VN - Ren'Py - The List [v0.12] [Uncle Loco]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Our MC starts out as a fairly typical young and arrogant college boy. He thinks he's gonna beat the odds. His luck is better... Well, maybe he's at least partly right. What begins as really terrible luck turns into a life changing event when a very powerful person takes a vested interest.

    There's action and adventure. Character building. Hot women. Mystery and Sex. Lots and lots of hot, sweaty... SEX. What's not to like?

    The story telling is very good. The renders and especially the action sequence posing are outstanding.

    Did I mention the hot women? Yeah? You should give it a try...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Just another vampire story.

    I kinda glanced at the very first part again, but didn't see it seems they make you wait till chapter 5 before letting you know most everyone is a vampire....
    So a huge waste of time for me.... I know others are into vampires which is great, I just don't care for them and wouldn't have even tried it to begin with.

    The models all look pretty good save for the goofy grins they seem to have a lot of the time. The mc looks a bit like a doofus most of the time but they still all look good enough. Backgrounds/scenery all look good.

    Mostly it's a kinetic novel so kind of boring unless you are into that. Maybe there will be more choices in the future. It's still on the early side.

    Otherwise it's ok if you like this stuff. Looks like the dev has done a good job w updates so probably not a big worry of being abandoned.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    It's a kinetic novel for the most part with a focus on storytelling. I'm a sucker for this VN's themes so i enjoyed it.
    Also more of a hardcoded harem rather than individual romances.

    I was initially unconvinced with the plot in the beginning few chapters. It was a bit dull with focus on the relationship building with the LIs, dev could have spice it up with snippets of the main plot or character stories. Later on once the protagonist began working with Alexis the plot starts to pick up and took an unexpected "supernatural or fantasy" turn. Was pleasantly surprised and definitely looking forward to how the story unfolds.

    For now, most characters except Alexis have shallow backgrounds and character development, afterall it is still early in the game. Alexis's character development and relationship progression was a bit too sudden honestly, same goes for the other LIs. Though Alexis and MC relationship is adorable. So far i'm liking most of the characters and LIs, they're adequate i'd say. As mentioned before its a harem game. There's enough variety in the LIs in terms of personality, character and looks. I hope there will be more depth to them later on for their character stories.

    Models and renders look good, not enough for gfx enthusiasts but i'm a mainly a narrative guy so yea.

    As for lewd content, its first and foremost a story focused VN so this suffers a bit. Personally i think whats there is sufficient and doesn't distract from the narrative but if this is your main concern then it may not be for you.

    Initial chapters are boring but i recommend playing till at least chapter 5. Maybe wait for another 3 or 4 more chapter releases even, for the story to pick up.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically a KN at this point (0.05) only choices you have is to add 2 girls to harem and every other choice is game over / end game or continue game. There are 0 choices in how to respond to conversations or situations, nothing to shape your personality.

    The 2 girls you add one leaves for another state and the other you only see for a short time thus far before losing your memory. Animations are "bugged" in ch5 so when you finally get to be with the main li you just get a couple renders and the worse scene in the game. This will be fixed no doubt as the anims do exist in the image folder.

    The writing is boring and I failed to connect or care for any character.
    Struggled to get to the end without skipping the reading as I couldn't get invested in either the characters or the story and I am generally a fan of vampire stories.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    " if you are looking for reality look somewhere else " is part of the OP. Maybe that's some sort of disclaimer, but if I were looking for reality I wouldn't even be on this site.

    What I am looking for is engagement and participation. What I am most definitely not looking for is being hoodwinked into thinking my choices matter when in reality I'm only offered the illusion of choice. I either accept all these women or it's a game over.

    I suppose there are a few well-written harem games amongst all the flotsam and jetsam, but most are examples of either pandering or lack of effort in writing a script that creates tension, the previously mentioned engagement, and agency. If, like me, you are looking for such things when you start a playthrough, I'd recommend trying something else.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.04


    • There's some choice (but not fully)
    • Attempt at something different story-wise.


    • Forced LI's (No option to give Madison the heave-ho)
    • Story is poor, headache inducing poor.


    For those that have nothing else to try. Maybe.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    what can i say? one of the most boring games i have ever played.

    most of the dialogue in the game does not add anything . characters talk a lot but they don't say anything meaningful. plot is a forced nonsense, you can easily skip entire narrative and you would not miss a thing

    renders are weak. all women look like they are take from a kids cartoon. bodies are made of plaster with no curves

    sex scenes are sterile. yes, that is the term. it is as if robots are given a script and asked to act on it without any prior experience. there is a scene but there is no desire.

    game could not make me continue, didn't care about the guy or any of the females.

    hope it would be different for you
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing and potentially a GREAT visual novel that has a long story to tell ahead..
    Narrative is well written, Characters are great, funny, well designed, cute (minus the mc) and very likeable..
    The animations could do with branching out a little from just using the pre made stuff thats available on renderotica but it its easier on the dev then so be it..
    MC's face is a little off putting for the age he is portraying and his facial hair goatee is vile.. but his personality i like and its far better than a LOT of the other main characters out there..
    HIGHLY recommend using the renamer mod on the top of the page as it hasn't been added to the game yet and normally that's a big play or Nay decider for me.. luckily this enables you to immerse yourself with whatever character name you like and enjoy the story on a more personal level..
    The story is truly gripping in places, renders could use a little tweaking to give the full cinematic potential this title deserves but regardless i'll be following this for some time to come..
    Personally.. I hope this title has a Long story ahead as it had me hooked right away and wanting more asap
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start, breaks the 4th wall a bit between chapters, I didn't mind (actually I really liked it) and is a good setup of the story and the characters, with some sex scenes (not many). I look forward to where this is going, hopefully updates do not take too long.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far, and the way it looks for it can only get better.
    Quite a bit of mystery regarding the MC and a few other characters, can't wait to see what is going to happen in the future.
    The story is easy to follow so far, there's no convulated shit, there is mystery quite a bit of it, but no unnecessary dialogue.
    The LIs so far are interesting and sweet, especially the Main LI.
    So far I'm hooked and can't wait to see what happens more, I won't spoil what already happened so far, you'll just have to play it.
    Gl to the dev with this project.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    For an intro it isn't bad. The story is interesting and the characters are showing signs of depth. Good job to Uncle Loco for not giving us cookie cutter characters.
    I recommend this VN for now. I will reevaluate this VN at a later date and after several more updates.