Unity - The Night Driver [v1.1b] [BlackToad]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    My ratings for this Game:


    +Game Play
    +Great Renders
    +Not boring , something always happens
    +Lots of Gameplay
    +Worth every megabyte of download

    - Game Freezes


    I really enjoyed this Game,it separates itself from other Games that start getting boring with always the same characters which makes you think you played it before, this game comes out with a complete new style of playing which I loved, the only thing that stopped me from giving it a five star rating is the fact that the game tends to freeze at different scenes,which you cant get out of.....if you saved your game before this happens, then your good to go, other then this the Game is Great.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, it's a actual game, along with hot scenes (love the art).
    It's reminds me of the old classics, and generally i hope the develoupers keeps at it.

    So all i can say, is keep at it. the graphics are A+ and gameplay is smooth, in a modern day setting this definitely meets the standards of a "proper" game with erotica.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story and good scenes. Only thing is you can't skip text as of now and there are bugs that hinder moving forward. If you don't have a save? a bug may force you to start from the beginning. For what it is right now, it's still good.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Considering the biggest flaw I can find would be the occasional typos and grammar error, I think it's safe to say that the game is really swimming above the rest.
    • The visual are greats -and unique, which is refreshing in a sea of games that use default assets over and over again- and the atmosphere is top notch.

    • The game is well paced, it flows very well: There's no grind, just a smooth progression through the story that is slightly influenced by your choice .

    • The lewd scenes are all well integrated in the story, it blends perfectly with the story.

    • The story is actually pretty griping. There's just enough mystery shrouding the plot to keep thing interesting, and I'm curious to see how things will unfold.
    All in all, the game has a lot of potential. It deserves your attention for sure.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, you can tell the dev spent alot of time on this, the graphics, the lighting, the music, its all very well made. The Art is exceptional, the animations are solid, the story is intriguing. Keep this up.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm looking forward to the new update. I also found it very successful. You have done everything that should be in a game down to the fine detail. Almost GTA5 style ;) but if we don't just look at our progress in the game from above, I think it will be much more efficient.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review here, but this game is trully awesome ! The story & character are well written, the atmosphere great (even if some lights are sometimes a bit too dark), sounds & musics match perfectly the story. You have to play this game!
    Eager to discover more ! Bravo (y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game all around, it's a pretty basic point and click that doesn't try to do a billion things wich is a good thing. Instead the focus is on the naration and the relations with characters wich is indeed the most important thing for an erotic game.
    Visuals are great as well, and it even suports ultra-wide screen like a charm !
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of version v0.4b:

    You're missing out if you don't play it!

    (y) Beautiful and unique setting.
    (y) The 2D artwork is outstanding, it's not as polished as "Our Red String Club" or "Lust Campus" but it's still top notch. The main protagonist looks a bit like the guy from the Twilight movie but that's fine since the story is better than Twilight. :D Sorry had to do it.
    (y) The girls look amazing and there is a wide variety for everyone to enjoy. Plus even tho they are pretty outgoing, they don't feel like dumb fuckdolls who obey you right away, well except for a certain mamacita.
    (y) The choice system works well and i can already see that some choices will lead in dangerous directions. But for now it seems to mainly control how the women around you see or react to you.
    (y) The game mechanics are straight forward and there is no grind, dead ends or repetitive scenes that you have to go through over and over again to progress.
    (y) The writing and general dialogue is very good and mature. No broken english or childish nonsense.

    (n) Dialog choices can sometimes bug out, leading to no other solution than to restart the game from an earlier save. So save often.
    (n) The ingame hint system is missing a few useful hints on how to progress further but the forum here should solve that problem for now.

    All in all the Night Driver is a rock solid game with a lot of potential. I'm giving it a 5 ⭐ rating even tho it has some bugs right now, but the positive points clearly outweigh the negatives here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best game to come out in a while. The atmosphere, aesthetic, story, and characters are all great. This game clearly has a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing it completed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A bunch of people on this site hype out over 'story-driven adult games' but when I play those I start to wonder if 'enjoying good stories' is a euphemism for edging oneself while scantily clad cg supermodels say inane nonsense to one's in-game avatar for 11 hours.

    This game is 'story-driven', not because it has a crappy story in lieu of actual porn. Rather it has porn set in a crime noir framework which functions as an entertaining story in it's own right.

    The dialogue/writing is crisp and evocative. For example, the protagonist enters a dirty video store and asks the store clerk's upturned ass, "miss, do you have 'empire fucks back'?". Thus establishing three things simultaneously: the era in which the game takes place (early 80s), the protagonist as a lovable cheeky rogue, as well as indicating that the two characters are friends, with the distinct possibility of benefits in future updates. That alone places the writing in the game on a different calibre from the vast majority of f95 titles ('story-driven' and otherwise). Whoever wrote this knows what they're doing.

    On to the gfx. The 2d art is excellently done in the traditional graphic novel/comic style. H-scenes are properly animated (a big plus in and of itself) and apart from a few hiccups in some places, look fucktastic. The 3d art/visuals are less impressive but good enough.

    Gameplay is generally smooth and hassle and grind -free, but a few easily-resolved problems are noticeable. In no particular order: there is no skip function, text is too small, the resolution setting is wonky, hints could be more detailed and dynamic. Other than that, wonderful stuff.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Tauro Thurius

    Here is my take on version 0.4a:

    The story is very interesting
    + Amazing art
    + Equally amazing animation
    + Excellent sounds
    + Music is very fitting
    + Very likeable and unique characters
    + It manages to capture the noir like atmosphere perfectly, helping you to immerse yourself with the universe
    + Love, Lust and Dom system is awesome, and it makes the game feel like a true RPG ( as some of these stats are required for special dialogue choices and actions. )

    It has couple of bugs so you should save often
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars! This is an awesome game. I love the atmosphere, It's giving me GTA III vibes, the MC looks like Claude as well. The ladies are lovely and sexy. Anna is currently my favorite. The story is well written and the game runs smooth. I was disappointed at first because it's for Windows only but luckily It's running through CrossOver for Mac. I'm looking forward to more content in the future. Good luck Dev!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, came for the fap and stayed for the great story.I liked pretty much all the characters for one reason or another.
    Renders: 5/5
    Animations: 4.5/5
    Sex Content: 4.5/5
    Characters: 5/5

    Cons: It's a little bit buggy, but it runs smooth for an unity game and sometimes the game save doesn't work for some reason. Dev said he's working to fix it.
    Overall it has potential to became one of the best games out there
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really good. It's still in a early state but everything about it is so delicate and really well thought. Characters feel genuine, scenery looks amazing, the setting is nice, it has such an unique vibe. Music fits, writing is very rich. Excited to see where it's headed, it has the big potential. 10/10, excited to see what the future holds.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really really unique game.

    Some games have this type of plot, where a tough young guy tries to be the bad boy... but damn, most of them are thrash. This one feels different, like the entire world is really tough. I don't know, it feels more real than any other games of this site.

    Lovely characters, interesting plot, unique graphics and renders... Maybe it's still a little bit buggy, but it feels smooth and if the saves are damaged you can restart the game and do a fast replay.

    Congratulations to the dev, you have an unpolished diamond right there.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterpiece in the making.


    Intriguing story. This a crime / erotic thriller but BlackToad doesn't believe in exposition dumps. You're dropped into this world with little understanding about who you're playing as or what your relationship / history with anyone is. Hell, you don't even know what year it is. All that's clear is that your character, Nick, has a shady past and he's going to need to revisit it. All of this could be a negative but the story slowly comes more into focus as you talk to characters, y'know, natural progression. You're not going to fully grasp everything yet, but you can piece some things together.

    It's a game, not a visual novel... how... novel.

    Great artwork. I love the characters from the way that they dress (bonus points for the dev's stocking fetish) to how they look. There's a good mix of younger and older women and diversity to their appearances.

    Outstanding animation. Seriously.

    Gallery feature. While it would be nice to also include scenes that you may not have unlocked (just make them inaccessible), the fact that you can use the gallery from within the game you're currently playing, instead of from the main menu, is a plus.

    Clear objectives.

    There's a three-tier stat / affinity system but no grinding. Complete objectives and the story moves on. So far lust appears to be the only one to pay off immediately.

    The overall aesthetic. The art style, the world, the music, the characters. Love it all.


    None really. There's a few typos and I did have one bug where if I reloaded a save at a specific point I was unable to talk to a character.

    "Content" and Length

    If you actually read all of the dialogue and explore different outcomes you're looking at almost two hours of gameplay, v.04, with about five (and a half) sex scenes.


    The best new game that I've come across in a long time and well worth the time if you're looking for a mature story experience as opposed to just an excuse to make animated porn. Don't get me the wrong, though, the animated porn here is top-notch.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Just excellent. All it needs is time, barely any content as of now. But even then, it's already a lot better than most other games on this website.

    Really an hidden gem and I can't wait for it to grow, it has so much potential.

    The atmosphere, the ambiance is just great. The sex feels in the right place, blending perfectly within the story.
    There's an affinity system, so good answers feel rewarding, and it could lead to a great kind of dating sim'. There's even some dialogue where you have to answer quickly, adding tension to the choices.

    Art is just very good in general, not only does it fits the setting very well, but it's also pretty nicely drawn and animated.

    Amazed that this is done by a single developper, what a chad. Definitely going to keep this one close, give it a go every few months and throw a bill or two at the guy.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review at version 0.4

    One of the better games I have come across lately.
    The writing and plot is excellent. The artwork is original and really good quality. The navigation is also very well executed.

    Being this polished so early in the development phase is impressive, to say the least.

    The sex scenes could be longer and possibly have more interaction.
    But even without that the game really offers something interesting and unique, I highly recommend downloading and following the development of this game.

    I have high hopes for this game, and as more content is added im sure that this game could become a real block buster title here on F95.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Update: Improving it to a 4, it's got a gallery unlock now so happy hand time without any grind or issue if you want and if you do want to play it it improved on that front to so, combined with the insanely good art, it deserves at least a 4 now.
    The art is good but this game badly needs a text skip button and/or some optimization in it's run speed. If you're going to use Unity over Renpy sure, it's a decent engine, but don't do it in a way you're missing quality of play features so common they can be taken for granted. I think the game will be worth trying eventually but give it another version or two (after 0.3 when this is written) to see if that gets worked out some.