
Feb 26, 2024
Considering there are people on this site who think it is NTR if there is another straight male in the game at all (even if they don't get involved with any of the girls, and Odin forbid they are in a relationship with a girl who isn't even a potential LI for the MC), even doing this is probably going to upset some people.

As several people have noted many times in the past, for many, many things, you cannot please everyone, it is foolish to even try. Make what you like, and others will probably like it too. Some people won't, but that's just the way it is.
Considering an NTR freak caused the cancellation of one of my favorite games Necro Detective, I have a real hate-boner for those shitheads, usually I would be in the live and let live camp. But not today.


Feb 24, 2021
no one thnigs that
No one 'things' what?

If you mean the thing about other guys being in a game being NTR, I've seen it explicitly said. "the only other guy that can be in a porn game is the gay friend". As for someone freaking out about a guy having sex with another woman that wasn't even an LI for the player? Saw it on the Summer Scent thread, you don't even meet the girl, it's the player's friend hooking up with a chick while he's on vacation, and you hear about it over the phone, and some nut came in screaming about NTR and calling everyone 'cucks'; would have been funny if it wasn't so painfully stupid (I did make a point of calling him an idiot).

Or that no one thinks you shouldn't even bother trying to please everyone? Anyone with any sense that creates something shoul realize that, or they will drive themselves insane.

If he was an actual Gary Stu
In my experience I have seen the Gary Stu/ Mary Sue label used far too often. It is used when someone doesn't like something, and is offended that others like it/ it isn't the way they want it to be. But because that is just a subjective personal opinion and others can simply go "well, sorry you feel that way" they instead label it a 'Mary Sue' in an attempt to state that it is objectively bad, no argument can be made with such a narrative crime!

Of course, it isn't as effective as all that even if taken seriously, but that's not the way they see it.

On the other hand, I would argue to a large extent ALL computer games have the MC as a Mary Sue. It is intended as a player self insert, a power fantasy for the player, that is the point. But as you also state, a requirement of a Mary Sue is the character be perfect and everyone loves him, and that is almost never the case in a game, the character can and does screw up (sometimes despite what the player does) and they invariably have enemies as well who most certainly don't love the MC.

I think the only true mass market Mary Sue I've seen is Honor Harrington. She started out fine, and the series was good, but eventually it went off the rails. I think Weber just loved the character too much and he ended up making her so perfect even her enemies thought she was amazing (and those that didn't were so one dimensionally evil that the fact that they didn't love her was a sign of how bad they were).

As a note I've seen the same idea with other statements "it is bad because of THING XYZ!", and when other people go "MEH!", they come back with "how can you not be offended!?" (again, seen it, that was actually funny). The entire thing with certain people trying to make trans people and cross dressers 'groomers' is the same thing, an attempt to make it inherently evil instead of something where it's "who cares, it's not hurting anyone else, let them be them".

Considering an NTR freak caused the cancellation of one of my favorite games Necro Detective, I have a real hate-boner for those shitheads, usually I would be in the live and let live camp. But not today.
Both the extreme pro-NTR and extreme anti-NTR crowds are very weird.

It's probvably the 'extreme' part that is the problem, not the NTR so much (although I'm not a fan either).

My word we NEED that backview. More games need backviews. Can't go talking about Rogue's booty and not flaunt it. Need to have Jean and Laura back shots so we can compare cheeks (and drool over Laura's back muscles :p).
This, I have argued for exactly this. (considered my user name, that shouldn't be a surprise)
The response was that they are unlikely to add it directly into the game as that would require another full set of clothing and piece art for each character (I hadn't realized yet just how much each character was subdivided into separate pieces). However, they did say that they planned to add more static art, so they may (probably) include such shots like that. I asked for a gallery to be added for such shots.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
I hate NTR but how fun would it have been to have Scott be a real competitor for Jeans affection?
Others have accurately touched on the rest of your comment but to address this one specifically...

I did suggest it early on but love rivals was shot down fast.

Not just for NTR. The writing team just HATES love triangles as a story concept, specifically in Marvel.

I mean we have plans on taking mishandled stuff and attempting to make it work, but Marvel's love triangles is not one of them.

PS. Colossus will become a bro in chapter 2. As Storm mentions, most X-Men are busy investigating things and going on missions. Jean even complains about her being left out.

the game is in beta.
We've downgraded to calling the current build an Alpha since we're refocusing on core systems.

even doing this is probably going to upset some people.
It did but after we turned Kurt into an actual NPC and mentioned we have plans to expand on him people changed their opinion real fast and he now has his own fan club.

Speaking of which, when are we getting a cg for running behind her?:BootyTime:
Or sexy events in general, seems all of them right now are of the girls being stressed/sad:cry:
My word we NEED that backview. More games need backviews. Can't go talking about Rogue's booty and not flaunt it. Need to have Jean and Laura back shots so we can compare cheeks (and drool over Laura's back muscles :p).
The response was that they are unlikely to add it directly into the game as that would require another full set of clothing and piece art for each character (I hadn't realized yet just how much each character was subdivided into separate pieces). However, they did say that they planned to add more static art, so they may (probably) include such shots like that. I asked for a gallery to be added for such shots.
This. There will be specific scenes and unique angles.

An idea discussed on the discord, not heavily discussed by dev talks but in general chat, has been unique intros if the budget permits.

So the intro would change to seeing Storm open the door to Xavier's study, Rogue leaning against a table in the class room, Jean looking all cool like in the process of approaching you.

Considering an NTR freak caused the cancellation of one of my favorite games Necro Detective
Really? That's disappointing. I wanted to play to get my Orc/Goblin fix but seeing the abandoned tag turned me off because I didn't want to get attached.

It is intended as a player self insert, a power fantasy for the player, that is the point.
Really the only thing we force onto the player with Null is that he's generally good-intentioned toward his teammates.

How he goes about expressing that is entirely left up to the player through a personality system that is only going to get more dynamic.

I mean you can outright have Null desire death against mutant haters or internalize the hate and sympathize with them. If people don't find that dynamic enough I don't know what they will.

The new quirk rework the devs are working on has been promising to glance at with the girls' personalities being more varied.

Granted it'll still be a binary but for example, you can have Laura just be a stalker, dom you without stalking, both stalking and choking you out, or none of that and be treated like an equal partner.

Most girls are having their quirks split in two, possibly three. Though the status of the quirk being activated will be binary in whether it is or isn't.

Jean will always want to be your Big Sis.

Laura will always want to be protective.

Rogue will always want you to hold her and fuck the worry out of her.

If you activate their quirks that is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2020
I get it, again let's say a storyline line where Jean and Scott split up shortly before you arrive, due to Scott cheating on Jean with Emma Frost( a storyline from the comics).

You try to get with Jean, who has issues after her long time boyfriend cheated on her, and Scott hates you because he wants Jean back and sees you as an obstacle. You have drama, you have conflict, hell you could even end on a redemption arc for Scott where he eventually asks forgiveness from her and gives his blessing to your relationship.

Cliche? Absolutely, but at least it is something. What do we get instead? Some weird incest play? Yeah like there aren't enough incest games on this site.

And for clarification I am proudly part of perhaps one of the most annoying groups on this site, barring NTR addicts. I am a lifelong IIA( is it avoidable?).
I mean we are going to cuck him with emma too. So after that will he be a lifelong enemy or be a proud member of the ntr community and give us his blessings again


Sep 15, 2018
Others have accurately touched on the rest of your comment but to address this one specifically...

I did suggest it early on but love rivals was shot down fast.

Not just for NTR. The writing team just HATES love triangles as a story concept, specifically in Marvel.

I mean we have plans on taking mishandled stuff and attempting to make it work, but Marvel's love triangles is not one of them.

PS. Colossus will become a bro in chapter 2. As Storm mentions, most X-Men are busy investigating things and going on missions. Jean even complains about her being left out.

We've downgraded to calling the current build an Alpha since we're refocusing on core systems.

It did but after we turned Kurt into an actual NPC and mentioned we have plans to expand on him people changed their opinion real fast and he now has his own fan club.

This. There will be specific scenes and unique angles.

An idea discussed on the discord, not heavily discussed by dev talks but in general chat, has been unique intros if the budget permits.

So the intro would change to seeing Storm open the door to Xavier's study, Rogue leaning against a table in the class room, Jean looking all cool like in the process of approaching you.

Really? That's disappointing. I wanted to play to get my Orc/Goblin fix but seeing the abandoned tag turned me off because I didn't want to get attached.

Really the only thing we force onto the player with Null is that he's generally good-intentioned toward his teammates.

How he goes about expressing that is entirely left up to the player through a personality system that is only going to get more dynamic.

I mean you can outright have Null desire death against mutant haters or internalize the hate and sympathize with them. If people don't find that dynamic enough I don't know what they will.

The new quirk rework the devs are working on has been promising to glance at with the girls' personalities being more varied.

Granted it'll still be a binary but for example, you can have Laura just be a stalker, dom you without stalking, both stalking and choking you out, or none of that and be treated like an equal partner.

Most girls are having their quirks split in two, possibly three. Though the status of the quirk being activated will be binary in whether it is or isn't.

Jean will always want to be your Big Sis.

Laura will always want to be protective.

Rogue will always want you to hold her and fuck the worry out of her.

If you activate their quirks that is.
That's excellent plans.
I just find out some gifts don't actually work if we give them again - they just dissapear and not influence on any points of trust or love - how you fix that? maybe some blocks, or temporary restrictions to the gifts? maybe mention in dialogs?


Feb 25, 2022
I think the only true mass market Mary Sue I've seen is Honor Harrington. She started out fine, and the series was good, but eventually it went off the rails. I think Weber just loved the character too much and he ended up making her so perfect even her enemies thought she was amazing (and those that didn't were so one dimensionally evil that the fact that they didn't love her was a sign of how bad they were).
Don't read the Anita Blake series then, because they do all that stuff right from page one. Not only are they absolutely dire, prose-wise, but everything in the universe of the stories exists to make her look good. She's always right, everyone literally venerates her like a goddess and if she makes a mistake or accidentally kills a few people she wasn't supposed to, it's okay, everyone forgives her and the universe will literally warp itself to prove her right by way of compensation!

I had an ex who loved the series and wanted me to read them and holy shit, they are some of the worst books I've ever encountered.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
will we possibly see Null join the team further into the game?
Or will we create our own team?
He joins the team after the Chapter 1 finale and we haven't decided yet what he's gonna do when the A and B teams form and there's also the New Mutants. He probably won't join them though.

Scott ending up with Madelyne Pryor in this continuity will be even weirder because it'd be like the girl rejecting him so he fucks her clone instead?
Can't bang your crush? Bang her mother. Same energy
Jean was dead...

Also, what makes you think Jean and Scott aren't an item because of solely Jean's decision? We're leaving their relationship vague for now. ;)

But yeah we need Cable for certain storylines to progress properly. Also I like Cable. :p

I just find out some gifts don't actually work if we give them again - they just dissapear and not influence on any points of trust or love - how you fix that? maybe some blocks, or temporary restrictions to the gifts? maybe mention in dialogs?
Both an oversight and a bug. We're looking into how to fix it. Either blocks, continuous point increase, we haven't decided which solution we want to pursue yet.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Don't read the Anita Blake series then, because they do all that stuff right from page one. Not only are they absolutely dire, prose-wise, but everything in the universe of the stories exists to make her look good. She's always right, everyone literally venerates her like a goddess and if she makes a mistake or accidentally kills a few people she wasn't supposed to, it's okay, everyone forgives her and the universe will literally warp itself to prove her right by way of compensation!

I had an ex who loved the series and wanted me to read them and holy shit, they are some of the worst books I've ever encountered.
Instead of Anita,read Kate Daniels or Mercy Thompson.


Jul 24, 2019
like an alpha team and beta team thing?
The names you are looking for are combinations of Red, Gold and Blue.

Does he though? His whole backstory is the most convoluted 90s shit ever. And then Scott ending up with Madelyne Pryor in this continuity will be even weirder because it'd be like the girl rejecting him so he fucks her clone instead?
Do we need Cable? If we want certain stories with the New Mutants, including fan favorite characters like Magik or Domino and personal favorites like Dani Moonstar and Magma, then yeah, we need Cable. And at least in the comics, while Maddie might be Jean's clone, it's borderline a twin situation because they have entirely different lives and sets of memories so now we get into the debate of wether a clone is an actual human being too and then we have to get Spider-man involved and
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