Ren'Py - The Loud House: Lost Panties [v0.3.0 Full Loud] [Voracity]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game features are locked and it feels very under baked. Honestly the VIP pay wall got to be removed. It makes it feel like your being forced to pay for a remembership. Then the paths not being done could had been left out. To be honest this feels rushed and it needs more time in delvopement.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Gave this game a hard look over a year. I know kids that can program better than this. I can look past it to some small extent due to the theme and art work. But I have RE'd this game after playing over multiple versions and conclusion is this is a money trap.

    The English sequencing is terrible - I find it hypocritical. Not even talking about grammar, its the way you coded this game looks like sleaze bag did it.

    Again cool concept, but this dev doesn't deserve it. His coding is so sloppy. The theme, the design, code and pay walls all combine to my conclusion. A bottom of the barrel used car salesmanship effort.

    What happen to the real pirating on this site to teach assholes like this? Coming from a pateron supporter of real devs.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Paid the app if you want to see things, if not there is no sense downloading this game. If this was full and there is no problem in paying but the app is still under development.

    There are more better FREE games than this.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It's got promise and art assets he stole are nice. The big issues are constant error messages and not a lot of direction. If this stays in production I'll give it another review in the hopes they fix the programming issues they've been having and maybe a translator who can work with the guy to get intent across.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Let me preface with IN MY OPINION. Although I feel it's pretty valid here, the source material has never and will never be something that fires THOSE kinda neurons in the brain. Maybe in a vacuum away from all other material would I think "Yeah the loud house is sexy." Now that that's out of the way, it's broken right out the gate for me. I can't quit the game without the task manager. Not only that but it's not fully translated, so don't boast 6 languages when it's still half untranslated. There's no goal, no direction, and it's all drawn in MS Paint. Even the banner for the page you can count the pixels on it. And it's just one of those things where I think creative liberties away from the source material would make everything better.

    My advice: Scale up the drawings, for one. Pixel art isn't great. Translate it all before a release. And fix the quit function that's actually just built into the RenPy engine so I don't see how that even happened.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate the effort involved in the making of the game, unfortunately the bugs that I have encountered makes it very difficult too play, often results in restart's the game and lost of all of the progress made
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.1.0:

    Take it with a grain of salt, I try to be objective with most of my points, when it is a personal opinion I'll point it out.
    • Nice art, fitting the show
    • The scope of the game. Lots of places to explore
    • The concept of spying on doors is nice
    • The presentation is good, in most aspects
    • The game is WAY too confusing.
    • Most interactable items blend with the surroundings.
    • It isn't clear what activities make time pass.
    • The schedule is very confusing in itself.
    • Lack of objectives makes progression very annoying.
    • The mechanics themselves are not well explained, I got 2 game overs for what I assume is the suspicious bar, but I don't know how or why it raises.
    • The game rushes sexual content, as in, you already see everyone naked after a few minutes, taking away from the reward you could get later.
      • Even then, unlocking sex scenes without context really feels pointless.
    • Having to change clothes to certain events without prior notification is very annoying.
    • The calendar system is way too convoluted. Dealing with events that only happen during certain minutes is never a good thing since you'll be skipping most of the time, especially early on.
    • The coding is very fickle. Some screens work weirdly.
    • Speaking of which, distribution of screens is not necessarily good. You can only access certain girl's statuses in specific places.
      • I think it can be a far better idea to have a single screen with multiple girl categories, like relatives, teachers, school friends, and maybe miscellaneous, hell, maybe the Casagrandes too
    • This is personal, but not having Lucy or the twins is a crime.
    • The English translation is not very good.
    All in all, it may sound very rash, and it is, but I don't want to be mean or something, I really wanted to like the game, but every hit with me had like 3 or more misses. Starting with how confusing the whole game is, with what it wants you to do, and so on, and it isn't really a problem with translation, since I do know french. Traversing menus is very strange, a single day takes way too much time to proceed and you have long periods of time without anything to do, which I understand is because of the current lack of content.

    I hope the game can improve, but that's my opinion for now.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Had alot of fun playing the game it is still new so look forward to following the progress :)

    it does have some bugs and is missing some parts but to be honest the game just started so i can look past that
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game have potential but it still need a lot of improvement.In development message are annoying.

    -Decent art

    -Rushed story
    -Lack character development.
    -Annoying "in development" message
    -No guide
    -Too many time with nothing much to do in the game
    -Some place cause bugs
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like the art or the story(Which there is barely any, at all) but it does have some good potential and I'm hoping that this continues. I just hope that the writers and developers continue to make this a good and working game as I really think this has potential.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Game lacks any intuition, I've spent over an hour just randomly going into rooms and clicking on things. most of what I click on is completely useless, but without knowing what I'm supposed to be doing or having a goal its all all I can do.

    Messages are useless, wake up Sunday morning and character says "time for school" but there's no school on Sundays.

    Some areas at some times of day lead to errors which indicates the game being broken and potentially leads to not being able to progress (not that i even know what I'm supposed to be doing to progress in the first place)

    the calendar being in the room is frustrating because it means I have to constantly go to my room to see what the girls are doing and where, meanwhile I have useless "in development" tabs at the top of my screen. this also applies for the clock only being in the room.

    90% of what you can interact with is "in development" I get this game is being worked on, and I like the ambition, but having it all in the game right now just makes it muddy, confusing , and frustrating, especially because there's more in development than there is actually useable locations/items.

    Right now this game is nothing more than an arrow clicking simulator with little to no reward, just randomly go from room to room, building to building, and hope you find something useful because the game doesn't give you any clue as to what your supposed to be working on or where you're supposed to be. The calendar tells you where one character/sister will be at whatever time, however most of the time there's nothing you can do with them.

    things that would improve the game,
    -having a goal/quest tab, or event indicator on the calendar would greatly improve this game.
    -Moving the clock (to speed up time) and calendar on the top player bar would make a lot more sense, and greatly improve productivity.
    -removing some "in development" locations and items would greatly reduce frustration, as would limiting some interaction locations (doors, closets, keyholes, etc) to only being useable when they're actually useful.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I've never seen this much potential in a game before, I love the way this is honestly moving and as long as the developer just sticks to what he has started here... I see this game having a very promising future
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Promising start. Hopefully as you get deeper in the game, you can get someone to offer translations for English. The number one thing that separates good games from great games is writing. You've got the art style down, you've got the gameplay down (varied enough as a concept), but the translation is abysmal. I'm gonna give it a high review in an effort to get some more people playing it.

    Also--remove the features that have no content. It's really overwhelming to have a million things to go to at any given time and almost every single one has "under development" when clicked on. The first time I gave this a shot, over a month ago, I gave up less than 5 minutes in because there was no clear direction to go in. This time, I gave up playing after 10 minutes between the translation writing and the massive amount of dead-ends I ran into. The music is also weirdly macabre and depressing for what seems to be a light-hearted source material. And it gets really really grating after the 2nd loop.

    Overall--added to my watchlist. Lots of potential here. Clean up the branching paths until you can fill them with content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has pottencial y just recomend to suport this game to that how have that kinf of fetish ....literally everyone on this site . Maybe i just recomended to upgrade the art of the game perhaps it´s real good
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Great art direction, horrible execution for nearly everything else.

    While the artstyle for this game so closely resembles the source material, any fan of the show will find their attention snap too it. But once you get into the game, things become confusing.

    I have never watched this show, and i feel that if it is the case, the very first direction the game gives you will have you feeling lost. As the shower is not shown, that added with a constantly counting timer. Throwing someone new with no experience in the world will lead them to getting lost. This along with the "Changing clothes" mechanic need to be spelled out a bit more to someone playing the first time.

    Over all the UI and the how certain scenes play out with you having to click and drag. Give players the option to make THAT part automatic or even to zoom out.

    CHANGE THE FONT. I can't stress this enough. The font is absolutely horrid and instantly makes it hard to read.

    The fact that the time skip has a "1min skip, 1 hour skip" options makes me worried that we are looking at a possible situation where you miss a scene due to being 1 min off. If this is the reason these options were added, i can see future frustration with people just adding a mod to fix it. Better to nip it now in the bud than having to change it down the road.

    The english in this game suffers from quite a few issues, but considering that this seems to be a french team with english options in Beta, it is easy to forgive quite a lot.
    So, if you have gotten this far, you might think i hate this game. But the truth is that i think this does have a lot of potential to stand with similar games like 4 Elements Trainer and others of the like. But for that to happen, i think the devs need to stand back and ask "What can be simpler" when looking at the game.

    The foundation seems to be there and ready for all the ideas and features they want in the future, but as a demo it did its job and made me click the Follow button. I just hope that it becomes a smoother experience as the game continues.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Excellent game awesome dialog with every min of your time
    are could use an improvement but overall every thing is awesome but it need time and the creater need to give it more time

    going to rewatch the cartoon
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    le jeu est très intuitif.
    J'ai adoré le système d'espionnage via la serrure.
    Habituellement, je suis peu emballée par les jeux où le protagoniste est un homme. Mais là, la qualité des graphismes et l'humour font voler cette réticence en éclats.
    J'attendrais les prochaines mise à jour impatiemment.
    BRAVO !

    the game is very intuitive.
    I loved the spy system through the lock.
    Usually, I'm not very keen on games where the protagonist is a man. But in this case, the quality of the graphics and the humor make this reluctance explode.
    I'll be looking forward to the next updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, very exciting, I hope there will be all the taboos said at the start

    Looking forward to see the mother in the doghouse!

    The demo heralds a promising future for the game and the possibilities are endless!

    I can only support a game that is not afraid of taboos and which is also made by a French speaker