All-in-all, you are looking at it at the wrong way the secret was not belong to Kaija or MC's parents to begin with, MC have the right to know it, they withheld the truth. What Kaija did was on top of what they did together. She was not truthful with their friendship or relationship. She was deceiving MC just by being near him, the very nature of they are side by side was Kaija's duty. Iirc, there was a line that mentioned when Kaija started to change they were falling apart as friends. If we take it at it's front value, we can safely assume if Kaija was not duty bound to MC they were not going to stay as friends any longer or they will had a chance to start relationship. So the foundation of whatever they have was built on the lie.
This is the part I debate. Does the MC have a
right to know? Obviously he wants to know, and being the Grand Master's son demonstrably puts him in danger that he's poorly equipped to handle thanks to his ignorance. But on the flip side, operational security is a real thing; we've seen how hard it is for the MC to sit idly by. I wouldn't blame Kaija or anyone else for thinking he'd say or do something that could compromise Kaija's cover if he knew the truth.
Moreover, the MC is hardly the only person ignorant of Neverwhere et al. It's a global masquerade, and from everything we've seen the Templars are not the ones enforcing it. Given that, I can't judge whether the MC "deserves" to know the truth without knowing who is ultimately behind the secrecy and why they maintain it. The ends don't inherently *justify* the means , but they do count for something. If there are legitimate downsides to knowing the truth, that's very different than if hiding the truth makes it easier to pull the wool over peoples' eyes.
And either way, most of the fault here would fall on the Templars not Kaija: she was a child when she was ordered to start lying the MC, the Templars (and the MC's parents) were not.
You are right it's hard to assess but there is a way I believe, we can do that by what our choices mean. All the physical intimacy have negative effect on her, while caring her have positive one. So we can safely say, she was not there for what they had in the love path. So in the love path, she loves MC but she is far from being bf-gf with him. Thus, she was lying about that even on the love path.
That's a fair read, but it does contradict Kaija's story that she
refused to enter into a physical relationship with the MC when ordered and only did so when it happened naturally (on her love path). My take is slightly different. I think that Kaija has begun to feel guilty about physical intimacy fairly recently, precisely because she knows it will ultimately lead to a deeper relationship where she WILL owe the MC some answers. She isn't ready to give those answers yet, so she tries to hold off on deepening the relationship as well.
It's not a great solution by any means, and it's clearly causing friction with the MC. I don't blame anyone who holds it against Kaija. But for myself, I am fairly sympathetic to her because I see her situation as something of a no win scenario where all the options are potentially terrible and so she's avoiding the choice as long as possible. It's a very human thing to do.
Those secrets almost got you killed. Oh sorry babe, yeah I've been HIV for 5 years before I met you...sorry, really didn't think it was important to tell you. Really any different? So no, even on the 'love path'...she never loved him. Because you don't treat people you supposedly and apparently love like that. That isn't love, it's self preservation. Like the old cookie, are you sorry you did it...or that you got found out?
Again, I don't think that's a fair statement because we still have no idea what additional danger the MC would be put in
because he knows the truth. Secrets this big aren't kept without considerable motivation. Plus, even if Kaija personally disagrees with the Templars' assessment of the danger, they're the ones with authority over her. If she flat out disobeys her orders, she will soon be in no position to help the MC at all. That's a net negative to the MC's safety even if we completely ignore Kaija's desire to continue being a Templar.
Ya know, I was about to go on a tangent about shit that doesn't really matter about what some think, don't think, should think, about how asleep they are even though their eyes are open. But why? We can discuss shit till we're blue in the face and none of it matters. In the end its just:
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