RPGM - The Last Sovereign [v0.78.2] [Sierra Lee]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the story and most quests are really nice made.

    No visual sex scenes only text.
    I do not play such RPGM games, because of the sex scenes. It would be cool if there are nice animated scenes, but I can live without it. So I do not count it in my rating!!!

    My worst problem is that this game is not written from the players point of view.

    - The player has not enough informations to decide what he should choose to invest in.
    - Or during Yarra's path it is not clear if you are succesful or not.
    - there are so many different hidden stats the player do not know about and how they change: good or bad.
    - when travel back to Stineford for example the MC says: "There is no overriding deadline. " But this is wrong. you have only <16 days. And 15 from these days are automatically gone through travelling. So you can't reach the best result . Next best result is 24 days, which is the absolute minimum. So you need to ignore some stuff. Those are mostly worthless for you, but this information you do not have.
    But event worst, you can rest in a bed unlimited days which do not count.
    How should the player find out how to get a good or best result.

    So you need a Walkthrough! There is a wiki with a walkthrough, but if you want to know what to do, you need to have 5-10 pages open and check even more to find your informations.

    Normally I have open:
    - Walkthrough,
    - Quests,
    - Relationships,
    - different character pages
    - Secret Stats,
    - Secrets and collectibles,
    - Shopping,
    - Investment Walkthrough
    - Ch2 travel timer (or others depending on what you are doing)
    - maybe a playthrough page, hoping to get the right information on it...

    Very hard fights
    For example in Stinford you get problems in some areas. Those are no fun. But you can't do some stuff later or do not get some items or even worst if you do them later.

    Flow of time
    It is hard to understand why sometimes why are few days are gone.
    Especially later on Simon's path, no explanation why it jumps from 6-8 and after it to 26.

    Or why after few fights suddenly are 5 days gone.

    Qum D'umpe
    It is made clear several times that the party succubi want as much sex as possible. Qum want it even more. But most of the time if there could be a scene for her, she do not want it and it is bad for you if she does it.

    As I said I really like the story and the characters. But please start to write the story from the players point of view. Let the player see what he is doing and give options to find out how he can proceed. Show if the player is unsuccessful so it is possible to try it again.
  2. B
    2.00 star(s)


    after 8 hours of playing:

    Well written but very common story, uninteresting characters with a common background, only few choices to make,forcing player to make choices you dont want, not a single animation or atleast a picture, zero chance for escaping a fight, unfortunately pretty stright forward path, very, very slow progress - after 8 hours all I was able to do was gather bunch of (uninteresting) followers, do bunch of random quests in town, make a deal with a merchant and make an attempt to go to a different location when you are ambushed/betrayed by the mercenaries.
    simply way too boring for me
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 229118

    Some of the worst case of guide dang it i have ever seen.

    The story is fun, the charaters enjoyable and the choices while limeted are impactfull.

    So why a two star?
    Because the game require's you to spend alot of time on the poorly written walkthrough to find the next trigger.

    It started out pretty decent.
    The charaters likeable and your enemies are truly worth hating.

    But i spend most of my time asking:
    Ok where too now.
    Quest doesnt descripe anything.
    Walkthrought doesnt mention the location you need to find the poorly explained quest.
    There is no way to read old dialog so forget about rereading the vague instruction where to go.

    A simple example:
    You need to go too tree llibrary's
    The general one, the specialized one and the holy one.
    Holy one was easy there is only one church in the city.
    But the general one doesnt exist and referece to the queen library and the specilized one is the library at lady rose house.
    How you are to find this out?
    By looking everywhere and stumbling upon what you need.
    And the entire game is like this.

    I spend hours search on how to prevent a poor girl from being enslaved.
    The answer?
    Talk to the kitchen staff in the palace and then go to the slum to prevert her being raped.
    There was no reason for me to ever visit the kitchen.
    I just searched every nook and cranny for something that would trigger a new reaction.

    I like the game.
    I think the story is great.
    But they really need to work on there quest system as right now it is just a mess.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    It's an RPG game with no grind, no fetch quests and a fairly complex protagonist.

    It also features a compelling, branching story with grandious scope where decisions actually matter.

    The gameplay is very well balanced, and the combat although simple, is fun.

    The game features tons of funny dialogue throughout.

    Plotwise, the game's first three chapter's are very strong, and showcase the protagonist's rise to power from nothing, facing numerous challenges, from hard politics to high stake battles.

    The Bad:

    The game's plot takes a big dip in quality from chapter 4 onwards, becoming stagnant with a lack of worthwhile threats.

    The game can NOT be enjoyed to it's fullest without the help of numerous complicated wiki guides.

    The erotic side of the game although very well imbued into the world takes a second seat to the story, with it being mostly vanilla with very little flavor, presented exclusively through text.

    Aside from the lack of CG, the art assets presented in game (standard RPG Maker Assets) are often plagued with bad photoshop and low resolution.

  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for the latest public as of 9/26 2019

    I recall playing this game several years ago and think the current version is incredible.

    I'll start with the good, bad, then detail why I feel the way I do:
    -Story, dialogue, characters (aka, writing)
    -combat seems well polished
    -the overall presentation was clearly well thought out
    -music selection is good; despite the massive length of the game, I bobbed my head all the way through.
    -The way the game handles the "secret variables" and events
    -Story and characters have an occasional inconsistent reaction
    -Harem sharing is unavoidable
    -Level up system extremely punishing
    -No CGs.
    -anti-cheating elements

    I think it goes without saying this is "Game of Thrones" combined with "Lord of the Rings" with succubi. Despite some of the best writing I've ever seen, I'll admit it has flaws.

    As an example, the party is drugged, much to the excitement of the succubi who seem to casually allow themselves to be fucked by the slavers, as well as the human girls nearby. One slaver even comments one of the succubi just can't seem to get enough.

    I'd argue the strangest part of the game is when this scene sets the tone for relatively casual rape and indifference to harem whoring by both the main character and the author all the while twisting the game away from that.

    As another example: one major part of the story is influenced by how much ProN (investment currency) you have to buy shops/mercenaries or fund monuments/shrines, etc to gain hidden stats. You are given the option to whore out a succubus, the one who "just couldn't get enough" earlier for ProN.

    Seems like she legitimately got enough earlier as the scene plays out in an extremely depressing gang rape if you take them up on their offer. Furthermore, it seems very out of character for the main character to even have the option to whore out his hesitant companion, forget the fact that the payout of these bastards is ridiculously high and can lead to massive benefits throughout the game.

    Someone explain the logic here: A couple of days ago she was more than ok with being raped by scumbag slavers, but when it is economically efficient, she all of a sudden becomes significantly less willing? There was no epiphany to change her character in such a way. On top of that she seems willing enough to fuck orcs and ogres at an incubus gathering anyway.

    The narrative jokes about many players unwillingness to ever use single-use items in combat, however, given the extremely limited supply of Sx (money used to buy potions, equipment, etc), this fear is entirely understandable. In grindy-games, I know I can just grind back money to buy stuff, but this game is different. I can't grind. So I know I'm objectively better off saving before each battle, fighting without using items, focus on defensively guarding low hp characters and healing them. If a character dies to an unlucky crit or something, then I'll reload.

    I recall approaching this game in a similar way I approach most rpgs. No grinding at all until I get to a difficult/dangerous area. Then grind with reckless abandon until I get at a level where enemies become easy. As you can imagine this was a terrible way to go about it. You are compelled to not skip any enemies, even the 1xp slimes (their goos heal, and healing items are limited so....) Anyway, if you fall behind, attempting to catch up to the way enemies are balanced accordingly is borderline impossible.

    Combat is usually good if you've been grinding, but meaninglessly complex. I find even after being extremely thorough in grinding, I'm still unable to beat enemies by casually attacking. Every battle I need to obsessively spam defensive and offensive spells/abilities, which leads to gradual but sure victories. To prevent overuse of items, I find myself locked in specific party compositions. The main character can restore his own mana given time, so the strategy becomes guard against the weakest enemy we've spared till we get more mana. Other characters have similar abilities, but the strategy seems both silly and petty.

    The game is exceptionally well done and probably beats most publisher RPG maker games with story alone (even with odd inconsistencies), but if you're the possessive type or need visual aids to enjoy erotic games, you should still check it out, not for fapping but for fun anyway.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This Game is great with the RPGM however similarly to the game that related Corruption of champion since it was texting sexual for those who have good with the fantasy imaginary brain and as for the dull brain(lack for these) not very suitable for your taste you might no really found any much interesting just a straight forward reading text.

    This game might be middle challenge however is an adventure type so no complain there also a walkthrought might guide you that make you no suffer whenever you are lost track.

    The Combat part is kinda interest since you might have to figure it out your decision against the enemy and the enchaining SP for your succubus for the next damage unless your using Save Editor to surpass any difficult challenge.

    There is no Sex Scene you might be disappointed however it kinda great with the grammar for improving your English or rather say your fantasy imagination if you are no sweat with it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down the single best adult-oriented RPG I've ever played. Strong story and strong gameplay both. Just wish there was more grinding/training available, and everything wasn't such a balancing act on a razor's edge to get optimal results at every major step of the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games of all time. The characters, balance, story, and gameplay are all superb. That said, this is not really a porn game. It's definitely an adult game, but the porn is sparse and text-only. If you want to get off, look elsewhere. For anything else, give this game a shot, and don't be put off by the first 30 minutes (the prologue).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is hands down the best RPGM game I've ever played. Amazing story, amazing characters, amazing setups, amazing gameplay - really, if I have any complaints to share it'd only be that it was made using RPG Maker, which is riddled with engine flaws that you can't really fixed. Besides that, there's nothing to complain about. TLS is a shining example of some of the best games out there, and not even its flawed, old engine can cover up this magnum opus.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of detail, very interesting, good art, good characters, fun ,etc very well thought out, a high amount of depth involved. Lots of content too, and interesting decisions to make. Fun for all, not going to lie
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    Easily one of my favorite RPGM games ever, no questions asked. The game starts off very stereotypically, where you're a chosen hero, go fight demons yadda yadda save the world. However, as you play the game, you may find yourself falling more in love with the story than you may think. Despite there being boxes of text that explain the sex scenes, I always found myself more in love with the plot rather than the "plot". The characters are well written, and with how long this game is you'll get to know them all very intimately. Personally, my favorite characters have to be Robin and Nalili. Who? Play and learn for yourself!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is great. It's one of the few adult games which cares a lot about world building. I've played through this game many times and must say it's one of the best adult RPGMaker rpgs.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A great RPG with an epic story and tons of detail. There are lots of events with their own stats that have multiple outcomes. There are usually longterm impacts on the story and world. Areas are updated after large events to reflect what happened. Well worth the time and one of a kind. It's mostly text, so use your imagination.

    Most of the porn scenes are more sweet than sexy to me. The male protagonist is considerate of his harem, and this game is really a polygamous romance disguised as a power fantasy. He even feels bad about forcing a woman to join his harem to save her life (it's complicated). All the women in his harem make their own choices and there's no fantasy about him being so irresistible or dominant that they all want him.

    It's more like his harem wants to be with him because he treats them well, and they all support each other. It's an unusual take on harem fantasy but it works.

    So why five stars for a porn game that's got sex scenes but isn't really that sexy? It's so good that it doesn't matter. The porn is just a bonus. If you want a mature RPG, give it a try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest, this game is the reason I found f95zone. Short version is that prior to TLF(The Last Fucklord, since known as 'TLS' The Last Sovereign), ,I thought that ALL pr0n games were on par IQ-wise with the average shoe size of the players. That someone could/would put the effort into making a world where us pervs could think and fap in a single session was a revelation. Do not get me wrong, thinking and (nut)busting are not so simpatico. However, Sierra Lee did such a great job of creating not only an environment , but characters with depth, that somewhere(how/when/place) in the multiverse Arcent could exist. To start with, there is solid humor(I am an idiot at work and play just to see people smile). Simon is an down to earth(Arcent?) human, that though pensive, will take the actions necessary to achieve goals. The interactions (politically/sexually/culturally) not had depth to the drama betwixt nations, but also characters both near and far(in group and associates). So many thoughts about so much(prolly minutae) detail runs through my head as I finally share my thoughts this game.
    As someone said there is no real grind in this game. Infact, there is a time or two where trying to get an extra XP or two will cost you. Hell, even with the game there jokes about standard fetch quests, etc.. There will/are points where one or two more quests/fights before doing a particular quest/choice will seem to make or break you.
    I will not bore y'all with anymore prattle. If you can handle text based sex scenes, and some chibi art(basically, If you have an imagination, and like RPG adventures) that are excellently written, then is definitely for you. All others, give it a try! Ya just find that your inner eye sees better than you thought.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Truth is while dislike the fact the sex scenes are text only it's this games only flaw. The fact it managed to get 40 hours of playtime out of me anyway speaks volumes. The game is really well done and the scene descriptions likewise. The dev also somehow made a character called cumdump endearing. If this had artwork it'd flat out be the best adult game I've ever played it is definitely my favourite.

    It also manages to do something even triple A games struggle with. It makes choices feel meaningful as an example your investments and choices affect how a war goes and the game communicates this. How good or bad that war goes also has consequences. The choices affect the flavour of the story and your impact on it's world. It's very well done.

    Just everything about this is done to the highest level. If it got artwork at some point it'd blow any other game one here away completely.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic really, has a suprisingly good albeit simple plot. Text scenes are a minus imo, but they are pretty good. Probably the best rpgm game ive found on this forum. Cant fucking wait to see it completed maybe someday.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, I honestly feel compelled to rate The Last Sovereign as a straight up game, as opposed to an adult game. I hesitated to download this game too often because I had read that there wasn't any sexual CG's, and that it was much more focused on gameplay rather than H-content. Let's be honest, not many of us look through these games seeking a deeply investing gameplay structure or multi-layered story design.

    I finally downloaded the game though, and man, what an experience this is turning out to be. I haven't even come close to finishing yet (or at least catching up to where content ends, judging by other posts that I've come across), and I'm 15+ hours in. The main character is one of the best parts about this game, he's a total badass and not an absolutely sex-driven simpleton that you often find yourself playing as in many of these games. The characters all have well defined personalities, and you find yourself growing attached to them the more you play.

    But wow, the gameplay. This gameplay and decision structure is so fleshed out and complex that it genuinely rivals a lot of big games that are released today. The combat is challenging and enjoyable, and the economic strategies that you need to end up deciding on are insanely layered. (This can sometimes be a detriment though from what I've read, to be fair, as without a guide some consequences for investing and other critical decisions are a bit unclear to the player).

    All of this being said, I need to praise Sierra for the game they've created. There is some great talent on display here, not simply in terms of game design, but also in world building and fantasy writing. I can't recommend this game enough to anyone looking for something beyond quick fap material, but if you are just looking for something to go from h-scene to h-scene to get your rocks off, this probably isn't the one for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Inspired plot, great characters, incredibly solid world building with a fully fleshed out world economics system, lots of ironic nods to normal h-game conventions being turned upside down. One of the best rpgmaker games made full-stop. Only missing pics for h-scenes since it's currently text-only, but there are TONS of them, each with great emotional/plot/character depth driving them. Not a game for short term pleasure, but a lovingly crafted story to dive into for those who want some plot with their fun.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't recommend this game highly enough. It takes rpg to a higher level than most games I've seen and I've seen a lot. The sex and romance is done like you would find in good novels. The money system makes you curse and happy. You have to weigh your decisions to focus on objectives, rather than just spend blindly. Then you see the impact of your investments and even the world can change because of it.

    The combat is perfect for some one like me who enjoys turn based with no annoying timer. There are parts that are meant to be extremely difficult. This game makes you switch it up and try different combinations of characters, mostly based on the enemies you are facing. A lack of farming is an annoyance some times. But you feel the pinch when it comes to money, not levels and combat. All of your characters level up together, not just the ones in the party.

    But the story is what really separates this game from others. All of the characters are unique. I didn't like a character at the start of the game and she became one of my favorite before long. Most rpg have the theme of travel to a location, fight, win, move on to next town. This makes you win what you have. But then you have to hold it. You have to invest in it and not just money. You know what your objectives are but also whats going on in the world around you. So it feels like you are under pressure to do well. That the world isn't gonna wait on your character. I really loved that.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The best porn game I've ever played and one of the best rpgmaker games in general. It's got characters I actually care about and a story that makes me wonder where it's going to go. My only criticism is that the rpgmaker combat isn't particularly exciting, but overall that's a minor annoyance compared to how much fun I had with the rest of the game.