Although this has the trainer tag, it is more like a dating sim and corruption does not really play a part in this.
Be aware that though there are similarities, there are more differences(from what i have seen) than what is shared between them.
I am completely fine with both points (I know the first was a reply to someone else, but I'm still good with it).
I didn't like the 'trainer' aspects of Rogue Like, and always minimized use of them. I even used the Prime Mod 'no addicition' option and was simply NICE to the women. Weird concept right? I get the feeling there are a lot of guys who don't grok that idea at all.
Anyway, been enjoying Null, and have joined the Patreon.
It is clearly influenced by Rogue Like, but it is also not the same game. Although I do want them to add Kitty and Jubilee (vampire or not, either works).
Obviously a lot more to do, and a few bugs (nothing too bad though), but for the most part what is there is solid.
One key advantage this game has over Rogue Like is that it has a team of people working on it, not just Oni doing it all by themself.
Although, speaking of bugs:
For some reason Jean's friendship quest isn't ticking over...
No errors that I can see, the quest just doesn't finish, and I'm almost through her Winter quest. Found a mention of someone else experiencing this from a month back, but no clear response as to what to do about it (other than a request for error logs... which would indeed be helpful... if it threw an error, which it doesn't look like it did).
Could unRen it and poke around under the hood, but that can be a real pain sometimes.