SiteRip "The JOI Archive" The joi Database Patreon exclusive SiteRip v2.11 [2024-07-15]

3.70 star(s) 3 Votes


New Member
Nov 21, 2022
Edit: I'm rambling at the wall, this post doesn't warrant a response from anyone and can be safely ignored. I'm serious, its just a text wall of my incoherent internal monologue, don't waste your time.

I'm in a weird spot where my current system for managing this thread is becoming untenable due to scale but at the same time changing how I do it to one of several idea's I have will make it cleaner and more manageable overall but also add a ton of work for me to do, its a real double edged blade type situation.

The problems are mainly stemming from F95's archaic infrastructure, no proper title page or thread covers, all these threads are just normal comments but the first comment is just templated and acts as the "front page" so this creates problems like lack of a draft/save system. just editing that's stored in browser memory until you push the changes to the live version. this basically forces me to keep some internal copy of the threads raw BBcode somewhere and also update it every time I make a change and then push the update to the live thread when the uploads are finished which is usually the time gate bottleneck and why I cant just push updates as I finish writing them so they sit on my browser memory at risk until I'm ready to push the changes.

The problem with this current system is I constantly lose track of shit, some stuff I have to rely on memory for and everything else like the raw BBcode I keep in god damn text files like a middle schooler that just figured out how to right-click>inspect-element. not to mention I have to also apply a bugfix every time I update the thread becuase there's a bug when switching between the standard post GUI and the BBcode editor that breaks certain commands and incorrectly adjusts formatting and staying in the editor fulltime is miserable becuase of how tables are made in BBcode so its literally better to just let it break and then bugfix it every time I push a update.

I am genuinely considering just making a git repository for myself so I can work on updates without pushing them to live early or risk losing my work to shit like cache loss or network outages or even power loss, or shit even accidentally refreshing the cache myself while working on something else and forgetting that there's currently 1 hour of work sitting on my browser memory unsaved anywhere becuase I cant be fucked to copy paste THE ENTIRE FUCKING THREAD to a text file and back every single time I make a edit or addition. I wouldn't be in this situation if F95 just had actual proper threads or even just drafting/saving on post edits but alas it is what it is.

Ok, autism outburst over, thankyou for coming to my ted talk, goodbye.
if i were you id just do the git repository cause from what it sounds this seems like a huge hassle


Aug 1, 2018
if i were you id just do the git repository cause from what it sounds this seems like a huge hassle
I have actually just made a file in VSC and pasted everything there, it even usually recognizes BBcode and color codes it for me, much easier than pushing commits on git and its local as well, well git can be local too but i don't have git installed locally. VSC was already there from other projects.
my thoughts just initially went to git becuase my mental process went like this "whats something that i can paste code into that will save and remain static while i edit another version of it somewhere else without changing the master file?" and ofc my brain instantly went to git but just a local IDE is tenfold a easier solution.


New Member
Aug 10, 2018
Does anyone happen to have or know of a place where I can find SGJoiPL's videos? They were all free but it seems their videos/account got deleted recently.
3.70 star(s) 3 Votes