Game lacks any intuition, I've spent over an hour just randomly going into rooms and clicking on things. most of what I click on is completely useless, but without knowing what I'm supposed to be doing or having a goal its all all I can do.
Messages are useless, wake up Sunday morning and character says "time for school" but there's no school on Sundays.
Some areas at some times of day lead to errors which indicates the game being broken and potentially leads to not being able to progress (not that i even know what I'm supposed to be doing to progress in the first place)
the calendar being in the room is frustrating because it means I have to constantly go to my room to see what the girls are doing and where, meanwhile I have useless "in development" tabs at the top of my screen. this also applies for the clock only being in the room.
90% of what you can interact with is "in development" I get this game is being worked on, and I like the ambition, but having it all in the game right now just makes it muddy, confusing , and frustrating, especially because there's more in development than there is actually useable locations/items.
Right now this game is nothing more than an arrow clicking simulator with little to no reward, just randomly go from room to room, building to building, and hope you find something useful because the game doesn't give you any clue as to what your supposed to be working on or where you're supposed to be. The calendar tells you where one character/sister will be at whatever time, however most of the time there's nothing you can do with them.
things that would improve the game,
-having a goal/quest tab, or event indicator on the calendar would greatly improve this game.
-Moving the clock (to speed up time) and calendar on the top player bar would make a lot more sense, and greatly improve productivity.
-removing some "in development" locations and items would greatly reduce frustration, as would limiting some interaction locations (doors, closets, keyholes, etc) to only being useable when they're actually useful.