Okay, I'll stage again. I read
EVERY comment on this thread. In their entirety. Even if I don't respond.
Note Augustus, that I have the same hate for you as your namesake for fucking up the calendar and making October no longer the eighth month.
But I still love you.
Laura was a design oversight that we only caught wind of when it was far too late. We intend to fix it but our budget and work load priorities have it lower on the list.
I hate RNG too. I've been and will continue to suggest that we have set schedules. It'll make it easier for the future to not have the screen clogged by 80 girls.
We already have Kurt unavailable on Sunday mornings because of mass.
Others have answered your complaints about Charles.
You're probably the first person to be genuinely constructive about grind, and we are working on it.
We might look into nerfing love if it is that easy to cheese. So congrats on being the first to make a good point.
Fair points made. I'll pass it onto the dev team.
Others have already replied to this. We're working on it.
We're always optimizing. Work in progress and all that.
Everything you've suggested is either being worked on or discussed as to how to best implement it.
I don't like it either man but that's how it is. Maybe this policy will change but right now the dev team just doesn't want to deal with people demanding girls be made fuckable.
That and we want our art budget to be focused on characters that will be more significant to the plot.
Yeah, all of this is actively being worked on. I got no larger explanation. It's just a bunch of placeholders that are actively being worked on and expanded..
Although I will note that just because Laura doesn't have a hymen, doesn't mean there wouldn't be resistance. The girl's kegel muscles could probably shatter adamantium.
That and nervousness has a lot to do with resistance. women are really good at tensing their muscles if they're not properly relaxed.
We're constantly tweaking the system. Sorry if my responses are shorter than your wall of text lol. We're in early beta so there's not much to say.
I've heard of girls climaxing just from whispering something in their ear although I have yet to experience it.
Oh, fuck dude. Get to work on that. It's an experience to witness.
I'll also echo the whole it is strange to be constantly asking for consent for every action thing that has been mentioned in this thread.
We're working on it. It was mostly an overreaction to spite some people who wanted us to not only have the mind-breaking of RLE but were harassing us to include some pretty hardcore shit. Necrophilia was mentioned by more than one person...
This whole section has been a confused mess, and I apologize that it isn't more organized.
Do you? Are you truly sorry? I don't feel like you are.
Good choices. I'll make sure our music guy and writers take a look.
The Great Lesbian/Bi Debate:
Honestly the best contribution to the discussion.
The dev team is rather split on this as if we ever do add gay or a lesbian Null... Well it's difficult to work with.
We have decided that if someone is gay on Earth 616, the mainline comics, they'll remain that way. Though we're not based on Earth 616 so the universes where Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Colossus are gay or bi may influence our decisions if we ever go that route.
I can't think of any characters that have gone. "Whoa hey now, I'm straight" but I'd push to keep them straight
Others have commented that all girls will be equally focused on.
We haven't discussed updates beyond Chapter 2 but we won't be going the route of ignoring the entire cast in favor of completing one character.
I parrot the others in saying you are indeed a basic bitch.
But trust me, we do have plans to expand on X-23.
I would prefer Emma Frost not be a love interest. I would her role to be more like a rival to Jean.
I mean why not both?
In fact, the more characters that have zero interest in the MC, the better although I understand that puts me in direct opposition to those that wish that any female character in the game should ultimately belong to the protagonist.
I'm with you brother but ultimately we are a porn game.
In closing, let me just say to anyone who read that ignorant, eldritch abomination lurking in the spoilers, I am deeply, deeply sorry
Are you? Because I don't think you are.
To those involved in making this game, thank you very much for the enjoyable experience.
You're welcome!
I'm glad.
I hope the criticism didn't come across as harsh; it came from a place of love, and good luck in the development process.
Don't worry. Despite my sassiness it's all good. I'm gonna force the other devs to read this because I'll be fucked before I attempt to summarize this.
I believe that the Devs prefer not to age characters up or down from whatever the age would be during the time period in the comics they are drawing from, for the most part. During the period of time that the first year of the game takes place, Kitty would be 13 unless aged up, for example.
Correction, we won't be aging up characters who are minors in the comics CURRENTLY. Meaning characters like Gabby, or the Richards kids.
Kitty is the kind of character that all her character plot points can fit a sheltered and naive 18-year-old.
So wait, I'm confused... They do plan to age up characters so they're at minimum 18/legal?
If they're over 18 in the comic books at the time of me currently writing this, yes.
She entered Limbo at 6, came out at 13... The same age as Kitty.
She came out at 16, which Kitty had aged up to by that point.
She's gonna come out at 18 if we include her.
it was already stated in the thread gay will not be an option.
For now... It may be an option once we finish the game. Same with female Null. There's just too much of a workload and budget increase to take on something like that for the time being.
as for Quicksilver, historically he has been against the X-Men so I doubt he would be a friend option.
I mean he's a member of the avengers during the current point in the game's timeline.
Ah, but was it longer than the Mahabharata?
Yes. It was longer than that combined with the Rāmāyaṇa.
My apologies. Perhaps the warnings should have come before the spoilers?
It would have been nice!
Like I'm cool with Null being maybe at most 4 years older than the women he's ending up in bed with but it gets a bit weirder when he's hitting 30, dating 18 year olds.
See I've been advocating for the inclusion of the time-traveling X-Men just so it'd be less weird for an 18-year-old Null going around and fucking Kamala.
I guess the existence of someone being underage and in close proximity to sexual content was enough? It's a bit dumb but at the same time, i get why they decided to pull the trigger...
Yes. This is the reason why we can't have a 6-year-old Illyana running around being cute and why we can't have Gabby appear period...
Well... I wonder if we can get away with Gabby making hum-hum posts...
This wouldn't be an issue with Subscribestar but Patreon was still the more viable option. Maybe we'll migrate in the future.
Honestly, I wonder what Corrupted Kingdom did that warranted Patreons paranoia.
As someone who played it, no it didn't.
You gave headpats and had tea parties. It was fuckin' adorable and wholesome.
Also the Map of X-Mansion feels small, like there doesn't seem to be a lot of rooms.
Art budget. Backgrounds are expensive and are the primary reason we opened the Patreon.