So, UL is pulling a GRRM and putting someone on the HighLight before snuffing them down...
To get an heightened emotional response, you make the readers attach themselves completely to a character, and then, cut them down in a gruesome and unforgettable way.
So, review who's the character that would hurt the most to see dying, and you have your answer. We know that it isn't the MC and not Alexis, everyone else has their head on the chopping block.
Oh, and from what UL has shown so far, it will be a MASSIVE cliffhanger. Maybe the end of THIS game to make us look for the next one... If you haven't noticed there's only 3 updates left to the end of this.
Relax, it will hurt less. That's why drunks survive great accidents, they are completely relaxed. If this seems that I'm telling you all to get drunk, well, I'm not stopping you.