May 31, 2019
The buttons are way too large, taking away space that could be used for useful information. All the points under "Notebook" could be put somewhere on the regular screen so you don't have to click multiple times. I like that you mapped keys for options, but 1, 2 and 3 being mapped to outfits is kinda pointless. Some outcomes in Class will throw you back to the main menu, when you just want to finish all the classes, completely interrupting the flow.

All in all, the UI should be way tighter, smaller and more informative. Something like this would be more than enought for the buttons: View attachment 3352192

Nobody wants to click all the time in a rather.....hands off....gaming experience.
There's not a lot that can be done, so long as the dev strives to bend over backwards for mobile users. Why people play porn games on their phone is a concept I can never fully wrap my head around, but I digress.

I'm sure the game looks fine on mobile, but on a fullscreen desktop browser, it's a fucking nightmare. Images and vids are fucking huge filling up the entire screen (despite there being no resolution in the images/vids to spare to do that so you're looking at pixelated garbage), and dialogue stretches to the width of the entire screen making it a nightmare to actually read. Can't forget to mention for the dialogue the strange decision to have player dialogue on the right, and the other person's on the left. I guess it's supposed to look a little bit like a text conversation, where your texts are on the right, but the text in the game is right aligned for some ungodly reason, have it left aligned for pete's sake.

On the bright side, at least the dev moved the avatar to the left sidebar, so there isn't two sidebars to make the screen feel even more busy and cramped, so there's that. Navigation isn't terrible anymore, which is a plus as well. It's still bad, but less bad.
I just want some fucking breathing room on the desktop. Main content on full screen should take up like 50% of the screen's real estate, centered, sandwiched between 25% of empty space on both sides (with the sidebar in tow, the numbers change slightly). Wouldn't hurt to have images be normal sized either. Either their default resolution, or blown up ever so slightly to like 125% at most.

Slightly unrelated, but I think the change to the more sandboxy, freeform nature kind of hurt the game overall. While a bit slow and monotonous, before, the stories had interplay and relied on each other. Now it's just a potluck of things put together that seem like they should go together, but they've been separated and can be completed out of order. Don't even get me started on how the clinic ruins any sense of "progression" or consequence either. Main MC dude can swap genders and assets faster than he can change underwear. Kind of weird to think he has any kind of problem at all with being feminized.

For what it's worth, I don't hate the game, I just hate how it's presented, and it still seems like it's chasing that potential it had all those years ago but never quite reached due to heavy refactoring. I still think it could reach that potential, but I think the game would have to be ripped up from its roots and re-planted at this point, so to speak.

Anyway, I'll step down from the soapbox and let someone else take a turn.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
I think the diner is bugged. I can't get past 10, even wearing the correct work clothes. There's just no button or anything.


Jul 1, 2020
I'm honestly surprised that the art still looks the way it does. Dude is making 1,000+ a month, and can't be bothered to get nicer art or phase out the real porn?
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Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
The buttons are way too large, taking away space that could be used for useful information. All the points under "Notebook" could be put somewhere on the regular screen so you don't have to click multiple times. I like that you mapped keys for options, but 1, 2 and 3 being mapped to outfits is kinda pointless. Some outcomes in Class will throw you back to the main menu, when you just want to finish all the classes, completely interrupting the flow.

All in all, the UI should be way tighter, smaller and more informative. Something like this would be more than enought for the buttons: View attachment 3352192

Nobody wants to click all the time in a rather.....hands off....gaming experience.
Here is what I came up with.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
There's not a lot that can be done, so long as the dev strives to bend over backwards for mobile users. Why people play porn games on their phone is a concept I can never fully wrap my head around, but I digress.

I'm sure the game looks fine on mobile, but on a fullscreen desktop browser, it's a fucking nightmare. Images and vids are fucking huge filling up the entire screen (despite there being no resolution in the images/vids to spare to do that so you're looking at pixelated garbage), and dialogue stretches to the width of the entire screen making it a nightmare to actually read. Can't forget to mention for the dialogue the strange decision to have player dialogue on the right, and the other person's on the left. I guess it's supposed to look a little bit like a text conversation, where your texts are on the right, but the text in the game is right aligned for some ungodly reason, have it left aligned for pete's sake.

On the bright side, at least the dev moved the avatar to the left sidebar, so there isn't two sidebars to make the screen feel even more busy and cramped, so there's that. Navigation isn't terrible anymore, which is a plus as well. It's still bad, but less bad.
I just want some fucking breathing room on the desktop. Main content on full screen should take up like 50% of the screen's real estate, centered, sandwiched between 25% of empty space on both sides (with the sidebar in tow, the numbers change slightly). Wouldn't hurt to have images be normal sized either. Either their default resolution, or blown up ever so slightly to like 125% at most.

Slightly unrelated, but I think the change to the more sandboxy, freeform nature kind of hurt the game overall. While a bit slow and monotonous, before, the stories had interplay and relied on each other. Now it's just a potluck of things put together that seem like they should go together, but they've been separated and can be completed out of order. Don't even get me started on how the clinic ruins any sense of "progression" or consequence either. Main MC dude can swap genders and assets faster than he can change underwear. Kind of weird to think he has any kind of problem at all with being feminized.

For what it's worth, I don't hate the game, I just hate how it's presented, and it still seems like it's chasing that potential it had all those years ago but never quite reached due to heavy refactoring. I still think it could reach that potential, but I think the game would have to be ripped up from its roots and re-planted at this point, so to speak.

Anyway, I'll step down from the soapbox and let someone else take a turn.
The image sizes can be adjusted with the media slider and the default media rules should cover some of that. It's not foolproof though.

As for your second point, I think you're right. When things were linear I had a much better handle on things, I think I rushed the whole "open world" thing a little too early and now I'm forced to go back and atone for past me's mistakes. I'm planning a bit of a "intro section" sometime in the future, though I can't say when. The idea will be that you'll go through the basic scenes with Riley and Bailey and get introduced to the world a bit before just being thrust out into my incomplete sandbox. There will be an option to skip that of course, which should add a bit of replayability.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
I've had a bit of extra free time today, so I'll go ahead and keep you guys posted like I did on patreon. The UI is "HOPEFULLY" getting better. Here's a sneak peek of the preliminary UI, tell me if you love or hate it and why.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Piratefishes
May 31, 2019
The image sizes can be adjusted with the media slider and the default media rules should cover some of that. It's not foolproof though.
Ah yeah, guess I missed that bit. That's on me. Still, I maintain the bit I said about how the text should be laid out. Shrink the middle section, left align the text for both speakers so your eye doesn't have to search for the starting point of the next sentence. Or simply have the icons for both speakers on the left, and left align all the text.
The entire game taking up the entire screen is still a bit much though. Negative space is important.

As for your second point, I think you're right. When things were linear I had a much better handle on things...
I know you're still working on fixing the whole sandbox "debacle", though. I don't think you "rushed the whole "open world" thing a little too early" but rather I think it was a bit too late. You had an already existing game on your hands and started chopping it up into bits and pieces when it wasn't designed that way.
For what it's worth, after playing it recently, I don't mind the sandboxy nature too much, but I do wish there was more of a progression to it and a common thru-line that ties things together better. I don't know if an intro section will do that past the prologue.
I think content gating would be the way to go. Have certain stories progress only so much before requiring some kind of major milestone/event to happen before continuing on. You wouldn't have to do it with every side character and the like, but I think the major storylines could support each other better. I also think the whole feminization angle could have a better progression. The clinic being available so early breaks that extremely hard. As mentioned previously.

Like the biggest problem I have, is all of that progression used to be there, the game had it. Riley/Bailey's progression were tied together, you couldn't break the sequence by going to the clinic and getting a pussy because it unlocked by progressing Lexi's section (don't know if a side character was the best place to put it, but it was better than having it immediately available), the MC doesn't start getting tits and ass from hormones until it's "reasonable enough", and the reactions the MC had for a given situation more or less made sense because they haven't progressed past that point with someone else. Sure it was a bit grindy at times, and certain scenes being basically nothing kind of felt lame, but that thru-line was there enough for the game to have a progression.
The problem with giving the player access to everything at the start, is that it devalues everything. Like people asking for 100% saves of game before they've even started it.

I think that thinking about the game in terms of stages or acts, while still keeping the sandbox element, is the way to give the player a meaningful sense of progression, have greater control over your story beats, and gives you as a dev greater control over how the player interacts with your content. Not in a "you can't go this way, turn back" kind of way, but a way that gives you a means of "composing" your content like you'd compose a photo or script. Shining light on bits you want the player to take note of and find important, leading their decisions and interactions in an organic way, and giving your characters emphasis based on how the player interacts with them.

But I think that's enough of me rambling. For what it's worth, I do know you're putting good effort into the game, and I applaud it. Keep it up.

Here's a sneak peek of the preliminary UI, tell me if you love or hate it and why.
As for this, I don't really feel one way or another about it. It's largely the same from what I can see. The move from black backgrounds on the buttons is better, but fundamentally it's the same layout, just with more effects. Which I don't really think add to the game. They're just there. To be fair though, it is the rough layout I suggested a few years back with mockups, so any fault I would have with it would be on me.
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