Perhaps reading the link I sent will help?
Bigger Excerpt:
Enter the church window pane area (House of Mystery). Head south and push the boulder to the left. Move to the next puzzle and solve it. Left boulder left and then down. Right boulder down two, left two, up two. Continue east for three shinies (Elleani - Givini Potion - Consumable) (50 Sx) (50 Sx).
Continue past the magic circle. Left boulder left four. Right boulder up two then down one. Move Simon three left and down one. Push down. Move Simon down one and push right one. Push the boulder below you left once. Move Simon right two and up one. Push the boulder up one. Push the middle boulder up one and right one onto a switch. Move Simon left two and down one. Push right one. Push this boulder up one and left two. Push the remaining boulder left two and up one onto a switch. Walk back to the beginning and then east for three shinies (Iris - Ribbon de Iris - Accessory) (50 Sx) (50 Sx). Leave the House of Mystery.
Again, if you read the walkthrough, you should be able to figure out about the holy items