I'd love to see dates with two girls at once
Definitely planned. It was a feature of the old mod.
I'd love if the girls offered to pay a bit more, at least some of them.
You haven't dated Laura or Jean enough lol
but I'd love it so much more if there was a bit more to it.
Just a general reminder, not specifically you, that we're still early on in development. More interactions are coming down the pipeline.
Storm (as a love interest),
Already confirmed.
and a couple of the devs LOVE to explain what the girls do in comics.
It's because it's our loophole to give spoilers.
Plus it's to show the difference between the writing focus.
We're going in with two questions. "How would this character behave if they weren't written in the 60s?" and for later comic issues "How would this character behave if edge wasn't the focus of the 90s?"*
Now don't take that as us going for the "Modern Audiences" route because that's how we get characters like Safespace and Snowflake.
Buttholder's post about Jean a page back explains in detail the difference between Jean being a young woman in the 60s and being a young woman in the 2000s.
*We're not defanging Cable. Expect guns and explosions.
I think Jubes is least likely to show up cuz of the whole age thing.
Our rule is that if the character is not a minor at the time of
US writing then we age them up.
Characters like Jubes, Kitty, and Boom Boom would be pushed to 18 as the characters were invented 40-70 years ago. In the comics they're in their mid-20s so most people playing this game would probably know them as adults.
Characters who won't be seen in our games would be someone like Gabby AKA Honey Badger as she was like 12 at most when first introduced back in 2015. In comic book sliding timescale, she's like 14 now?
Characters like Kamala Khan make eligibility by a narrow margin because she had turned 18 or 19 about a year before we even began starting discussions on who would we consider.
As a general reminder the events of every comic book from 1961 to the time of me writing this(2024), have taken place over the span of only 14 years in universe.