VN - Ren'Py - The King of Summer [v0.5.0-full] [No Try Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great NTR game, people upset about Arato just need to learn to see him as another mark. Having only one guy to screw over isn't as fun, you need two. But, same time, you don't want two of the same guy, they have to be losers in different ways to keep the game interesting.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Himeya Jun

    It was all great in the beginning, I like the MC personality, he's not a good guy and he's fully aware of it. The lewd scenes are okay, some are great.

    Until the dev suddenly introduced Arato. I really don't understand why would you have to put Arato in this story. He's worse than characters from typical NTR games. Kendo is what makes this game great, really should have focused on Kendo instead of creating one other route that nobody likes.
    overall still a good game tho.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    its nails netorare well. Hate fuck, cuckold, swinging, hidden ntr. a lot of ntr elements, and it did all very well, the corruption, the fall, all was well executed. it builds up the story nicely, and also deliver the important moment so eroticly.

    i cant believe many NTR lover didnt know about this! i just found out about this game 1 week ago, and my god did it match some of the top NTR game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    This is an alright game, with some hot scenes, I would give it 3.5/5. I will focus in the review on most obvious flaws that make the game worse.

    1. Mountains of text, excessive chatter that you have to go through easily becomes unbearable. The worst part is not the bloat/excessive amount of dialogues, but the way it is paced around. You click a button you get 1 word, you click a button again, you get another word. Game turns into never ending clickfest, which will make a lot of players not willing to sit for 20 hours, to press skip button, and skip most of the story content.

    2. Hypertrophying of a cuck, which turns this more into a satire. "Cuck MC" has like a 8cm member, when his uncle "real MC" has like 30cm member. Same or even more with other dimensions. This does not make the story better, it just makes it more comical, less believable.

    3. Models. While some models seem to be fairly decent (Erin) e.t.c, some are incredible annoying. Blue haired, 2 massive tits, no eyes, it just look ridiculous.

    4. The stat model feels a bit wrong, as to grow MC "manliness" stat you have to F everything that moves. It does not make it possible to skip interaction with annoying ugly girl you don't want to deal with, and when you add that those interactions have tens of thousands of pointless chatter lines, that take a dozen of minutes to skip through and you are forced to see all that it is all worse.

    5. Animations and art for most part are below average for this day and time.

    If the game was meant to be a harem style with many heroines, then a choice should be made available.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    If you're into NTRI and harems I highly recommend this game. However, I personally am a NTR fan and it does not appeal to me.

    It's a very slow burn, but I don't think it pays off in the end. There's too many girls for this story to be fun. It leans closers to harem type game rather than NTR and it lacks an overall emotional masochistic payout that I look for in most NTR games. I think each girl had their own game or chapter, it might be more enjoyable, but I can't enjoy it like this.

    You click to go from different places on a map. None of the characters feel like real people, and it's kind of exhausting having to initiate every relationship on your own. I wish there was a cuck mode where we could instead maybe find FMC getting fucked rather than us fucking everyone.

    Game is still good, art is nice enough, I feel like a lot of the FMCs' models are reused which makes it a little repetitive. The uncle is supposed to be this old man stud, but I'm not entirely sold on that based on his model.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game if you're into NTR. You get multiple perspectives and characters to have fun with, starts off slow burn but in total has a LOT of scenes and they are long and very vocal which I love. Netori is king and often overlooked and this game pays homage to that.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    First thing that comes to my mind is "Overstayed its welcome". The first 20 updates were pretty decent. Generic but passable characters with a generic but passable story and good art and animations.

    Now the only thing that has changed are the characters and story, both of which are worse than they were. Art and animations are still good, but as a VN it has become really stale.

    Only worth it if you unlock the gallery and avoid everything else.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It has much content and is a very slow but satisfying burn.
    Only critic I have is that it takes your girlfriend and uncle wayy to long to actually haxe sex.
    itd been awesome if they did it for a whole while behind thesatoshis back.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've followed this game since it first released many moons ago and have seen it grow from strength to strength, now that it's nearing it's end if feels like the right time for me to give some thoughts.

    Firstly, I appreciate that NTR is a divisive genre and not every game is going to go exactly as you imagined it, but I don't think that merits giving a game as strong as this a 1 star review.

    Anyway, enough with what others have said, this game has one of the biggest galleries I've seen, it's packed full of scenes that, in this mans opinion, hit every NTR beat you could want. The characters are hot, the scenes are hot and the dialogue... you guessed it, hot!

    Can the story be silly at times? Sure, but lets be real, this is a porn game not war and piece. Personally I've felt the writing has gotten better as the game progressed and clearly the Dev feels the same way as little tweaks have been made in the early game to help sell the story.

    I'm not a massive fan of Satoshi, the games protagonist (if you can call him that). I'm fairly sure your not meant to really like him anyway it only makes it that much more enjoyable when he gets NTR'd.

    I think my only real criticism is that the corruption of characters maybe happens a little too fast but at the same time, this game isn't trying to be a slow burn NTR game, it knows what it is and does not waste time in giving you the good stuff with enough story to add flavour to it's scenes.

    I personally don't know of many sandbox NTR games but this to me feels like something different, a glorious ensemble NTR melodrama that will scratch whatever NTR itch you might have.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The King of Summer [v0.4.21-full]

    It was pretty good game with passable story, but it's overstayed its welcome.
    "Too much of" that it got boring and drawn out, "mish-mash" of many things. It wasted ALL good fate I had for this one. If you really want to see the scenes, it won't be easy with these dregs of sandbox, just skip everything and don't bother reading. It's so f dumb.

    Story - 1-2,7/5. Whatever.
    Choices - 1.5/5. Sometimes you can chose "do or do not".
    Gameplay - 1/5. Almost fully kinetic sandbox. ugggghhh...
    Characters - 1.4/5. Who cares at this point. They were flat, they stayed flat.
    Models/animations - 3/5. Pretty good
    Grammar - 3/5. Eh, whatever.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Game was so good in the beginning and mid way through. But just like any NTR series, they start add things that throw off the original main plot. The shoe horn of the unnecessary villain that takes away from the uncle and the nephew complex just so out of nowhere. Why can't it just be the uncle and the nephew. The uncle is already the original villain, bad guy or anti hero. Now this new villain gets a full path? Might as well give the MC a full path too. Just stupid and completely defeats the plot. Waste of time and resources.

    The side quest are sub par but some thing fizzle out become kind of dumb too. Cuckold is cool and all but the wife runs back to the husband and the uncle doesn't keep the girl in the end? The daughter just goes on like nothing happens and continued to be around the dad, and the uncle doesn't keep her either. The workers all go back to their boyfriend. Nothing else happens, uncle no keep. So much for this king collecting his group of girls. Completely loses the original plot doing too much stuff but not exclamation marking anything.

    And what is this anticlimactic ending. At no point is their a scene where at the Uncle bust a nuts and proclaim the MCG her pregnancy. At least give us a hot scene where he does, and the girls says I am not on pill, proclaiming she wants to be impregnated, beg to be impregnated or something like that. Just a photo and here I am pregnant to MC. What? That is it? Come on man. Ending was weak as heck.

    However the animation are god tier and some of the best. 4 out 5 solely on the Uncle and Nephew plus the better part of the side quest. Literally a 2.out 5 with all the extra BS not really needed in the game taking away from the Uncle and Nephew overall. And a 1 out 5 with the force villain that was not needed. That needs to be remove from the story and game all together. Because of that, this game is a 1.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I´ve played this game since it was in an pretty early stage. If you came here to fap, well, the game has over 100 scenes, i´m sure you will find what you´re looking for. It has a decent amount of characters, not too many and not too little all of theam with their own unique traits.
    If you have some more free time and try to read, then you will realize that all the mc are complex characters, There is not a 100% good and a 100% evil character, each one has their past, ther way of seeing things, their goals and their own personality. So a single action of one character may have positive and negative consequences at the same time, there is not a pure good or bad action. So it may be confusing to understand the characters if you try to find a guilty or responsible for the things that happen

    I must add; The game is ntr focused, it´s the main plot, it is UNAVOIDABLE and you´ll see it a lot. If you have a personal grudge with infidelity , If you tend to emphasize a lot with the characters and feel bad with injustices or non ethical behaviour then you should reconsider playing this game. But know that you will find those things, so don't be shocked when things happens

    I believe the thick part of the game has already been developed(just my opinnion). Most of what´s left are the endings, You could say it´s 85% completed.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I am a huge fan of NTR games. I love the corruption aspect of a woman cheating on their significant other, of being seduced and enticed into giving into their desires, of doing something they know is wrong because it feels too good not to. So I downloaded this 4.5 gb monster of an AVN and sat down to give it a go. Here's my experiences playing it.
    Story: 0/10
    What can I say about King of Summer? It is the timeless tale of the seduction of a mentally handicapped, green-haired woman by her boyfriend's uncle during a 7-month stay at a beach resort. I know what you're thinking, how can someone seduce a mentally handicapped woman? Easy! By lifting her up in the pool once per day for 2 or 3 days in a row! That's all it takes to get her to bring you back to her hotel room and start handing out bj's like they're after-dinner mints. (No, I'm not joking. Yes, that's really what happens in the game).
    Mechanics: 0/10
    There's nothing like a good old sandbox to make a player feel like they're immersed in a world where they can decide what happens! Unless, of course, that sandbox consists of the same events repeated over and over to 'grind' your arbitrary manliness stat up to the level needed to see the next scene. That would just make the whole sandbox thing a pointless time-sink designed to do nothing more than stretch out content to give the game the appearance of having a lot of content without the actual substance.
    But whatever, I play video games all the time! I once spent 30 hours leveling my party in Final Fantasy! What really matters are the choices. I get to decide the course of the story, that's what VN's are all about, brah!
    Yea... yea, in theory that's true. But have you considered how much better it would be to have the illusion of choice? Just think - I'll give you 3 options, and 2 of them will do nothing but loop back to the same 3 options. You can choose your own path as many times as you like (until you make the singular choice I want, which will move the story forward). Isn't that way better???
    Totally, brah!
    (yes that's really how the game works. You can spend the equivalent in-game of a full decade of choosing "take a nap" and never see a single new scene. I guess the universe blinks out of existence whenever the boyfriend closes his eyes. Ironically, if that were the case, it would have improved the story greatly)
    Visuals: 5/10
    I can't create art for shit, so I don't bag on the graphics unless they're truly eye-gouging. These are fine. Anime/manga characters aren't particularly hot to me, but I don't think they are grotesque.... except for the penises, which let's be honest, look pretty silly in real life, too, so who among us has any room to talk?
    Overall: 3/10
    This game misses the mark. There's next-to-no build up. You never have the sense that the mentally handicapped girl cares about her boyfriend at all. From the very beginning, it seems like she's only with him for the free trip to the beach, so the whole "NTR" aspect doesn't land at all. The supposedly 'old' uncle looks younger than I did when I was 25. There's is nothing at all in this plot that makes you interested in seeing what happens next, because the mentally handicapped girl isn't intellectually equipped to have any cognizance of being corrupted. The boyfriend is given no personality and almost no screen time, so there's none of the 'agony of loss' NTR is meant to evoke.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    So, right off the bat, this game is great. It's pretty top tier with this animation style, the content is enjoyable, and it's earned a plethora of nuts from myself alone. HOWEVER there is extreme amount of unavoidable clipping in the animations which is fairly off-putting and some of the deformations are nonsense like when blowing how women's lips deform in a weird duckbill. The game is comedy gold in some of the animations, like when someone is fingering a woman and their hand moves a foot while their fingers clip into the pussy, or when people are just jumping comically up and down on a dick in a way that looks like a game from Newgrounds circa 2004.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    It's not bad. Definitely has some ramp up before all the fuckin', but the animations don't use Kplug and seeing a penis go into closed vajajas is not hot. There's a lot of content and some scene hunting which adds mystery but overall the story needed to slow down the scenes better. Worth a fap, but the NTR isn't that great, i thin the uncle is too likeable.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    First review on the site. Wasn't expecting much going into this, but some of the girls looks rather alluring even tho they're very Koikatsu based. Also not really a fan of NTR either, but it's much better than cuckhold which does exist in this game, but at least Kendo, who is the main NTR-man in this story does have the bigger spotlight and interactions with most of the heroines.

    So anyway moving on to the actual game itself, the story is very much focused on character interactions, but in order to win a girl's heart before you eventually could seal the deal (mainly as Kendo), it will take a long time and further progression to another scene and story route. This does make the progression feel too linear sometimes and it might not be so bad to some people, but i do prefer if there's a way to just focus on one girl at a time.

    I do always appreciate a slow buildup like this, even tho the girls seem rather easy to win over and mainly because Kendo apparently just ends up being their ideal type despite the looks of an UB. I know the game does have an unavoidable NTR as stated, but the addition of the Arato route as a way to have another "NTR-man" just ruined the experience for me in some parts, especially since there's no way you can avoid that route to progress the main story and without letting him do Mary (the green haired main heroine).

    It's even more of a big missed opportunity that there's no route where Kendo could also conquer Shizuka (Arato's girlfriend) as a payback, not considering how i really like her a lot. But who knows? Maybe the dev will eventually add that option in the future which i would highly appreciate.

    Gameplay wise, the sandbox segment is very barebone since it's really all about finding which girl you can interact and where to progress the story. The progression is very linear down to the character interaction too, for example how there's almost 0 dialogue options to shape the protagonists personality because they already have a fixed script / role to follow. There are some crucial choices that you can make, but it's more of a way to pick which route you want to take.

    My biggest compliment is easily the content scope. Despite having a lot of story and character interactions, i was hella surprised when seeing the number of scenes that you can pursue in this game. There are tons, i mean TONS of them that it could take days or maybe weeks for some people to finally get to enjoy all the content that is currently available.

    But anyway it's been enjoyable, and specifically for a game with a strong Koikatsu-based style that might seem cheap cause of how many there are when going through the library on this site, King of Summer in my opinion is definitely one of the best alongside some of my other favorites like My Maid Dreams of Electric Sheep and Goddesses' Whim.

    4/5 (might even bump the score if they're finally adding Shizuka to Kendo harem)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I finished playing from the start to the recent update a little while ago and have caught up on all three routes. I gotta say I am super impressed with the writing and visuals. I’m usually not a fan of 3d graphics in these sort of games but the koikatsu looks really good. The character models/physics are great and basically every scene being animated with moans and sfx is awesome. The writing is also super good. I was honestly expecting something more similar in tone to a lighthearted, less serious story like NTR’d by clumsiness. But I was pleasantly surprised by the depth at least when it came to the main story with Mary and Kendo (and Arato/Shizuka in that route). I like when the relationships in NTR have dysfunction beyond just the dude being bad at sex and that being taken advantage of to steal the girl. Also when the bull has genuine feelings for the girl and not just interested in fucking her or fucking over the cuck, and as far as I can tell, Kendo’s been pretty genuine about that.

    Post route split Kendo route has been awesome so far with the dates and Mary’s whole cold and condescending attitude towards Satoshi. I do know that there is a good ending planned which i probably won’t be a fan of because good endings for the cuck in NTR just doesn't really do it for me. But who knows maybe it’ll be bad enough to work. As for Arato’s route it feels more like a traditional NTR just cause Arato is a dick and it's more just purely sex based compared to Kendo’s route. I think Arato’s route has the most potential ending-wise with him getting Mary and Shizuka and Satoshi being left with no-one. (especially since based on teasers it seems like Shizuka will re-enter Kendo’s route to have something to do with Satoshi.) The bottle game has been fun but does feel kinda tedious at times to see certain events.

    Really my only issue with the game in general so far is technical. There are a LOT of name typos where the person talking is incorrect or not even in the scene. And the whole point and click setup of the game works in Mary’s route (even though it can be a little annoying to have to click through the map icons to get a specific event) I think in Arato’s route it’s just pointless. Because so far there hasn’t been any side stuff in that route outside of side bottle game stuff but even then it doesnt involve the map. Not a huge deal but something I thought I should mention.

    And a couple quick thoughts about each side girl.
    Natsuki: Very nice storyline. Imo nts is always best with a little bit of ntr mixed in there. Yoshi is probably the best male character in the game besides kendo and natsuki is the closest thing we have to a milf (that actually has a progressed storyline). That final roleplay day with Mary and Natsuki as office ladies is my favorite event in the game and I really liked how that storyline ended.
    Rin: I really like Rin’s personality and character design. I don’t like Takumi at all so her kissing him with Kendo’s cum in her mouth was awesome and I really want to see more of her route.
    Kaoru: I’m interested in seeing more of her in Arato’s route, i dont really think that I would enjoy seeing her with kendo if she ever gets scenes with him but who knows.
    Naomi: Don’t think it’s gonna happen at all or at least anytime soon but Kendo corrupting her would be interesting I think.
    Hanako: Her route was good, then kinda fell off for a little bit post-route split, then got super good again. I think Hanako calling kendo daddy is super hot in general and given her whole arc with Masaru. Her content in Arato’s route isn’t anything mind-blowing but its been nice so far I guess.
    Shizuka: I like Shizuka a lot but I don’t really enjoy sex scenes with Satoshi so her whoel thing with him kinda brings her down in my opinion.
    Erina: Don’t like her at all. She doesn’t really have any scenes that I like. Her character model is fine but something about the rest of the character just didn’t sit well with me.
    Overall really awesome game. Weekly updates is also super impressive given that the dev is a solo dev. Very excited for the conclusion and future works.
    PS. more ponytail mary pls
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi everyone! this is my first review so sorry If my writing is weird

    Im not too much into NTR games but after reading some comments decided to give it a shot!

    This is a good VN! It is a bit long in order to finish all of it but if u just want get to the fun part you can just skip most of the dialogue at the start of the novel till the sexy scenes start dropping like rain!

    The story is pretty ok, nothing really new but its enough to get you interest in it.

    The girls are really good, the main one Mary is wonderfull (when It comes to her s-scenes) and Im fond of Rin and Hanako.

    This is a solid VN, not something like a masterpiece but Its a good one either if you want just to relieve yourself or if you want to read something good.

    (I player version 0.4.10! might come back later if theres more content)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i been looking for a good koikatsu NTR game since i played that SAO NTR game, thankfull i found this game.... Goddamn this is a really good NTR. if you into thit shit you need to play this one.
    Is not slow but is not an immediate fuckfest either. The tension and the NTR build is really good between the gf and the ntrman.
    Good scenarios , some scenes have a great POV perspective of the MC as he is about to cath them fcking but something gets in the way, great animations and the H-writting is pretty decent.
    If you want a good NTR but not one that fuck your soul and scar your brain then this one gets the job done.... besides a FCKTON of content. i dont really care about the sidegirls but the FMC content is fcking fantastic.

    Btw special thanks to Yamakasi20 down here on the reviews section becuase i was about to pass on this game then read his review and give this hidden jewel of a game a chance. Thanks man.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Tried it but don't see the appeal of this game or why it is rated as highly as it is. The story telling is subpar, which results in everything else also not being so great. There is no sexual tension between characters just a "oh u have a big stick, okay I'm down for what ever". It's just boring, but hey, that's my opinion.