This is a great site a lot of people here are giving great advice and when I see people commenting and leaving a reviews how much they enjoyed my game, it motivates me to keep going and making the game as best as I can.
I come here often to answer comments and dm's but I wont post screenshots of new updates etc here, I need to get as much eyes on my game as possible. X and reddit are the best platforms I can post the images on, and where people can easily share there and help me get new subscribers.
I strategically post on these platforms to reach new people, by strategically I mean usually dead tired or drunk in the middle of the night randomly whenever I remember to post. Half the time I don't even know what the fuck I post where lol
On a bit serious note, my Pc hasn't been turned off since late January when I started working on the game again, and it has been rendering 12-14 hours every day, and when its not rendering I'm making scenes animations with it. And if something breaks in it I can't afford to replace it because all the money I put aside (which wasn't much) got spent on rebuilding the fire damage to my house. So I need all the support I can get.
I hope you'll understand