Is this the case where I have to spend as much time talking to her or if I wait a few days it will pass? In her stats, it says heartbroken. That's a new mechanic of the game, pretty fun to be honest. I did feel like a shithead when she called me. Should have paid more attention...
Yes, you have to give her a few days to forgive you.
I'm pretty sure Ron doesn't want the girls to ever dump your green/ blue/ brown/ white ass, but they will refuse to deal with you for a while.
Currently if you are in a relationship with one girl, dating or public flirting with the other girls will make her mad (assuming you don't have permission to date them yet). Oddly, hooking up does not currently cause a problem (that is likely to change in the future). Once your girlfriend gives you permission to date other girls - and don't forget, she also needs to like the girl you want to also date, and you have to ask her if it is okay for each other girl - you can do whatever without needing to actually be in a formal relationship with them, but if you enter into a relationship with one of them, you will again need to get her permission to do anything with the third girl (fortunately she is unlikely to be willing to enter into such a relationship until her own trust is high enough, so all you need to do is make sure all the girls are friendly by that point).
what i wanted for jean tho was this blue and red design but cant custom the yellow part without messing the blue part. it would be nice if in a next update the chest piece being separate from the yellow spandex
Unlikely to happen. The problem is that all the art has to be done for a bunch of different poses and angles, making any such change a non-trivial thing, and from what I can tell, they are contracting out the art, which means it costs them money to do such things. They have a lot of stuff in the pipe to get done, and this would likely be a very low priority.
Unfortunate perhaps, but it's simply the way it is.