meant to write this ages ago.
I managed to play through the new content in one sitting. Still very much looking forward to seeing where it goes. I am curious how much you already have planned out/in mind. For example (without spoilers as to what, obviously) when you started had you already decided what was causing the attacks (it has been interesting so far that the game has been living quite the equal opportunity for it to be Supernatural or a human up to no good and covering their tracks well).
Someone mentioned they enjoyed the investigation and being poked about it and wanted more of it. I don't mind that... but maybe not too many more jump scares, it was fine we had some early on to set it up... but it is also a porn game I'm not normally in a position when I want a sudden scare while playing
I liked in the previous update the game allowed us some out-of-continutity repeatable content, so even if you're stuck or have reached the end of the current content (or the current content that provides sex scenes) you can still have access to some. Something I'd like to see is a feature similar to the "memories" from Paradise Lost so that you can go back an repeat scenes, for example you can't see Julia's scenes at the end of the current content or Emma's scenes from in the confessional etc etc. I know in Paradise Lost there was an "in character reason" for it which wouldn't apply to this one. Maybe in the Alchemist's Laboratory you can meditate and recall things you've done so far... I'm not sure. It's not something 100% necessary but it'd be a nice addition.