RPGM - The Last Sovereign [v0.75.4] [Sierra Lee]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, I honestly feel compelled to rate The Last Sovereign as a straight up game, as opposed to an adult game. I hesitated to download this game too often because I had read that there wasn't any sexual CG's, and that it was much more focused on gameplay rather than H-content. Let's be honest, not many of us look through these games seeking a deeply investing gameplay structure or multi-layered story design.

    I finally downloaded the game though, and man, what an experience this is turning out to be. I haven't even come close to finishing yet (or at least catching up to where content ends, judging by other posts that I've come across), and I'm 15+ hours in. The main character is one of the best parts about this game, he's a total badass and not an absolutely sex-driven simpleton that you often find yourself playing as in many of these games. The characters all have well defined personalities, and you find yourself growing attached to them the more you play.

    But wow, the gameplay. This gameplay and decision structure is so fleshed out and complex that it genuinely rivals a lot of big games that are released today. The combat is challenging and enjoyable, and the economic strategies that you need to end up deciding on are insanely layered. (This can sometimes be a detriment though from what I've read, to be fair, as without a guide some consequences for investing and other critical decisions are a bit unclear to the player).

    All of this being said, I need to praise Sierra for the game they've created. There is some great talent on display here, not simply in terms of game design, but also in world building and fantasy writing. I can't recommend this game enough to anyone looking for something beyond quick fap material, but if you are just looking for something to go from h-scene to h-scene to get your rocks off, this probably isn't the one for you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Inspired plot, great characters, incredibly solid world building with a fully fleshed out world economics system, lots of ironic nods to normal h-game conventions being turned upside down. One of the best rpgmaker games made full-stop. Only missing pics for h-scenes since it's currently text-only, but there are TONS of them, each with great emotional/plot/character depth driving them. Not a game for short term pleasure, but a lovingly crafted story to dive into for those who want some plot with their fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't recommend this game highly enough. It takes rpg to a higher level than most games I've seen and I've seen a lot. The sex and romance is done like you would find in good novels. The money system makes you curse and happy. You have to weigh your decisions to focus on objectives, rather than just spend blindly. Then you see the impact of your investments and even the world can change because of it.

    The combat is perfect for some one like me who enjoys turn based with no annoying timer. There are parts that are meant to be extremely difficult. This game makes you switch it up and try different combinations of characters, mostly based on the enemies you are facing. A lack of farming is an annoyance some times. But you feel the pinch when it comes to money, not levels and combat. All of your characters level up together, not just the ones in the party.

    But the story is what really separates this game from others. All of the characters are unique. I didn't like a character at the start of the game and she became one of my favorite before long. Most rpg have the theme of travel to a location, fight, win, move on to next town. This makes you win what you have. But then you have to hold it. You have to invest in it and not just money. You know what your objectives are but also whats going on in the world around you. So it feels like you are under pressure to do well. That the world isn't gonna wait on your character. I really loved that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The best porn game I've ever played and one of the best rpgmaker games in general. It's got characters I actually care about and a story that makes me wonder where it's going to go. My only criticism is that the rpgmaker combat isn't particularly exciting, but overall that's a minor annoyance compared to how much fun I had with the rest of the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely the best game I have found on here. Its level has completely surpassed most games in terms of content alone. It brings a certain level of realism to fantasy during a time of strife for groups of people, as it looks to the perspectives of not just one group but many groups of races. Orcs, succubi, humans, dwarfs, zeratanians, elves. There is so much world building that makes you wonder how long can this game actually be as well as what can we expect next. Or not. There are so many questions that have been left unanswered since the beginning of the game which we are beginning to get brief glimpses of but the world or the last sovereign is simply too great, which is deserving of praise.

    The character, Simon
    This particular character is by far the most interesting, not because he is the main character. Not because he has the power of an incubus king. But the fact that his potential is greater than simply being an incubus king. As he is introduced to different forms of power, it will be interesting to see how he incorporates it into his strength. Be it being distributed amongst his Harem or is incorporated into himself which is possibility as he is the epitome of Balance and Reason whereas other beings are consumed by power or have grown to fear it (king of ardonheim)

    I thoroughly look forward to the development of this game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastically enjoyable game. Great writing, great characters, great gameplay with a heavy emphasis on resource management and completionism.

    As porn, I find it quite unsatisfying. No images, and in general, even though I like the themes-harems, corruption, mind control elements, very sex-based world-it seldom does anything for me. A big part of that is that the protagonist is just someone I don't identify with. He's appealing as an RPG protagonist but not a porn protagonist.

    That said this is legit one of my favorite RPGs ever. Here's some things that are great about it.

    --Player Agency. LOTS of choices, they're meaningful, and they require actual trade-offs. There's not one clear optimal path for investments, relationships, research, or resource management. You think getting that money now will help, but it requires major trade-offs in the future. But if you hedge all your bets on the future, you miss some limited-time opportunities.

    --Awesomely written characters. They all are believable as people and have consistent goals and motivations. Most of the minor characters even experience character growth, along with the protagonist.

    --Great world-building. It really starts slow, and then you start getting more pieces, and then once you get a grasp on things...there's twists! Suddenly there's a lot more.

    --Clever writing. At times trying too hard it ends up eye-rolling, but there's many times I've laughed out loud. There's a good bit of winking at the camera, and even though there's a lot of tongue-in-cheek with the worldbuilding, the characters are still realistic people.

    In short: Not a fappable game at all, but it's a masterpiece of writing and gameplay.
  7. F
    5.00 star(s)


    Simply one of the best RPGs I've ever played in terms of writing so far.
    The plot is engaging , the lore unique and very interesting and the main protagonist is refreshing and well written.
    The number of choices to make with true consequences waiting for you is also a forte of this game.
    The gameplay is classic RPGmaker, well balanced in my opinion, a bit hard in some cases.

    Lots of funny and FANCY jokes too
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I prefer animated sex scenes... I even can enjoy non animated ones if the are good. BUT having all sex scenes being text based is a big NO. I can give a good score to a porn game if it doesn't have porn (at least it doesn't turn me on).

    I agree that the game is pretty nice, but it has the normal RPGM system so it won't be that special nor unique. If you want a good RPG you should try a normal game instead of this one. Because even if it is one of the best RPMG it still is just an RPGM game... without any H-scene...

    If they add some kind of CG this could be awesome, now is just a RPGM game with interesting story (compared to the usuals ones).
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the highest quality RPG Maker games I've ever played in terms of writing.

    --High quality story and world building
    --The world feels alive. NPC/Character dialogue and locations change frequently based on what's happening in the story.
    --Choices Matter
    --Diverse Characters
    --Lots of gameplay hours
    --Plenty of sex scenes
    --No meaningless quests

    --No artwork for sex scenes.
    --Artwork for some characters is not unique enough. Some almost look like generic NPCs.
    --The majority of the graphics are RPG Maker stock.
    --Nothing notable about the combat.
    --Character balance could be better.

    --Quest log can be confusing at times by not being detailed enough. Some quests cannot be immediately completed so it can be hard to tell if you've done everything you can at that point in time or not.

    --Lots of hidden variables behind choices. This is a double edged sword. It's good because it makes decisions more meaningful when you don't know exactly what will happen in the future. The bad part is that it can be difficult to guide the story in the way you want and it's easy to miss things. This is especially true for economic investments as the pricing and returns wildly vary.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily my favorite porn game. It has a ton of play time throughout and the story is very immersive. It's basically an old school JRPG that has a sexual theme.
    It plays on some tropes really well and all of the character interactions are fantastic. The game evolves as you play it so you keep getting new mechanics and content.
    This game utilizes the RPG maker backend really well and gives a full game not just interactive porn.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story Great mechanics, over 50 hours of quality content WITHOUT grinding. Ability to trust the dev with 10 or so REAL updates a year without the usual excuses or absences. A game everyone should play.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game already has a lot of reviews, so I will try to focus on what I think is important:
    This is a well written story. I'm still In chapter one, so I don't know the entire game, but this is what I think at this moment. Simon, our real protagonist is a hard person for player to empathize with. If you want me to describe Simon in one word, I'd say Batman. I believe his personality is based (maybe not intentionally) on Bruce Wayne, as he is cold, and calm fighter of justice. There's a big flaw connected with that - choices.I don't know the entire storyline, but at the beginning of the game there's not many choices to be made. Most of decisions are made by Simon, and he is not kind of guy who is willing to share his thoughts with you. It might be difficult for a player to agree with him. You may be dissapoint with his decisions but at the same time - everything he's doing is perfectly logical. You may be understand him but not agree with him - it' up to you.
    So I will play some more just to see if other rewiews are rigth..
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpg .The game elements are perfect every choice we make big or small it matters.There are a lot of things to do and this game makes you take time with the game and makes you use your brain so you can make the best of your choices.Some will be good some will be bad all depends on us as a player.The story and the development of the story same with the characters and their development as their own character is something that makes this game very strong even if there is no art in this game.
    I have spend over 200 hours of gameplay and i will spend more with every new update.
    Every rpg lover has to at least try this game they will not regret it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best written games out there. I've come back to this game and played through it for hundreds of hours. The choices are intense, it allows you to minmax in your own way, and it is very fun. The only thing to improve it would be artwork, but that is a staggering proposal considering the large amount of scenes already written into the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Featuring genuinely meaningful choices set in a captivating story, intricate and interesting characters, some of the best sex scenes IMO of any game and an interesting blend of different genres, this game is an absolute must play for anyone who wants to actually play an "Adult game" instead of just wanking off to a visual novel.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It may not be filled with cg images, but The Last Sovereign has something far greater than that: A compelling story, a great cast of characters and gameplay as fun as it gets in an RPG-maker game.
    The Last Sovereign is one of the best games i have played, not just among Adult Games, but in gaming in general.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The fact that the game is based on an old RPGmaker engine makes for a very poor combat system. I find the sex scenes mostly boring, they do not create any arousal for me. Plus there a passages where I find the game very preachy and moralizing. The story though is quite good. I still quit very quickly each time I play it, because I find myself bored by the holier-than-thou tone of the writer.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    SierraLee tends to provide excellent writing with her games and TLS provides an enjoyable game to accompany the lewdness. This certainly isn't as graphic-oriented as a VN, but the experience has been one of my favorite lewd games.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    (Based on v0.35.3)

    >60 hours
    That's my current playtime for this shit. And that is for a non-grindy turn based without random encounters RPGM game. Can you believe such a thing is possible for these days? that's Sierra Lee for ya.

    - Story, characters and writting
    But what attracts a player such as myself to this game isn't even the gameplay. Sure i like turn based RPGs, but the meat here are the story, the characters, their interactions and the world.
    The writing is amazing. Even though it's a harem game, which is one of the most common victims of bad writing.
    - The protagonist isn't a self insert (has a personality and backstory).
    - The side characters and villains have their own agenda. You can't always know and control their moves.
    - The world isn't static. Nothing will ever be the way you like it. Your choices are presented as trade-offs instead of bipolar choices.
    - There's significant and important lore to the plot and your decisions.
    - The dialogue. If you're used to the Sierra games, you know how it goes from light humor to philosophy to social commentary to politics. Heck, i could mention some weird orcs here, but i don't like ruining amazing games with spoilers for others.

    - Gameplay
    Next there's the gameplay. Not much to talk about the battle mechanics. It does right. No grinding, no random encounters, no fetch quests, no endless walking and infinite dungeons, turn based with strategy instead of 1 single attack smashing. However, there are some other notable gameplay features, besides the battle system.
    - Politics and Economics. Yeah, you read it right, you play this. Must pay attention to which you invest on and which sides you choose/manipulate. It's a harsh world i tell you, if this wasn't a game i would be broke (lol), because my current playthrough is apparently filled with shit investments. More interesting because my current state during the wars shows i made some crappy choices (heh).
    - Which also brings the strategy side of the game. It's full of variables and relationship points, and which one affects something. You may end up on someone's bad side, ruining a possible investment, getting people killed by proxy, it's fucked up world i tell you. But it's fun.
    - And of course, there are some dating sim mechanics. If you played some RPGs with RPs you know deal. Make certaiin decisions, reach the girl max RPs, then bone her. It's also fun, because the characters gaing new titles based on the RP amount.

    - H-content
    Speaking of boning, i think that's the only downside of the game, its h-content. Not because it has few h-scenes (it has plenty), but because there are no cgs. Call me an illiterate fuck, but i can't fap to walls of text without pics to show the hotness. But i admit that's my own bias.
    I hope cgs are added at some point, but i won't keep my hopes up, since there are already a lot of h-scenes and some of them are quite immaginative. So i imagine it would be quite expensive for an indie dev.

    - Final thoughts
    Still an amazing game though. I couldn't give a score below perfect, because this is indeed (objectively, heh) the best RPGM game available at the moment.
  20. J
    5.00 star(s)


    This has the best story I have played in an adult video game. I played for about 30+ hours and I am amazed by the game's scope. It has everything from adventuring to manipulating economies and managing large scale wars.

    This is not a porn game with images etc the sex scenes are all text based so if it is porn you are looking for you should look elsewhere. However if you want a game with a genuinely interesting story that can put a lot of AAA rpgs to shame this is the game for you.