, which can be endearing in its own right. I appreciate the effort to maintain a platonic, big brother-type relationship with her, focusing on character depth rather than a purely superficial connection.

    One notable aspect, however, is the writer's non-native English background. It adds a certain charm to the text, but there's an undeniable need for a skilled editor to refine the dialogue and storytelling. This would help streamline the experience and eliminate some of the narrative clutter.

    One significant concern revolves around the merging of two seemingly unrelated storylines – the interactions on the island and the superhero-god-cult new world order narrative. While this merger seems to work within the constraints of the island setting, there's a looming worry that the story might go off the rails once the main character returns home. The scope becomes expansive, and the progression feels slow, which could potentially affect the game's coherence.

    On the positive side, the main character is a well-crafted individual with charisma and a unique perspective on life, primarily shaped by a traumatic past. His ability to encounter god-like entities without excessive perturbation speaks volumes about his personality and adds depth to his character.

    "The Intoxicating Flavor" introduces intriguing mysteries, such as the grand global sacred blood-domination-conspiracy and the mysterious Father. However, it leaves much to be explored, especially regarding the main character's family. These mysteries are undoubtedly enticing, but there's a fine line between keeping players intrigued and leaving them frustrated with a lack of answers.

    In conclusion, "The Intoxicating Flavor" possesses the potential to be a remarkable game. The character interactions and their development are clear highlights, and the story, while complex, has its own unique charm. Nevertheless, the game may require additional time and development to fully unlock its potential. With some refinement in storytelling, addressing the merging of unrelated storylines, and potentially seeking editing assistance, this game could transform into a hidden gem worth revisiting in the future.
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  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders and animations very good. Story sounds complicated, but it's definitely not bad. Of all the characters I really liked, it was Maria. I don't like the forced lesbian sex scene where we don't have a choice. Why are there two love interest or ex gf in a lesbian scene? Am I supposed to like them after that scene? You can refuse to have sex with one of those girls on that scene, but it's forced to do it with short hair. Why do we have the choice of whether or not to have sex with Maria, but we forced watch the sex scene with the short-haired girl? it doesn't make sense to me. the only reason I made it to the end of the update is because of Maria. If you're someone who doesn't care what I say, this game is absolutely beautiful and promising. Good luck to the Dev or Devs, but this game isn't me. thank you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    the gentelman

    First game on this website that actually hooked me with the story, I usually just skip the dialogue and go straight to the naughty content. But for the first time, I pulled my pants up, took my hands off my dick and just kept reading the visual novel.
    I'm a sucker for cool main characters with a dark past who arent edgy , they appear normal at first but then as the story progresses you start learning more about him and people around him starts to acknowledge little by little how awesome he is .
    The story is very fluid and consistent . The dialogue is really good, the characters made me laugh a couple of times, especially the "little" girl. they really feel like real people and you get attached to them, something you rarely see on porn visual novels. And there is a mystery over every character, not just the MC .
    Give it a try, at least finish the first chapter . If you don't get hooked up by then , move on to another game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    [0.7] Good game.
    Especially the story is interesting so far (not sure whether it can keep up though or whether it will descend into some super-super-hero thing soon, which I personally dislike)
    Writing is OK, but the translation could be improved.
    Arts is good, several LIs are likeable, several more, as well as the MC, are interesting.
    No real choices, which is sometimes a bit unfortunate when the MC behaves strangely.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +i realy love story, how well writed and how interesting. Espacily Innana's story and past pretty much got me like reading a book. It was amazing and well writed. Espacily that religion connections was pretty enjoyable.
    +Character developments feels good aswell. They are well writed and enjoyable. Espacily Alice is so funny and enjoyable with her character. And relationships with MC and other characters are pretty enjoyable aswell. MC and Alice have pretty good connection and scenes together.
    +MC is pretty cool guy to play, he is not some kind of loser MC you will suffer, he knows what he wants, dont have problem with take thoose things and he is pretty powerfull aswell.
    +Renders looks good.
    +Last animations are well maked enough.

    Bad Points
    -Yes our story is pretty amazing but sometimes understanding story can be pretty hard because of DEV's style of writing. For example sometimes you can understand scene you saw from; dream, past or today. Sometimes you just cant understand some scenes writed as a which one and it can be pretty much annoying. Its not big bad point but still need to consider. I do like to see scenes are more clear. Like giving specific colors to dream scenes etc... Or when Alice talks about colors of people we should saw that colors around people with effect but instead there is zero difference in thoose scenes so its makes things pretty much obscure aswell.
    -For first two or three chapter our renders looks little bit bad and our animations are static pictured animations. Only after chapter four we got better renders and 30-60fps real animations.

    For The End
    Its pretty good game. I do enjoy my time a alot with this game and its not just adult game, it have pretty good story aswell. So thanks for your efforts <3
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll start with the bad:
    - The English translation contains some grammar and spelling errors. This fortunately improves with each chapter.
    - In the first few chapters most sex scenes happen in dreams/imagination. Since the interactions between the characters in the dreams have consequences it is not detrimental.
    - In the beginning the dream sequences are hard to understand. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I just want to warn you that this game needs your full attention if you want to enjoy the story.
    - The game contains only a small amount of choices after the first chapter.

    Why do I give the game 5 stars and why should you maybe keep playing if you didn't like the first chapter? There are severel reasons:
    - The story needs a few chapters to establish but becomes really great. It is mysterious but the player learns more and more and the plot keeps being consistent.
    - The renders are great and the characters look all phenomenal! I don't really like animations but I can see that the dev crafts them with great skill.
    - The characters are interesting and have deep personalities and backstories. The player character is also interesting. I like that he starts morally ambiguous but his mood improves over the course of the game by interacting with the other characters.

    I enjoyed the game very much and can definitely recommend it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The game's quality gets better as it goes along. But there some definite problems at the beginning, where we're supposed to get hooked.

    First, the English translation is poor. It gets better, but it takes a long time. And it's still not up to snuff. If you want to shoot for a good story, you have to pay attention to the language. No getting around that, sorry.

    And the game is shooting for a good story. There's a lot of thought going into this, and this is a good thing. The trouble is in the execution.

    The language problems aren't the only problems. The game is far too confusing at first. This is a mistake I see often. The Witcher TV series, Westworld, are two prime examples. A game or world creator has complete control of the perspective for the audience, and they get carried away. Probably trying to be clever. Clever is good, but it should still be a slave to the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. We KNOW you have complete control over the story, and when it gets this confusing and hard to follow, it comes across as just frustrating.

    The lewd scenes belonging solely to a characters imagination... irritating. We want to see what's really going on, not what the characters are fantasizing about. I say "we" because I've seen other people complaining about this, and I agree. To be clear, I'm not saying ALL lewd scenes in the game are only in the characters imagination... but there's a lot of that in the beginning part of the game... again the weakest part of this experience.

    The lewd scenes and characters are more than acceptable. At times they are exceptional. For my experience, I had to wade through a lot of frustration to get to this, however. And I don't mean "slow burn" frustration. I'm talking about what I mentioned above.

    In the end, if one has a lot of patience, things start to become interesting. I have started to want to see what happens to these characters. That's a positive. So it's a mixed bag and it ends on a good note.

    So it's a mixed experience that ends on a good note, yielding a more positive rating.

    Be prepared for soap opera, over-the-top supernatural shenanigans, some comic-book character arcs, if you have the patience.

    Thank God there's no sex menu. I don't care for games that say "okay, time for a foot fetish scene" or "time for an anal sex scene" or whatevers. That's not how people work, they go at each other when they're attracted to each other and it's not about some dumb menu.

    It also hasn't strayed *too much* into convenient bisexual territory. What's a convenient bisexual? And easy way out, make a character that can have sex with boys and girls thus getting around preferences that actually flesh out characters. Hopefully it stays this way.

    This is just my two cents. My preferences, my observations. Everybody has their own stuff they want to see in games and of course the dev is free to make whatever type of game they want. Nobody has to cater to my whims, this is just my experience with the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Give this one a try !!!

    5 stars just for the story and writing from start (expcept grammar, it's quite, not quiet god dammit ! :D)
    I didnt like the single element, but I cannot lower the score because of my own preference. I'm really not into vanilla sex. I'm an ass man and there's nothing for us yet. One character only gave a hint. So, unfortunately - blue balls in that regard.

    Story is very good and can't say predictable 11/10. I was hooked so bad, I've dropped almost everything else just to keep reading. Will be honest: the amount of good, detailed, thoughtful character's background surprised my a lot. They all are so alive ...gee..can't describe how much I liked them all. Even MC. You know, sometimes you're playing these games and can't drop the feeling of how stupid MC is sometimes, like you would've made another decision etc ? This game is not that case. The guy is really normal and even good human being and maybe we can even learn from him. He's not full of himself, there're no those narcissistic moments, which usually make me sick.

    All that being said - this game is easily on the top of my list if we're speaking about story or characters. Sure, DrPinkCake's and Philly's games are both decent and beatiful, but again: here these 2 criterions are better.

    Visuals - 4/5
    It has moans sound during scenes. Has a little music and sounds. 3/5 for sound.
    Animations - 5/5 after Chapter 4. Before that they're clumsy and aren't smooth.
    The sex scenes themselves are a bit short to my taste. And there's no any interaction nor choices during.

    I wanna briefly speak about the characters. Even more briefly about their look, but a bit details regarding theirs nature.

    Emotionally very rich character. Very strong and admirable woman. Tender, beautiful and very sexy. The way this woman displays her sexuality and desire is soooo hot. My brain stops working because of her qualities.

    Her whole personality and outlook is just know, like usually villains in the games starting to plot revenge or the plan to interrupt our heroes ? This one doesn't give two shits. Very desirable and likeable appearance. Heterochromia is sexy as well. Super cool character.

    Didnt like the look, nor the way she acts or speak. She won me over. No comments.

    I don't like her face, 'cause she looks like a doll and she looks too young in general, although I understand that it's intended. But her nature is so sweet and cool. One of the best characters in whole game. Keep in mind: competition here is very high ! :)

    I like her very much, except the moment with Skipper and Lil (? Green). And again I may understand her position and motives, but felt a bit too much. Maria Inanna and Liv are keeping Top 3 most sexy gals in the game.

    Many questions, but interesting.

    Sexy, but looks evil. Once again - many questions regarding background.

    I very liked ladies figures. Theirs sporty looks attracting soo bad =P

    Idk where dev found his inspiration for such a great story, but it's a blessing for sure. Incredible work. Still needs to fix typos.

    I would be on heaven if you will release your game in Steam.

    Stay safe and keep up a good work !