Ren'Py - The Null Hypothesis [v0.6a] [Ron Chon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent X-men-themed game with well rounded character, I enjoy every character personality and kink. The main story is well written, the art direct is cool and hot at the same time . Highly recommended.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, interesting and not overtly kinky, just a damn good game with a surprising amount of customisation! Looking forward to seeing what future updates bring, the creator seems very active so I have high hopes that there will be more to come.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I thoroughly dislike this game... for not having known about it all this time.
    It is fun, entertaining and compelling.
    The characters are fleshed out and developed, they grow and change.
    The story is enjoyable and captivating.
    The artwork... is simply stellar.
    The options you have in what to do and where to go are diverse. The mechanics are a bit tricky but it's good and gives you things to learn about it. I had not finished my first playthrough when I was already planning to do a second.
    My one issue is how easily the girls were persuaded to share. But that's not a slight of the game in any way. The characters feel so real that it felt a bit off that they'd be so willing to let me have a harem. Which is not to say I didn't want to or that I don't like it. I'm just saying... it's too good for its own good?
    The devs went above and beyond with the game.
    I suppose the only problem is that I can't wait for more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A brilliant game inspired by another great game. The sandbox/vn elements are spot on. Art is superb, characters are unique and adorable. Please continue, will closely follow further development. 10/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The creator is very direct when he says this game is inspired by and based on the formula of rogue like, but it's a understatement to say that this an amazing upgrade regarding the storytelling and imersion on the universe.
    It's grindy, yeah, but it also brings a good pacing with wide variety of dialogue to make every grind a new way of seeing into the characters relationship development, which makes the progression way more natural. Been a while since i have seen a game in here that makes me just sit back and see how the story itself unfolds, overall it's a very fun game, worth supporting. Hope to see more of it in the future.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Ruff Ryder

    It REALLY pains me that I have to rate it this was but there's no other way to deeply explain how bd the engine of this game is.

    The fact that we can alternate the sex scenes the way we want them to is quite nice but the game keeps crashing all the time. I can't close the game most of the times, meaning I have to cold shut my laptop most of the times.

    To make things clear: The game, an AVN, manages to make my laptop crash even though I can play non-AVNs on this thing. I have a decent laptop that has more than enough power to easily carry these games.

    You guys seriously need to adjust your code accordingly but also ensure we don't lose our saves like last time. It sucked I had to play it all again.

    This is literally the only flaw I see in this game but it's so bad it makes the game unplayable, unless you don't play the sex scenes but we all know those games are mostly for the sex.

    Onto my part of the review that's meant to transform this game into a 5 star game if the horrible performance issues are being taken care of:

    • I enjoyed the X-Men movies and love to play in their universe as a new character
    • I love our relationships.
    • Jean with her innocence yet kinky incest fetish is hot
    • Anna's progress was pretty slow and for the most part I saw no way in making her finish, since she wouldn't allow too much and just touching won't result into completion
    • Laura is a nice contrast and her wild side that's opening more and more is a nice experience

    Things I also wanna criticize:
    • I'm mad we have no interaction with Storm, the Demo had some conversation with her that suggested we have some love points with her
    • I'd like more moments with Kurt. Our friendship together was a nice change from the women
    • More interactions between the women. Not in a sexual way, but they know about each other so a conversation with them together would be beneficial.
    • Better explain the stuff with the mouth when being given choices. I think someone has actually explained it but I need an official explanation in-game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great ideas. Fresh rehash of Rogue-Like taking it in a new direction and literally making this its own stand alone game. As of 0.2a and b very few freezes or exceptions and a lot of good content. Story and foreshadowing regarding character's powers and side effects very well done. A lot of good content can be developed from this solid base. Good writing and very good sound track, nice artwork, interesting plot, solid wardrobe creator and sex modes. All around good interaction between and among characters so far.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    In just 0.2 version Really, the game in one release got more content than some games with years of development and Patreon backing.

    Based on the writing, you can see that people on this project actually read comics and are fans of X-Men, not just coomers who saw Rouge in X-Men:Evolution

    There's a whole team working on the game so maybe just maybe, it won't devolve into a borderline scam where there will be less than 3 updates in a year with barely any fixes and/or content

    There are many similarities, if not borderline plagiarism, to Rouge Like. The difference however is that this game (in terms of available love interests) is big as a puddle, but deep as an ocean, which I personally prefer more.

    My final word would be that I'm cautiously optimistic about game's future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You there fine sir, purveyor of adult games.
    Did you enjoy rogue-like evolution, but felt disappointed by the story (or lack thereof), boring relationships and character writing, unpolished UI's, and features.

    Here lies the solution: The Null Hypothesis

    Solid story, characters with personalities, great art, clean UI.
    10/10, cant wait for more updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    this game isnt others,the romance is so good its not like the cliche of another games this one is perfect, every action is well justified

    i really enjoyed how all the characters were written

    And what i can say about the story?
    i cant express my self the story is good as well..
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on one of my favourite games ever on the site, this games improves a LOT of things of the original, specially the art and some situations, although the original's gameplay was superb already. This game has huge potential tbh, can't wait for each new iteration
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Now that i am done with Chapter 1 content i can say that this is one of the best games from this site that i have played, i really enjoyed how all the characters were written. Specially liked the half moon symbol options on Null, they made him feel very humane to me. Loved the way the girls were done the twists and the faithful to source material parts i think it all blended very well atleast for me, also appreciated how empathetic Null can be in regards to them and each of their unique situations and as Rogue would put it how much of a gentleman he is.The only critique i would have would be with some of the soundtrack in non story beats not matching in non intensity of whats happening on screen ( a normal day), but during the story beats the tracks fit very well, loved the whole juggernaut scene experience.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic evolution to what I consider is a classic game. It takes the original concept and expands on it with great success.

    The biggest standout for the game is the gorgeous artwork. The characters and backgrounds are beautifully detailed. It really adds to the enjoyment of the game. You can tell how much time and effort was put into the game with all the detail, different backgrounds, unique cutscenes, facial expressions, animations, and clothing options available.

    The gameplay is pretty straightforward. Much like the original concept, you build up your relationship with Rogue, Laura, and Jean through different interactions and then you can unlock more and more lewd options. But, this game does expand on the concept by adding a storyline to the characters, as well as missions to complete to progress the story. It's a welcome addition as to add some purpose to your gameplay.

    For a first release, there is a surprisingly amount of content. Storywise, you build your relationship with the girls over three school semesters, and each one unlocks more sexy time options with the girls, as well as new clothing options. By the end, you will have plenty of opportunities to explore your lewd fantasies with these girls.

    Unfortunately, the game is riddled with bugs. You should still be able to complete this version of the game, but you may encounter bugs as you interact with the girls. The recent patch supposedly fixed some of the bugs, as well as made some UI improvements, but I still encounter them from time to time. To be fair, the game development was quite ambitious, so some bugs is kinda expected.

    Another area that could use some improvement is the sex mechanics. While the art looks fantastic, the animations look good and the options are numerous, there is certainly room for improvement. It would be nice to see more fluid animations, "jiggle physics," and more (sexy) facials expressions on the girls. Also, the main character desperately needs more stamina. Low stamina prevents you from having more fun with the girls during your "private time."

    Overall, despite its flaws, it's still a great game. Particularly for a first official release, there's so much to enjoy about this game, be it the game mechanics or its gorgeous artwork. I hope this project will continue for a long time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR; Hats to the devs, genuinely wonderful piece of game (art rather) they did here.
    • NOT BORING!!
    • the unique art is gorgeous
    • the animations are quite good
    • choices have both short term & long term consequences
    • mind-blowing amount of content for a v0.2a
    • well-written dialogs and unique personalities of NPCs
    • engaging story (more engaging at least than 99% of games here)
    • just the right amount of grind (backed and based)
    • genius framework setup, ready for extendibility
    Longer version:
    This game is absolutely incredible, I can join to all the reviews and comments. Based on this quality work, I'm pretty sure that the items, fetishes, positions, interactions which are yet missing are not there simply because the devs have not yet perfected them enough to be added as content confidently. Putting any half-complete mess next to the rest of the good work would be just plain frustrating. For a v0.2 (!!?) the gameplay is amazing, the content is unexpectedly vast, the personalities are well-written and built up while the art... The gorgeous art with those animations are something ultra-attractive. The animations (the only thing that actually made me try a visual novel game) are quite good too. I was totally amazed when I saw that the underwear and accessories appear in different positions (in the state how we left them before changing scene: pulled down, opened, etc.), it was something I was really waiting for but simply nobody did it like this although it really adds to the experience. Other devs don't seem to understand that the most intriguing part of interacting with NPCs is seeing the consequences of your actions instead of jumping into a sandbox which makes you bored after 20 minutes. This game made me spend hours in front of it without being too repetitive or boring. Probably it's because the story vs sandbox (free-roam) ratio is just spot on. The reasoning behind the grind (what you need to progress with the girls) is something I have seen before but swear to god it was never ever implemented so perfectly. You can actually feel and understand the (different type of!!) bond you create with the girls. I also like that you knew that you were unable to implement quality voiced reactions (yet?) during sexual interaction so you simply did not do it. How confident you need to be to go against this? Nothing in this game feels unnecessary or half-finished., every encounter, every item adds something to the overall experience. I'm completely overblown by the fact how well-edited the overall game even early on. I could say great job but that simply does not describe all the effort and talent behind this. Still, well done!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing depth and breadth for such an early release version. The potential here is amazing. I am tremendously excited to follow this one. Exceeded all of my expectations and it's barely getting started.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best first releases I've ever seen on this site. Such a great follow-up or re imagining to the original game. I was shocked how much there was for such an early build, many games on this site that release early have little more than a demo, this has more content than most of the popular games here. Really excited to see where this goes in the future.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually do reviews, not my cup of tea, this however merits one.
    This game has delivered content wise more than a few games, (that shall go unnamed for several reasons), with just an very early alpha version in few months, than the previously mentioned games have in, well years.
    Each character has their more or less unique personality and behavior quirks, neither of them being too intrusive or annoying to deal with, and can be discouraged/encouraged depending on your preference. Storyline itself seems to lead somewhere as all, depending on your choices, (Not exactly going full dark side per see, but giving into anger is definitely something most characters remark and seem to disapprove of).
    Overall, I do have to say that this has been a pleasant surprise, and all of the best wishes to the devs from here on out.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though the game is only in it's first proper iteration, it's an excellent game, even with a couple of bugs.

    The characters are likeable and very quickly you want to get to know them. The team has done well to capture the key elements of the characters, from Jean's caring side, to Rogue's inherently kind nature despite her inability to touch. And then you have X-23's cold nature, reflecting her lack of social contact through her life. Progressing through their respective storylines, you find well written revelations of their core, from deep seated insecurities to them finding something new.

    The game never feels like it's rushed or it just dumps all progress to your feet rather than pace it you. You have to work to build up the relationship with the girls, earning their trust. The story is so well written that you actively pay attention when you realise you've gotten that little bit further with any of the girls.

    The story progression itself works well, with key events serving as milestones in a way to makes absolute sense and it makes you wonder how this will shape Null's future relationship with other characters.

    I've spoken about the story and the writing, but the real cherry on the cake is the art. The art is almost something you'd see from the comics, which is a quality you don't see from a lot of games. Seeing this art here helps to elevate the game and I really do hope to see The Null Hypothesis get to the top page of the most popular games.

    I've been keeping my eye on this game for some time and seeing the live up to the hype is immensely satisfying. Looking forward to see what comes in the future.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Congrats on Ron and the team for finally publishing the product!

    Spent the weekend playing, I came to a rough conclusion.
    Its abt 3.5/5 right now. I might be overrating it as a 4 right now, but I can see the effort.

    It has similar core features to Rogue-like on a modern engine, better clothing management, pretty UI/UX and has a far more comprehensive story with seasons to signify change.

    What it missed is how static the characters feel outside of their scripted dialogue, there isn't the jealousy/npc-npc mechanic when you perform certain actions with other characters in front of them(locking door seems pretty dead without the jealousy) and the characters don't feel distinct enough, even though I know what stereotypes they are supposedly playing. Sure there is random dialogue but no consequences for fucking around.

    All of them end up banging you around the same time(at the very end), despite one being submissive, other is kinky/sisterly and last one is domineering - that makes for poor pacing. That's also not my personal experience with dating and it comes across pretty unnatural, especially all valuing their viriginity despite all their different outlooks about life and sex is strange.

    The outright missing options for certain actions/needing to beg for permission for every minor thing also feels weird and unnatural if you are roleplaying anything but a submissive. Not sure if a sub will enjoy this over Roguelike either, because the gameplay there allows npcs to perform proactive actions on you.

    While Justification to dating you is reasonable, I think how the girls are so quick to agree to poly is pretty hilarious when all you did was handhold and makeout, especially for Laura since she is pretty possessive.

    It is WAY too grindy, even for someone that loves grindy games. It's already taxing for one playthrough, and I don't think I can slog through another even if the gains are x3. That might speak to the lack of features, that make game feel so grindy tho.

    There's currently a lot of obvious "dead space", locking doors, useless rooms like the Pool and Grounds feel like empty spots even if they do go there once awhile, there is no purpose to interact there, Even the classroom lacks the "fun" factor(no naughty stuff) despite being a core mechanic.

    Overall, it's pretty flashy and there's far more story but I think it lacks the "sort of soul", the characters act kinda "samey" and the ability to do naughty stuff, interactive factor that makes the Rogue-like have replayability.

    Also kinda a waste allowing multiple characters on screen, but I can only bring one person around. Kinda defeats the purpose of overhauling the engine in the first place.

    I think though the hard part is done, and most of these can be fixed with alittle retooling and balancing. Wish the team good luck!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I wasn't expecting much from this, so I had a very pleasant surprise.

    Art gorgeous. Writing - unexpectedly decent. pacing is good - enough of a grind to make the accomplishments seem worthwhile, but not so much that I look for something else to play.

    You can see the inspiration from Rogue:Like, but it manages not to feel derivative. Good job all round.

    Now I just need to wait for Emma Frost to turn up :)