4.00 star(s) 5 Votes


Sep 8, 2019
how about no. we are up to our necks in lesbian lis from other games. how about a straight woman for a change. you know, that rare unicorn that does not exist according to many devs. you can have a throuple without lesbians/bi girls. just have the mc, be active and not sit back on his ass, boring the women to the point they have to turn to eachother.
it's only devs fault that, they don't know how to properly write a throuple relationship where mc doesn't look like third wheel or walking dildo, also - most of throuples i played is lack of any real connection between characters, they looks more like fuck buddies than something serious


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
my only problem with all this realtionship or Li's ...is we have the power to say no?
i didnt see in any with brooke at all,so my question iswe can give the thunmbs down to her?
i know not now but in the future...like with everyone else for that matters ,no harem tags so i will go for the less touched women of all[i didnt sy virgin]but one is well your boss and had almost plenty of body count than you the mc,the other is a escort so,maybe more bodycount,emily look nice ,and shy,etc.and well gissele look problem and a pain in the ass ,......just asking for a friend here.....
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Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
According to a previous post from the dev it sounds like we will have a harem, with some of the girls not knowing of the others. So basically a man whore path :)


Game Developer
Nov 8, 2023
Yeah, don't believe this... All that shit is happening off Cammera.:poop:

There are like three love interests for the MC, one of them is a literal prostitute, and another one is fucking half the town. :WeSmart:
Please check out Chapter 2.5 when it comes out as I will soften/eliminate those issues. I'm new to this and I was unaware of this sentiment. But I do like to listen and change. Again, thanks for the feedback everyone! :)


Apr 29, 2018
Wow, so much bitching and complaining about a really good game w/great models/renders and solid animations and so much potential? Feels kind of like dudes are just piling on to be piling on? How about some of you whiners bend your myopic perspectives and roll w/it for a change? It's a fap game w/hot chicks FFS. Don't overthink it.

First, to the "Isabella is the town bike" crowd. Did it ever occur beyond your closed perspectives that A) Isabella and MC are close enough as long-time friends, former lovers, and business partners that they share literally "everything"? Maybe you've never had a relationship like that before? I have and to be honest, it was pretty cool and NOT a negative. Or B) Perhaps Isa is trying her hand at the oldest female trick in the book by attempting to make MC jealous? Did she REALLY bang a bunch of dudes or is it a ploy? Spoiler alert...if its A, fine. If its B, guess what...IT WORKED!

Second, to the "Screw Brooke bcuz she's an escort/whore/prostitute" crowd. She starting escorting in college, made mad bank, wants to keep making mad bank while she's pursuing a legit career...A CAREER THAT FOR NOW LIKELY DOESN'T OFFER THE SAME (and likely tax-free) MAD BANK. As someone already said, EVERYBODY has a history and she can still be a sympathetic character even though hers is an unconventional path to reaching her goals and dreams. Maybe she's an orphan, maybe she grew up in a broken home, maybe she had an abusive father and had to runaway and make it on her own. She's clearly directing her intellectual pursuits in one direction while paying her bills w/another. So not your cookie-cutter story arc but there's still a noble end game imo. Another 180-degree perspective is why wouldn't MC take on this conquest as an alpha-male challenge (same w/Isabelle btw)? Ok, so you've been w/a bunch of men, let me show you who THE MAN is...and BOOM! Based on her bedroom dialogue, he clearly made an impression and passed the first test with flying colors so GAME ON!

Third, just a mild observation here. If your takeaways from ANY adult game is "(in whiny annoying voice) this is just a game of sexy whores and sluts and easy women presented in the form of beautiful models and renders getting banged" and YOU'RE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT...perhaps YOU are the problem and adult games aren't for you.:LOL:


Game Developer
Nov 8, 2023
Wow, so much bitching and complaining about a really good game w/great models/renders and solid animations and so much potential? Feels kind of like dudes are just piling on to be piling on? How about some of you whiners bend your myopic perspectives and roll w/it for a change? It's a fap game w/hot chicks FFS. Don't overthink it.

First, to the "Isabella is the town bike" crowd. Did it ever occur beyond your closed perspectives that A) Isabella and MC are close enough as long-time friends, former lovers, and business partners that they share literally "everything"? Maybe you've never had a relationship like that before? I have and to be honest, it was pretty cool and NOT a negative. Or B) Perhaps Isa is trying her hand at the oldest female trick in the book by attempting to make MC jealous? Did she REALLY bang a bunch of dudes or is it a ploy? Spoiler alert...if its A, fine. If its B, guess what...IT WORKED!

Second, to the "Screw Brooke bcuz she's an escort/whore/prostitute" crowd. She starting escorting in college, made mad bank, wants to keep making mad bank while she's pursuing a legit career...A CAREER THAT FOR NOW LIKELY DOESN'T OFFER THE SAME (and likely tax-free) MAD BANK. As someone already said, EVERYBODY has a history and she can still be a sympathetic character even though hers is an unconventional path to reaching her goals and dreams. Maybe she's an orphan, maybe she grew up in a broken home, maybe she had an abusive father and had to runaway and make it on her own. She's clearly directing her intellectual pursuits in one direction while paying her bills w/another. So not your cookie-cutter story arc but there's still a noble end game imo. Another 180-degree perspective is why wouldn't MC take on this conquest as an alpha-male challenge (same w/Isabelle btw)? Ok, so you've been w/a bunch of men, let me show you who THE MAN is...and BOOM! Based on her bedroom dialogue, he clearly made an impression and passed the first test with flying colors so GAME ON!

Third, just a mild observation here. If your takeaways from ANY adult game is "(in whiny annoying voice) this is just a game of sexy whores and sluts and easy women presented in the form of beautiful models and renders getting banged" and YOU'RE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT...perhaps YOU are the problem and adult games aren't for you.:LOL:
Thank you so much for the kind words about my VN!! I was starting to wonder if anyone liked it...

I'll address some of the issues that people have brought up, as I think they are valid. I've gotten really positive feedback from my wife and two testers, and also from other online channels, so this response has somewhat blindsided me.

To reward your kindness, here is a sneak peek render from Chapter 3 which gives away no plot. This is clearly a continuation of where Chapter 2 ended. Thanks again!



Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
Wow, so much bitching and complaining about a really good game w/great models/renders and solid animations and so much potential? Feels kind of like dudes are just piling on to be piling on? How about some of you whiners bend your myopic perspectives and roll w/it for a change? It's a fap game w/hot chicks FFS. Don't overthink it.

First, to the "Isabella is the town bike" crowd. Did it ever occur beyond your closed perspectives that A) Isabella and MC are close enough as long-time friends, former lovers, and business partners that they share literally "everything"? Maybe you've never had a relationship like that before? I have and to be honest, it was pretty cool and NOT a negative. Or B) Perhaps Isa is trying her hand at the oldest female trick in the book by attempting to make MC jealous? Did she REALLY bang a bunch of dudes or is it a ploy? Spoiler alert...if its A, fine. If its B, guess what...IT WORKED!

Second, to the "Screw Brooke bcuz she's an escort/whore/prostitute" crowd. She starting escorting in college, made mad bank, wants to keep making mad bank while she's pursuing a legit career...A CAREER THAT FOR NOW LIKELY DOESN'T OFFER THE SAME (and likely tax-free) MAD BANK. As someone already said, EVERYBODY has a history and she can still be a sympathetic character even though hers is an unconventional path to reaching her goals and dreams. Maybe she's an orphan, maybe she grew up in a broken home, maybe she had an abusive father and had to runaway and make it on her own. She's clearly directing her intellectual pursuits in one direction while paying her bills w/another. So not your cookie-cutter story arc but there's still a noble end game imo. Another 180-degree perspective is why wouldn't MC take on this conquest as an alpha-male challenge (same w/Isabelle btw)? Ok, so you've been w/a bunch of men, let me show you who THE MAN is...and BOOM! Based on her bedroom dialogue, he clearly made an impression and passed the first test with flying colors so GAME ON!

Third, just a mild observation here. If your takeaways from ANY adult game is "(in whiny annoying voice) this is just a game of sexy whores and sluts and easy women presented in the form of beautiful models and renders getting banged" and YOU'RE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT...perhaps YOU are the problem and adult games aren't for you.:LOL:
:FacePalm: why would I fap to something I wouldn't even touch in real life :WeSmart: models are hott, script was not. Sit back down in the chair.
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Apr 29, 2018
Thank you so much for the kind words about my VN!! I was starting to wonder if anyone liked it...
Which is why I wanted to counter some of this piling on nonsense. And people wonder why good, promising games get abandoned? And thank you for the sneak peak render. See what a little positivity brings fellow forum members? I do find it hysterical that one member (y) your post while :FacePalm: mine! You (member) do realize your face-palmed post resulted in dev's free gift and your liked post genius? So to you and your :FacePalm:...no thanks needed, you're welcome!

Unfortunately this has become an all-too-common theme of this forum. I see it over and over and while some comments, even negative, can be valid, a lot of what I've seen is just plain whining for whining's sake while positive commenters remain silent. You've even seen it on this thread. Not only do people drone on about things like NTR (or even the HINT of NTR), loose LIs, morality disagreements, etc., NOW you have people WARNING devs about avoiding certain future content to which I say if you think this game is so bad, GO MAKE YOUR OWN F'ING GAME!

As with any early release(s), there is always room for improvement but your game is very good dev. Your hard work is appreciated. Your creativity and technical ability are solid and I look forward to this game's progression. Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
So far 90% or more of the comments reflect the same issues, so it's not just a few people that have issues. Even had good comments about some of the content. And nothing wrong with helping a new dev with future content that doesn't go with whatever genre he is working on to save headaches down the road. Some advice helps, some doesn't. Dev is doing a excellent job replying to, and considering comments.
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Jul 23, 2020
Wow, so much bitching and complaining about a really good game w/great models/renders and solid animations and so much potential? Feels kind of like dudes are just piling on to be piling on? How about some of you whiners bend your myopic perspectives and roll w/it for a change? It's a fap game w/hot chicks FFS. Don't overthink it.

First, to the "Isabella is the town bike" crowd. Did it ever occur beyond your closed perspectives that A) Isabella and MC are close enough as long-time friends, former lovers, and business partners that they share literally "everything"? Maybe you've never had a relationship like that before? I have and to be honest, it was pretty cool and NOT a negative. Or B) Perhaps Isa is trying her hand at the oldest female trick in the book by attempting to make MC jealous? Did she REALLY bang a bunch of dudes or is it a ploy? Spoiler alert...if its A, fine. If its B, guess what...IT WORKED!

Second, to the "Screw Brooke bcuz she's an escort/whore/prostitute" crowd. She starting escorting in college, made mad bank, wants to keep making mad bank while she's pursuing a legit career...A CAREER THAT FOR NOW LIKELY DOESN'T OFFER THE SAME (and likely tax-free) MAD BANK. As someone already said, EVERYBODY has a history and she can still be a sympathetic character even though hers is an unconventional path to reaching her goals and dreams. Maybe she's an orphan, maybe she grew up in a broken home, maybe she had an abusive father and had to runaway and make it on her own. She's clearly directing her intellectual pursuits in one direction while paying her bills w/another. So not your cookie-cutter story arc but there's still a noble end game imo. Another 180-degree perspective is why wouldn't MC take on this conquest as an alpha-male challenge (same w/Isabelle btw)? Ok, so you've been w/a bunch of men, let me show you who THE MAN is...and BOOM! Based on her bedroom dialogue, he clearly made an impression and passed the first test with flying colors so GAME ON!

Third, just a mild observation here. If your takeaways from ANY adult game is "(in whiny annoying voice) this is just a game of sexy whores and sluts and easy women presented in the form of beautiful models and renders getting banged" and YOU'RE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT...perhaps YOU are the problem and adult games aren't for you.:LOL:
Thank you so much for the kind words about my VN!! I was starting to wonder if anyone liked it...

I'll address some of the issues that people have brought up, as I think they are valid. I've gotten really positive feedback from my wife and two testers, and also from other online channels, so this response has somewhat blindsided me.

To reward your kindness, here is a sneak peek render from Chapter 3 which gives away no plot. This is clearly a continuation of where Chapter 2 ended. Thanks again!

View attachment 3549556
Which is why I wanted to counter some of this piling on nonsense. And people wonder why good, promising games get abandoned? And thank you for the sneak peak render. See what a little positivity brings fellow forum members? I do find it hysterical that one member (y) your post while :FacePalm: mine! You (member) do realize your face-palmed post resulted in dev's free gift and your liked post genius? So to you and your :FacePalm:...no thanks needed, you're welcome!

Unfortunately this has become an all-too-common theme of this forum. I see it over and over and while some comments, even negative, can be valid, a lot of what I've seen is just plain whining for whining's sake while positive commenters remain silent. You've even seen it on this thread. Not only do people drone on about things like NTR (or even the HINT of NTR), loose LIs, morality disagreements, etc., NOW you have people WARNING devs about avoiding certain future content to which I say if you think this game is so bad, GO MAKE YOUR OWN F'ING GAME!

As with any early release(s), there is always room for improvement but your game is very good dev. Your hard work is appreciated. Your creativity and technical ability are solid and I look forward to this game's progression. Keep up the good work!
The game has zero appeal. because the characters are just not appealing; that's just the reality.

The developer can try to downplay it or rationalize it, but it doesn't change anything. People don't like the characters, so they don't play and support the game, simple as that.
4.00 star(s) 5 Votes