VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The List [v0.13] [Uncle Loco]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The story and renders are ok, but nothing special. The game really fails in my eyes because it is essentially a kinetic ovel without being tagged as such. Most of the LIs and lewd scenes occur without any consent or input from the player, and I do not believe there is a single story-based choice in the entire game. You can just hold down ctrl and skip entire chapters without needing to decide anything.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great engaging story. Good renders, good animations, and the game is much easier to play now that the game has an official proofreader. I especially like Kelly. I have a thing for interesting-colored hair and freckles
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    User Interface:...3/10
    User Experience:..7/10
    Avg:...........5.29/10 [2.65/5]

    Every time I open a game and am greeted by characters introducing the story and "mechanics," as if it's difficult to hit left click, I want to bash my head against my desk. A simple thank you and if you have something that is more than "Click to Continue" is all you ever need to tell the player. As well as "Skip this dumb intro" as a choice. And the reviews of this were negative for very oddly specific reasons, so I wanted to give it a chance. However, so far, this intro is just kinda boring. It's different, a back alley poker game, but doesn't do anything for me. And the line "I'm not old enough to gamble" Took me by surprise. He looks 35, the gambling age must be 50. And once MC eats with Diamonds, they blurt out their darkest personal traumas. Who does that? All they've done is play poker and eat a burger. What prompted such a heavy conversation? Either way, first impressions on this are odd. Is it a little different? Yeah. Is it a rollercoaster of information? My god, yeah.

    So you play as Rob, I'll continue to use MC, though. He shows up to a poker game. I guess it's to finish an online poker tournament, but it's immediately cut short by police. MC hides with Diamonds, I think she said her name was Ellie, but either way, they kiss to make cops think they're not involved and end up a a fast food place. Then, her first thought is "Let me flash this idiot." Why? Love at first sight is easier to write. Then she goes off on a tangent about how she's been raped and sexually assaulted multiple times. Now, I don't know about you, but why would a victim of that EVER decide to do that with some rando she met in a shady gambling ring. Then goes off about their past lives and destiny, feelings that can't be conveyed to the player, and wild cult shit. To which MC just says "Yeah, my buddy was a cult leader, good guy." Excuse me, what?! Then she says "You're the first guy that didn't want...that" She initiated interaction by flashing, I don't understand her actions at all. Leading to sex after knowing each other for 10 minutes. She's already lost any decent characterization. Then MC is at home, with a dream sequence sex scene, followed by his whole family being murdered. To which, he has NO urgency. He paces around his room, literally twiddling his thumbs. Only to be cut off BY THE STUPID 4TH WALL BREAKING. And they use it to talk about most of the issues I have. You know, instead of writing better they just say "Haha oh well." That doesn't excuse or shield you from criticism of these terrible choices. And they bring up this stupid red head fetishism everyone is on as well. My god, it's like there's some awful checklist everyone uses to make these crap games to try to milk patreon. "DON'T WORRY READER, THERE'S MORE RED HEADS FOR YOU HAHA." How about not including a dumb recap, followed by ANOTHER recap if the player is still playing? I know that takes actual effort, but that narrator 4th wall crap tanks any investment I have in the story to zero.

    The second chapter opens to MC having amnesia. So if amnesia is on your bingo card, please, mark it now. With the fabled "redhead" with disturbingly long eyelashes. Look like venus fly traps. She owes MC's dad, and will take in MC out of the kindness of her heart. At this point it feels like whiplash. "Let's hard reset the story because people bitched about the color of the girls' hair and the writer doesn't know what to do." I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm saying that's what it feels like. And if I have to deal with the shitty recap/narration every chapter, full warning, I'm going to quit. The chapters aren't long enough and I'm still playing so I don't have a goldfish brain that needs a recap. Then it calls out three of the worst games on this site by name. Wow. At this point it's adding up to be the absolute worst experience for me specifically. So I guess what I CAN say is for the loud majority that loves playing the same games over and over, they'll love this. And the audacity to say this isn't just about sex when there's a giant "View Harem" button on screen at all times, along with LIs that try to start relationships based on nothing. Why a "harem tracker" is even needed is beyond me. "Did you say yes to this girl?" is not a thing I can forget. Then MC is asked if he's a virgin, but he has no memories? How would he know? So many poor writing decisions. He also has to eavesdrop on every conversation, and somehow ALL of them are about him and his penis. He started out a semi-decent guy, now it just feels like those peeping games where the women fall in love with the troglodyte MC because he spies on them in the shower.

    Chapter 3 is nothing. MC trains and has sex with Madison. Then he has this giddy pre-teen fit when Alexis kisses him. There's no consistency. I'm GLAD you can skip the back to back recaps, but the fact they're there like I'm some idiot that can't follow the plot "Guy's family killed, loses memory, vampire landlady falls in love with him for no reason." Chapter 4 is baby's first mission, security gone wrong. Chapter 5 seals this game's fate for me. EVERY CHARACTER shows up, looks at MC, suddenly everyone shares their innermost thoughts and desires down to the last detail, then are the very best friends/fuck buddies. Alexis is this adamant subservient vampire cuckquean that demands MC sleeps with other women because this game is nothing more than everything it says it's not. I love vampire stories, but everyone in this acts like a kids show character. They meet, have no problems, solve the nonexistent problem, then stare into each other's eyes knowing they're always in a safe space together. Then MC has a sudden vampire fetish, and any time he talks to anyone it's about how many VNs he plays. Really? He also confuses love with dependency, the issue isn't she made him fall in love with her, he is just completely dependent on her for everything. Don't forget the only thing you, the player, have seen between them is that they watched tv together a couple times. Why she likes him or he has feelings for her is never touched upon. Sure, it's going to be some big dumb reveal in like 2 years, but having everyone love him for some ethereal reason means none of them actually love him, and the "wholesome" vibes this tries to give off are null and void. (Which we all know for a fact they'll say something stupid like "His aura only enhances what someone would feel for him.")

    This was made for the crowd that HAS to have a harem of women that ONLY have sex with MC. And they also make sure to say it out loud and as verbosely as possible, so the verbal contract is known. I'm honestly surprised all of the women aren't virgins that have never heard the word penis before. For once, the English is pretty good, I only noticed some minor spelling/grammar issues over the whole project. The UI/UX is pure default renpy outside the typewriter font. The art is okay, the animations are all heavily reused and the models are very stiff. There's also quite a few floating objects and stuff in the stills. The dialogue is not good. There's no defending that. Everyone says everything they're thinking at all times and it feels so stiff on top of it, NO ONE talks like this. The story itself COULD be pretty good, I like vamps and I would be interested in this if it were written well. But it's not. Realistically, this is only for the people that like all of the VN's it directly references, constantly. Of which I like exactly one. So far the only "conflict" has been Sylvia running away from MC. And I say that knowing full well that fighting and action has happened. Ultimately, I just find it kinda boring, bur if you just need shallow women to fawn over you, only your name is now Bobert, this is the game for you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of Chapter 10 (0.10) (will try to keep it spoiler-free)

    Story: The story, as it is shaping up so far is good. There are twists and turns as new things get revealed. Time will tell if the story pays off completely, but it definitely seems to be headed in a good direction, I've enjoyed it so far. You will, too, so long as this story has the tropes you're interested in. To listen to some of the other reviewers talk about the story, they seem to be expecting world-class story telling and are cranky the dev isn't Neil Gaiman. That's unfortunate. Maybe this story isn't your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean the writing is bad. Indeed, as I noted, it's better than a lot of AVNs. The one area that I think could be a bit better is giving the women more agency. Many, but not all, female characters have a "the MC is the only decent person I've ever met and he's helping to fix my life because of that" motivation. The story hints that there is a specific reason for this, so perhaps this is justified, but we don't know what it is yet. Time will tell. I just don't like how many AVNs have characters who feel like their whole lives were on hold just waiting for the MC. This is often because devs don't want to give the slightest hint of anything NTR-related. Generalized rant over.

    Art: The art is good, and the models are all attractive. One thing I've always loved is when the dev creates the art with a sense that the rest of the world is still happening beyond what the MC cares about. Watching the art for little background interactions between other people and also potentially see hints about future events or people you might meet is a lot of fun. This AVN does that and it's something that really makes the story more fun.

    Sound/Music: Turn down the volume before launching the game, because Ren'Py's default level will blow out your eardrums when the intro screen comes up. This AVN has sounds and music in places and uses them to good effect. The List doesn't use sound/music as well as Red Lucy does, for example, but doesn't just have music/sound as a jukebox. The music and sound fits the area where it is played.

    Choice: The choices currently available are not as intricate as something like Intertwined, but this isn't just a "who do you want to fuck" game. This is a harem game, and it is set up to prefer that you "add everyone", but it does allow you to pick just one early on, if that is what you prefer, just don't expect all of the content.

    Overall: The List is shaping up to be an interesting story with interesting characters and enough adult content to keep most people happy. The twists and turns have been good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Our MC starts out as a fairly typical young and arrogant college boy. He thinks he's gonna beat the odds. His luck is better... Well, maybe he's at least partly right. What begins as really terrible luck turns into a life changing event when a very powerful person takes a vested interest.

    There's action and adventure. Character building. Hot women. Mystery and Sex. Lots and lots of hot, sweaty... SEX. What's not to like?

    The story telling is very good. The renders and especially the action sequence posing are outstanding.

    Did I mention the hot women? Yeah? You should give it a try...
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Just another vampire story.

    I kinda glanced at the very first part again, but didn't see it seems they make you wait till chapter 5 before letting you know most everyone is a vampire....
    So a huge waste of time for me.... I know others are into vampires which is great, I just don't care for them and wouldn't have even tried it to begin with.

    The models all look pretty good save for the goofy grins they seem to have a lot of the time. The mc looks a bit like a doofus most of the time but they still all look good enough. Backgrounds/scenery all look good.

    Mostly it's a kinetic novel so kind of boring unless you are into that. Maybe there will be more choices in the future. It's still on the early side.

    Otherwise it's ok if you like this stuff. Looks like the dev has done a good job w updates so probably not a big worry of being abandoned.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    It's a kinetic novel for the most part with a focus on storytelling. I'm a sucker for this VN's themes so i enjoyed it.
    Also more of a hardcoded harem rather than individual romances.

    I was initially unconvinced with the plot in the beginning few chapters. It was a bit dull with focus on the relationship building with the LIs, dev could have spice it up with snippets of the main plot or character stories. Later on once the protagonist began working with Alexis the plot starts to pick up and took an unexpected "supernatural or fantasy" turn. Was pleasantly surprised and definitely looking forward to how the story unfolds.

    For now, most characters except Alexis have shallow backgrounds and character development, afterall it is still early in the game. Alexis's character development and relationship progression was a bit too sudden honestly, same goes for the other LIs. Though Alexis and MC relationship is adorable. So far i'm liking most of the characters and LIs, they're adequate i'd say. As mentioned before its a harem game. There's enough variety in the LIs in terms of personality, character and looks. I hope there will be more depth to them later on for their character stories.

    Models and renders look good, not enough for gfx enthusiasts but i'm a mainly a narrative guy so yea.

    As for lewd content, its first and foremost a story focused VN so this suffers a bit. Personally i think whats there is sufficient and doesn't distract from the narrative but if this is your main concern then it may not be for you.

    Initial chapters are boring but i recommend playing till at least chapter 5. Maybe wait for another 3 or 4 more chapter releases even, for the story to pick up.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically a KN at this point (0.05) only choices you have is to add 2 girls to harem and every other choice is game over / end game or continue game. There are 0 choices in how to respond to conversations or situations, nothing to shape your personality.

    The 2 girls you add one leaves for another state and the other you only see for a short time thus far before losing your memory. Animations are "bugged" in ch5 so when you finally get to be with the main li you just get a couple renders and the worse scene in the game. This will be fixed no doubt as the anims do exist in the image folder.

    The writing is boring and I failed to connect or care for any character.
    Struggled to get to the end without skipping the reading as I couldn't get invested in either the characters or the story and I am generally a fan of vampire stories.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    " if you are looking for reality look somewhere else " is part of the OP. Maybe that's some sort of disclaimer, but if I were looking for reality I wouldn't even be on this site.

    What I am looking for is engagement and participation. What I am most definitely not looking for is being hoodwinked into thinking my choices matter when in reality I'm only offered the illusion of choice. I either accept all these women or it's a game over.

    I suppose there are a few well-written harem games amongst all the flotsam and jetsam, but most are examples of either pandering or lack of effort in writing a script that creates tension, the previously mentioned engagement, and agency. If, like me, you are looking for such things when you start a playthrough, I'd recommend trying something else.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.04


    • There's some choice (but not fully)
    • Attempt at something different story-wise.


    • Forced LI's (No option to give Madison the heave-ho)
    • Story is poor, headache inducing poor.


    For those that have nothing else to try. Maybe.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    what can i say? one of the most boring games i have ever played.

    most of the dialogue in the game does not add anything . characters talk a lot but they don't say anything meaningful. plot is a forced nonsense, you can easily skip entire narrative and you would not miss a thing

    renders are weak. all women look like they are take from a kids cartoon. bodies are made of plaster with no curves

    sex scenes are sterile. yes, that is the term. it is as if robots are given a script and asked to act on it without any prior experience. there is a scene but there is no desire.

    game could not make me continue, didn't care about the guy or any of the females.

    hope it would be different for you
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing and potentially a GREAT visual novel that has a long story to tell ahead..
    Narrative is well written, Characters are great, funny, well designed, cute (minus the mc) and very likeable..
    The animations could do with branching out a little from just using the pre made stuff thats available on renderotica but it its easier on the dev then so be it..
    MC's face is a little off putting for the age he is portraying and his facial hair goatee is vile.. but his personality i like and its far better than a LOT of the other main characters out there..
    HIGHLY recommend using the renamer mod on the top of the page as it hasn't been added to the game yet and normally that's a big play or Nay decider for me.. luckily this enables you to immerse yourself with whatever character name you like and enjoy the story on a more personal level..
    The story is truly gripping in places, renders could use a little tweaking to give the full cinematic potential this title deserves but regardless i'll be following this for some time to come..
    Personally.. I hope this title has a Long story ahead as it had me hooked right away and wanting more asap
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start, breaks the 4th wall a bit between chapters, I didn't mind (actually I really liked it) and is a good setup of the story and the characters, with some sex scenes (not many). I look forward to where this is going, hopefully updates do not take too long.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far, and the way it looks for it can only get better.
    Quite a bit of mystery regarding the MC and a few other characters, can't wait to see what is going to happen in the future.
    The story is easy to follow so far, there's no convulated shit, there is mystery quite a bit of it, but no unnecessary dialogue.
    The LIs so far are interesting and sweet, especially the Main LI.
    So far I'm hooked and can't wait to see what happens more, I won't spoil what already happened so far, you'll just have to play it.
    Gl to the dev with this project.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    For an intro it isn't bad. The story is interesting and the characters are showing signs of depth. Good job to Uncle Loco for not giving us cookie cutter characters.
    I recommend this VN for now. I will reevaluate this VN at a later date and after several more updates.