Ren'Py - The Loud House: Lost Panties [v0.3.0 Full Loud] [Voracity]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    At first i didnt expect a lot from this game when i started playing it, and now that time has pass i can say that this game is one of the best so far
    This game shows a great potential, it just needs to get more content and fix some bugs. Full support to the creators. (y)(y)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    You know a porn star's hymen is less broken than this game. I wanted to like this game but after 4 years of no improvement this game still is a buggy broken mess unless of course you played the version behind the paywall which apparently has more content but if the public build anything to go by is that also a broken fucking mess as well and that's the case then from the bottom of my heart . fuck you . The only positive thing i say about this game outside of unintentional comedy that is the games poorly translated dialogue is the art style . You want to jack off to loud house characters just go to rule 34 xxx and look that shit up . this buggy confusing mess is not worth your time .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is really good I can't wait for the game to be finished. I highly recommend you play it if you like this kind of game. there are still some bugs but nothing too annoying.:love:
    signed @mounianio
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly enjoy the game. The story is really great and I love the interactions. The characters are really well done and I love the designs. I would recommend this game to anyone and everyone to play. It's definitely worth playing, so at least give it a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game it's too good too bad that sometimes because of a bug the game crashes but also no it's a great game To be precise my game crashes when I try to get the nurse's panties for example J'adore ce jeu il est trop bien dommage que parfois à cause d'un bug le jeu plante mais aussi non c'est un super jeu Pour être précis mon jeu plante quand j'essaye de récupérer la culotte de l'infirmière par exemple
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game for a loud house theme great writing of the plot I hope it will be much improved more on the next next update.pretty good game good game for a while now I have to play this again for fun and it was so nice to play
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't let the one star reviews fool you, many guys are biased, it's a fun game with real TV background and funny ero-spin on top of it all, all in all much fun even in it's early form.
    With the inbuild cheats you can even skip the grinding part if you're one of the inpatient ones.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Just a game riddled with bugs and paywalls. Not even worth a penny. There are other great Loud House games being made. Don't support this one. A great example is The Loudest House and a few I don't think I can mention here. Still I really mean it don't support this developer.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Has the balls to loli bait then also morally grandstand by claiming they're above making loli games. Spoiler: these characters aren't real, you don't need to defend them. That aside, the game itself is horrible so look what all that gained you lol
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Weird game.
    Full of bugs.
    Story is bad.
    Paywalls everywhere.
    Would give it 1.5 star if I could. As it atleast has some charm to it.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Here's my one tip for this game; don't fucking play it. Bugs galore, paywall after paywall, and barely any content. Obviously just an attempt at a cash grab. Fuck these devs, they can eat my entire ass.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is a buggy mess, multiple instances of crashes. Loli baiting in the first five minutes with nude pics of the underaged characters then having the moral standing saying they won't have scenes. Either have them in the game or completely exclude them, don't show and say they aren't.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I ran it, changed language to english. changed settings, then started a new game.
    instead of starting a new game it starts with a long and pointless intro sequence that introduces the development team. completely breaking the fourth wall. this is really not a good way to start. there should be a "credits" button on main page for those who want to see the development team.

    Then a lecture about the ages of the characters. ending with 6 nude pictures of 5 characters. which went something like "see these nudes?" "they are of underaged characters." "which is why we would never show any porn of them. so don't even ask! the answer is no"
    facepalm. nudes are porn. you are saying one thing and doing another.

    I am then asked if I want story mode or free mode. Which I am assuming mean VN vs sandbox.
    Reading a bit the VN mode is a brand new addition meant to address the fact that the game is broken and buggy.
    so I decided to try the VN mode... which just immediately dumps you into sandbox mode instead. Yep, VN mode just doesn't work at all.

    Alright. lets check some things... ok so parts of the save page are not translated to english. let me click on a random room... here is one of the MC's sister... click on her and... parts here are not translated into english. and also WIP signs. leave

    in this game "animated" means 2 frames alternating.
    Unfortunately they went with the idea that when a character speaks they should animate it by having 2 frames, one with mouth open and one with mouth closed. and then alternate those two every second until you click next.
    This is very distracting and very very annoying. If they had a fixed image I could just imagine it, by adding a 2 frame pseudo-animation they made things way worse rather than better. As the motion automatically draws my attention and forces my brain to focus on it. It just highlights the bad animation.

    I tried having a conversation. and it is really bad engrish.
    Asking mom for your allowance is called "silver of pocket"
    She then responds with "here, but be so careful!". I am not even sure what that is supposed to actually mean.

    The built in guide is difficult to navigate. most girls you click on and it says there are no scenes available yet. you can't click on next girl button, instead you have to click on back... which takes you back to page 1 of the guide instead of the page you were actually on before. The guide is 6 pages long. plus VIP girls who each command a top level spot instead of all being placed on a single VIP page for some reason.

    The guide itself is also a combination of engrish and untranslated text. lets take a look at Raven's page in the guide.
    Fiche De Raven = not english
    Niveau: 5 = not english
    +: Him friends
    -: Him dad
    I think +: means "she likes" and -: means "she dislike". and they actually mean to say "she likes her friends. she dislikes her dad"

    every time I click on a door I get the options of "Espionner" or "Entrer".
    Apparently that means "peep" and "enter" respectively. but it isn't english.
    opened a drawrer in one of the sister's room, I got a message "Le Temps Passe..." what does this mean? who knows.

    Checked my own room drawers... one says "Speciales" and another say "Classiques"... 3rd one has LGBT rainbow button that shows both lesbian AND gay scenes TOGETHER at the same time on the screen. These are completely different demographics and should be seperated into different buttons and more clearly labeled as being extra scenes (I thought it was a fetish settings page rather than extra pictures)

    A bunch of content is paywalled too. for example the aforementioned Raven is in the VIP section of the guide.
    At this point I tried to quit.
    "Etes-vous sur de vouloir quitter? YES/NO"
    its just ridiculous how much of the game is untranslated

    The game has been broken for 4 years now, so its far too late to give any stars for "potential". If its broken for 4 years I don't think it will become playable in the next couple of years either. If it does I will up the score.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, I gotta say, this game is poorly made. The idea of making a Loud House porn game is really good and could go really well if it was executed right, but that's not the case for this game. Here are some of the observations I made while playing the current version (0.1.9):

    • The updates take ages to come out if you're not a patron and when they do, they turn out to be really disappointing.

    • Instead of focusing on improving the game mechanics, fixing the bugs (believe me, there are a lot of them) and progressing on the story of the main characters (the sisters), the dev just releases updates with sex scenes out of context featuring random characters that most people don't really care about(even OCs and characters from other shows!).

    • This game really lacks guidance. It just throws the player into the world without telling them what to do and expecting them to figure it out. That's not giving freedom to the player, that's just poor game design.

    • The sex scenes are "animated"(if you consider a loop of 2 frames a proper animation), but they lack quality. The art style is inconsistent and the anatomy of the characters looks really off sometimes. There are also images that were traced from other artists and even art that weren't made by them (I don't know if they were given permission to use them, but I don't think so).

    • I played the game translated in Portuguese (it's way better than the English one in my opinion). It looks like the devs actually hired people to translate the game for them, since it looks decent enough. However, there were some scenes where I had to switch to the English translation, since they weren't available in Portuguese for some reason (it just showed an empty dialog box).
    • Idea is great.
    • Art style looks similar to the show (although inconsistent at times).
    • The game already has a lot of stuff, they just need to organize it better.
    • Really buggy, to the point where the player gets soft locked into places and can't continue unless they load a previous save or rollback.
    • Gameplay is really confusing and the player can get lost easily without knowing what to do next.
    • The updates take too long to come out (2 to 3 months). You could say the dev is pretty much just milking his subscribers by now.
    • The story is confusing and almost unexistent. Most scenes don't have any context to them and can be achieved by just a few minutes of grinding relationship points with the girls BY TALKING. Where is the fun in doing that? You might as well just go to rule34 and search for The Loud House tag and you'll find better content than this.
    • Animations are poorly made. Characters look weird, the sex positions are not creative and the animations are basically 2 frame loops.
    Conclusion: As a huge fan of the show, it pains me to see such a cool idea go to waste like this. I can still see the potential for this game to be good, so I give it 2 stars. I've been following the development since the beginning but I'm starting to lose hope for this project now. I really wish someone else would pick up this idea and turn it into a proper game. I wish the dev good luck with the project and hope my review can help you improve your game (if you even read it, that is).
    Wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for quality content, just go play something else instead. If you're a fan of the show, it might be worth to check it out, but you might get really disappointed.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I was gonna give it a one star, but it has a potential. Few things I want to scream at the developers tho:
    2. GET RID OF THAT FUCKING INTRO! I don't want a fucking apology from you, I don't want you to spend half a fucking hour talking about the dev team, I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Just GET ON WITH THE FUCKING GAME ALREADY!

    I found 3 characters where I could initiate sex. Every single time I see an impressive circle with a shitload of options... ALL OF THEM UNAVAILABLE. And with characters I would assume would be first ones to have scenes with! At this point I just don't care about the game anymore. Version 0.1.8 looks more like 0.0.2 at best. Maybe 0.0.2b.

    Someone let me know once this game has content please.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Really needs a more better guidence playing storyline and the discoverable hidden item things need to be edited to stand out more( like have them glowing or something), also there needs to be a walkthrough mod to make playing this game( public and VIP versions) easier & flow smoother/more seamlessly. THERE ESPECIALLY NEEDS TO BE: A pro-lolicon version( Which would make for great increased revenue from attracting even more diverse PAYING subscribers, example being ME, I'd subscribe if there wasnt such censorship on the Lolicon aspects. ALSO ADD CHEATS for VIPS: playing the free demo makes me feel like even after paying to be VIP, the Game would still be too much of a grind to enjoy this for jerkoff material. MOST IMPORTANLY!!! ---> CLEAN UP ALL THE EXCESSIVE BUGS AND ERRORS IN THE FTP public content version... its highly offputting to play a demo where even the free to play content is buggy AND shitty!!!!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    guy's i figured out how too have sex with the girls no modding or hacks.

    - you talk to the girls until you get the flirt option, then flirt until both bars are full, the press the 'kiss' button.

    - when you do, you get an error message but that's fine, in ren'py when you get this message you can rollback the game a choice, or ignore and see what happens.

    - the options are in French but the blue text at the bottom and the option second from the left.

    - most characters have animations afterwards an then the game continues as normal, but some just give you another error.

    - in that case, just press rollback, the first option on the right, till you get back to the game.

    there is stuff locked behind patreon access or whatever like the younger girls or vip girls/content. or some girl that are just not finished yet but not a terrible game. i mean i was able to fuck 4 girls in one in game day and it was all animated, and for me that already makes this better than most of the 'early access' games on this website.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    still shit, and still fail to include all female members, NOT A PARODY!!!!
    the "youngest" despite not having an age because they are cartoons, have no scenes as would be expected, or at least properly included in the game...

    drawing is still (while be better than it was) is still complete shit...

    if the dev's are going to do a parody do a proper parody and include ALL characters in one way or another with no crossover, period.
    otherwise stop saying it is a parody because it is not.

    further why include those "younger" cartoon characters at all if they are not going to be an active part of the game, the dev's should have removed them via story mechanics that make sense to remain a parody....
    like the father took those charcters to grandparents for the foreseeable future or something similar that removes them from a cartoon game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Gu Changge

    This game is pure trash, like the art is good but omg is extremely buggy, like if the dev doesnt know shit about coding because you dont know what to do, you cant progress in the story because it doesnt tell you how
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    You know a porn star's hymen is less broken than this game. I wanted to like this game but after 4 years of no improvement this game still is a buggy broken mess unless of course you played the version behind the paywall which apparently has more content but if the public build anything to go by is that also a broken fucking mess as well and that's the case then from the bottom of my heart . fuck you . The only positive thing i say about this game outside of unintentional comedy that is the games poorly translated dialogue is the art style . You want to jack off to loud house characters just go to rule 34 xxx and look that shit up . this buggy confusing mess is not worth your time .