
Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Did you guys every figure out why, even after you tell the character you're dating that you'd like to date other people and they give the okay, they'll still get jealous? I'm asking because I can confirm that that still happens on a fresh/new game and I think I know why.
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Jul 24, 2019
Will there really be no breaking up? What's gonna happen if you enter a relationship with Rogue then proceed to ignore her and sleep exclusively with Laura for the next 5 years? Bad end?
Oh well, that's a really simple answer, what will hapen is that you will get a knock on your door in the middle of the night, it's gonna be me. I shall deliver justice for best girl Rogue.

I have a gun to his head encouraging him to push the writing direction further into TellTale style ripple effects lol
So... nothing of value actually changes because all you have is the illusion of choice and Lee dies no matter what?


Nov 10, 2018
In poly circles, this is called "one penis policy", or OPP for short and is very frowned upon. I find is yucky to say I can develop any relationship I want but you are restrained to women cause men challenge me too much.
Why would OPP be bad? it seems like the only good form of poly

I mean I tricked the other devs into introducing Nightcrawler as a "Tutorial NPC" and he was so well received he now has his own stats and schedule and you will eventually be able to date hang out with him at the movies and other places you take the girls.

The framework exists if any modder or artist wants it! :devilish:

View attachment 3601045
Why would Kurt, an ordained Catholic priest, have premarital gay sex?


Aug 15, 2018
I just began playing the game, and I really love it, but I’m at bit lost. I’ve unlocked the first “action” scene with Rogue after some dates, but I don’t know what do, I can choose a pose and action, but so far only the “auto” option seems to work, clicking on Rogue doesn’t seem to do anything


Mar 13, 2018
I'm experiencing a weird bug.

Pretty much finished the game, max stats for all girls, done all sidequests.

While she did it earlier no problem, Laura doesn't want to play with herself anymore. Also, still no sex from her, though anal works.

If this is indeed a bug, is there any way to fix this?

Love the game, hoping for threesome content asap.

Bit nauseating to see people ask for pregnancy stuff btw... Just, ew. Please never add that to the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Is there a way to make the girls put the butt plug in their mouths?
Not at the moment.

Did you guys every figure out why, even after you tell the character you're dating that you'd like to date other people and they give the okay, they'll still get jealous? I'm asking because I can confirm that that still happens on a fresh/new game and I think I know why.
It's a bug and we're working on it. (y)

So... nothing of value actually changes because all you have is the illusion of choice and Lee dies no matter what?
I meant more the Batman or Wolf Among Us Telltalle... God those were good.

Why would OPP be bad? it seems like the only good form of poly
I mean if you're a straight dude I guess.

Also, ask any woman and they'll be able to tell you in detail why a modern IRL harem would be suffering for the dude involved.

Why would Kurt, an ordained Catholic priest, have premarital gay sex?
He ain't ordained yet in the timeline. Also being a homosexual and having catholic beliefs are not mutually exclusive.

If this is indeed a bug, is there any way to fix this?
You haven't triggered the final romance scene with her yet. Try taking her out on a date or sleeping in your room alone.

Bit nauseating to see people ask for pregnancy stuff btw... Just, ew. Please never add that to the game.
I don't see how it's ew but if we include it, it'd be an option you can toggle.

but having to ask permission for everything everytime makes me cringe.
It's on the rewrite list we have. Though we're focused more on expanding the quirk system to not be all or nothing before we tackle that.


Aug 5, 2018
Did you guys every figure out why, even after you tell the character you're dating that you'd like to date other people and they give the okay, they'll still get jealous? I'm asking because I can confirm that that still happens on a fresh/new game and I think I know why.
Is it possible you're not having the secondary conversation to tell them who specifically you intend to date? I was just playing a new game and still haven't seen the cheating scenes despite blatantly sleeping around.

Like after telling Jean "I want to be your boyfriend, but I also want to date other people" and her accepting, you must go back to Jean and say "I want to date Laura, is that okay?" and then "I want to date Rogue, is that okay?"


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Is it possible you're not having the secondary conversation to tell them who specifically you intend to date? I was just playing a new game and still haven't seen the cheating scenes despite blatantly sleeping around.

Like after telling Jean "I want to be your boyfriend, but I also want to date other people" and her accepting, you must go back to Jean and say "I want to date Laura, is that okay?" and then "I want to date Rogue, is that okay?"
I definitely did. In fact, I found where/what the bug (well, one of them) is and fixed it. It worked for you because, in a way, you got lucky.
What's going on with that bug is that in each character's game/characters/<character>/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy file, the conditions to run each jealousy event is checking Character.check_traits('polyamorous') wrong. But not all of them. It should have be:

"not Character.check_traits('polyamorous')"

(note the "not") for all of them. Instead, some has the "not" and others didn't.

If you look at each file:

./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11:            "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:261:            "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:436:            "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:610:            "Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:762:            "Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",

./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11:            "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:253:            "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:459:            "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:606:            "Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:747:            "Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",

./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11:            "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:251:            "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:421:            "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:569:            "Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:718:            "Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
So, depending on which jealousy event the condition is fulfilled for, you may or may not get a jealousy event you should have even when you're in a poly relationship. But there's a potential problem 2, depending on what the intent is.

Whenever you flirt, it runs this code:
                for C in Partners:
                    if C != Character and (not C.check_traits("polyamorous") or Character not in C.knows_about):

                        if not Player.History.check(f"cheated_on_{C.tag}_date", tracker = "recent"):

                        if Character.location == Player.location and Player.location in public_locations:

                            if not Player.History.check(f"cheated_on_{C.tag}_date", tracker = "recent"):
Basically, every time you flirt with character A, if character B is around and NOT polyamorous or doesn't know about A, that cheating flag increments for character B, i.e. B thinks you're cheating on her with A. Which sounds okay until you think about what if character A is the person that's poly and okayed the relationship with character B? This runs the possibility that when B *BECOMES* polyamorous and knows about A, she'll say you cheated on her because you've "cheated" on *PRIOR* to her being poly even when you told her about A (because the jealousy condition for flirting_anyways doesn't check for if B knows A).

IMO (and this may not be the best way to do this, but it make sense in the real world), the moment A is poly and knows about B, A's "cheated_on_flirting_in_public" counter needs to be set to -1 (which is what a lot of the conditons are checking for).

But, realistically, once the check for polyamorous is fixed in the jealousy file, at the moment, problem 2 would be fixed.

ETA: I forgot to mention this. In my case, I went on a date with Jean and Rogue (who has poly set and knows about Jean) came in upset. But she's not upset because I dated Jean nor slept with her, but because I *flirted* with her. The scene I got was "Rogue_jealousy_flirted_anyways" NOT "Rogue_jealousy_went_on_date_anyways".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Dunno about I mean those middle eastern sheikhs are having jolly good time.
You fully know that I didn't mean that context. :mad:

But yeah. While we do make compromises because at the end of the day TNH is a video game, we do try to present the relationships as realistically as possible short of having a game over screen.
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