Just a fantastic game all around. A refreshing, well written, well flashed out story that develops in an admittedly pretty generic world, but a generic world with a lot more depth than most. Join our chosen hero, in his quest to defeat the corrupt king...and then have him die a few minutes in, because our goddess can't choose worth a fuck. And so begins the story of the actual protagonist, a reasonable, not chosen veteran type warrior.
This is a compelling beginning that immediately tells you of it's intention of mocking RPG tropes, and telling an actual story. This is done so well and in such hilarious ways throughout the game that you could almost think that such mockery is the game's theme and intention, but you would be wrong. Instead of having just a deconstructionist parody of an RPG, what instead fills the void left by the generic RPG nonsense is a great exploration on the political side of the hero's journey.
Instead of just wacking slimes for the non descript adventurer's guild that seem to have an unlimited budget of gold to be spent on menial tasks, our heroes have to take a more realistic approach towards power. This is a game of resource management. Every single resource in the game is finite, and the players task is to optimize spendings between economic growth and equipments for the party. I would strongly advise keeping the wiki open while you play, because the decisions you take in this optimization are crucial, and reverberate pretty far into the story. That can be a negative to some, but researching the impacts of my investments and seeing where they'll lead me so I can plan a route through the game is right up my alley and this game is just a paradise for that.
The story and themes of the game are also very well explored and the crutch of "the protagonist can literaly mind control everyone if he wants to" is used pretty well to cover up any writing shortcomings, while also not being overused to the point of eliminating all the stakes. In both of those aspects, it reminds me a lot of Ikusa Megami Zero. Obviously, the development process between this game and IMZ is very different and it would be completely unfair to compare them in terms of quality, but I'm surprised a comparison could even be made. A true testament to this game's quality.
The game is not all quality however. I mean, the only reason I'm only now playing it and writting this review is that infamous RPGM tag. And as far as RPG maker games go, this one is incredibly competent, but it's still an RPGM game, with all of the shortcommings that implies. Battles can be exceptionally dull, which isn't that big a deal, since once again, this game is a lot less about combat than your average RPG, but it is what it is.
And last but not least, the protagonist, altough not a chosen, he is still kind of a Mary Sue. His knowledge of everything is explained (to an extent) but since it all already happened offscreen in the past, and in extremely non descript ways, it does feel like the story will just pull anything out of it's ass and attribute it to his experience. And the central trait to his character, that allows the story to occur in the first place, his incredible willpower to resist the corruption is as much of a "oh, he's just the main character" as the "chosen by the goddess" trope.
But to not end on a bad note, I will also commend the acurracy in some of the game's mechanics and easter eggs. Particularly, the writter seems to have a good economic and historical grasp on real life events and the way he uses it accentuates the fact the world is in complete chrisis perfectly. There are many examples, but the most important one, and most central to gameplay is the usage of two currencies, Sx and ProN, most similar to what happened during the south sea bubble crisis. It also makes perfect sense that a world that uses generic monster drops as literal currency would addopt such a system to stop inflation and move away from whatever their version of the gold standard is. And this accentuates the fact this world is completely dysfunctional, becuase...y'know...this system didn't really work well in real life. So it's a neat little piece of enviromental storytelling, of which there are a lot.
I seemed to have forgotten to talk about the porn. And that's because there's not a lot of it. It's there, and it's used as a plot device, but there's very little art, and honestly a lot less focus than you would expect. Sex scenes are decently written and the art that's there is passable, but scenes are short and interspersed throughout the game. Don't download this if you want porn. If you want a real game though, 5/5 couldn't recommend it more
This is a compelling beginning that immediately tells you of it's intention of mocking RPG tropes, and telling an actual story. This is done so well and in such hilarious ways throughout the game that you could almost think that such mockery is the game's theme and intention, but you would be wrong. Instead of having just a deconstructionist parody of an RPG, what instead fills the void left by the generic RPG nonsense is a great exploration on the political side of the hero's journey.
Instead of just wacking slimes for the non descript adventurer's guild that seem to have an unlimited budget of gold to be spent on menial tasks, our heroes have to take a more realistic approach towards power. This is a game of resource management. Every single resource in the game is finite, and the players task is to optimize spendings between economic growth and equipments for the party. I would strongly advise keeping the wiki open while you play, because the decisions you take in this optimization are crucial, and reverberate pretty far into the story. That can be a negative to some, but researching the impacts of my investments and seeing where they'll lead me so I can plan a route through the game is right up my alley and this game is just a paradise for that.
The story and themes of the game are also very well explored and the crutch of "the protagonist can literaly mind control everyone if he wants to" is used pretty well to cover up any writing shortcomings, while also not being overused to the point of eliminating all the stakes. In both of those aspects, it reminds me a lot of Ikusa Megami Zero. Obviously, the development process between this game and IMZ is very different and it would be completely unfair to compare them in terms of quality, but I'm surprised a comparison could even be made. A true testament to this game's quality.
The game is not all quality however. I mean, the only reason I'm only now playing it and writting this review is that infamous RPGM tag. And as far as RPG maker games go, this one is incredibly competent, but it's still an RPGM game, with all of the shortcommings that implies. Battles can be exceptionally dull, which isn't that big a deal, since once again, this game is a lot less about combat than your average RPG, but it is what it is.
And last but not least, the protagonist, altough not a chosen, he is still kind of a Mary Sue. His knowledge of everything is explained (to an extent) but since it all already happened offscreen in the past, and in extremely non descript ways, it does feel like the story will just pull anything out of it's ass and attribute it to his experience. And the central trait to his character, that allows the story to occur in the first place, his incredible willpower to resist the corruption is as much of a "oh, he's just the main character" as the "chosen by the goddess" trope.
But to not end on a bad note, I will also commend the acurracy in some of the game's mechanics and easter eggs. Particularly, the writter seems to have a good economic and historical grasp on real life events and the way he uses it accentuates the fact the world is in complete chrisis perfectly. There are many examples, but the most important one, and most central to gameplay is the usage of two currencies, Sx and ProN, most similar to what happened during the south sea bubble crisis. It also makes perfect sense that a world that uses generic monster drops as literal currency would addopt such a system to stop inflation and move away from whatever their version of the gold standard is. And this accentuates the fact this world is completely dysfunctional, becuase...y'know...this system didn't really work well in real life. So it's a neat little piece of enviromental storytelling, of which there are a lot.
I seemed to have forgotten to talk about the porn. And that's because there's not a lot of it. It's there, and it's used as a plot device, but there's very little art, and honestly a lot less focus than you would expect. Sex scenes are decently written and the art that's there is passable, but scenes are short and interspersed throughout the game. Don't download this if you want porn. If you want a real game though, 5/5 couldn't recommend it more