Because of your rating, thank you for your constructive criticism. What I wanted to clarify about the "kissing". That's actually part of the evil in that the goblins' humors (saliva and semen) are addictive. So the women are supposed to be driven more into dependency in order to make them docile slaves. I think it's a shame that we didn't manage to convey this message.
Actually i figured out this part when i read that what-was-it-called guide book you get at some point.
So i wrote about kissing knowing how goblin fluids work in this game, thing is you can apply saliva by licking other places so there is no need for kissing anyway. Just my imo that goblins and kissing don't really go well together, fluids or not.

But i suppose it's a minor problem, if you can even call it that, i was more annoyed at the absence of ravaging but looks like that's coming eventually.

I also think that it is very easy to get to everything. But if you read through all the comments and ratings, you will always complain about the amount of grinding.
Many people aren't used to hardcore grind you see, so they will always complain about grind.
I come from old school mmorpg's where grinding one level (hello old Lineage2) could take you up to a month. (i'm not even joking)
After going through something like that is it any wonder that the grind in this game, or actually pretty much ANY game, is a total joke to me?

What you can do about it is this:
1. Make the grind easier for the snowflakes. (For example by increasing exp you get from mobs, and yields you get from foraging.)
2. Make the grind more fun. (Very difficult to do and even more so to succeed at doing, start with combat mechanics then move to gameplay mechanics.)
3. Just ignore the lot of them but this won't earn you any praise from them.

The plan is for the nest to slowly take over its surroundings and later more villages as well. When the nest has reached a certain size, the goblins will try to gain allies with whom you can then trade. Slave traders are also introduced later in order to quickly get more women. There will then also be 2 classes of women. Important women who are reserved for kresh (the player) and less important women who are left to the clan where the women are inseminated day and night by the whole clan in large rooms.
Yeah, looks like you got it all sorted.
I have nothing more to add to this for now.