Announcement from the Null Hypothesis development team (April 2023)
First, we would like to make things abundantly clear. Development has not stopped nor slowed down in any way. Everybody on the team is just as dedicated and passionate as the day we started. Nevertheless, our team is new to game development, so efficiency isn’t always perfect.
To that end, while we will be showing you more of the game very soon, it will not be the “first release” as previously discussed. Instead, we will be posting a build of the game's introduction in a couple weeks. While this introduction may not demonstrate the sandbox aspect of our game, it will serve as a primer for the characters and writing.
You can expect more teasers and information before we post the introduction, and don't worry, the “first release” is also still coming, but at a later date.
We’re glad everyone is excited to see more, but our project is ambitious, and these things take time. Rushing is never a good idea, and we only have so much time we can possibly dedicate to development while also maintaining our IRL responsibilities.
Thank you for your patience <3