It's true Mab might have been ambushed by something more dangerous than off-brand-Statham, but she's not far from her territory, she had guards, and she's clearly a powerhouse. The risk seems minimal, especially from her point of view if we assume she has the ego we'd expect of a highborn elf.
I agree the Templars seem way too weak to maintain a two-sided rivalry with the elves. It's just one more question I'm hoping we can finally get some answers to now that the apparent brains of the outfit are back.
As far as Mab having a telepathic ability, I thought the game flat out told the Queen's Gaze was a kind of telepathy, or at the very least some sort of invasive psychometry. I took it as something akin to a one sided Vulcan Mind Meld, with a side of Detect Magic for good measure.
But I should probably shut up and let you get back to work.