If i remember correctly(This was prior to 4.0), you can actually sex Jean and advance with her romance stuff faster than the others due to her lower requirements per stage.1 have reached 1000+ love & 800+ trust with Jean & Laura ... BUT NO SEX yet ? OR having Sex with all 3 girls come on the next update ?
Can someone shed some light?.
The season you are in might also matter as normally you can only exceed the previous love and trust thresholds after the season rolls over.thanks..i did try to use cheat earlier but got rid of it as it did not work. currently can have sex with Anna but not the other two .
For Laura, I also got anal before vaginal. I thought it was intended to be that way...didn't realize other people didn't have this happen. Non-modded ofc.Have you modded the game or is it a bug? You actually can't get anal before vaginal, which is making me and some of the other anal only brethren in this thread sad, and It would make me immensely happy to know how to achieve it. I was under the impression it was literally impossible due to how they coded their systems, but if it's happening to you it mean it IS possible.
I spent days with the three girls at the pool because I tried to test the sunbathing mechanic. Literally days (more than 10). Jean still gets upset for dating the girls, I even talked to her before about what she thought about Rogue and Laura. I think that It´s a bug.Bug, but I haven't really tested bringing them to the pool a lot. So I'm trying that soon as well. Since the developers have talked about adding a friendship meter that should help clear things up.
Hey, creator of the cheat you're using here. A few things:thanks..i did try to use cheat earlier but got rid of it as it did not work. currently can have sex with Anna but not the other two .
i have done it with Jean. Now to get Laura to open up.Hey, creator of the cheat you're using here. A few things:
If you are using my cheat, or have used it at any point and properly removed it, please make sure to write in that thread for issues first before posting here.
- Just deleting the injector won't get rid of the cheat. You'd have to use a fresh, uninjected copy of the game to get rid of it.
- Sex is not dependent on the love nor trust value. It's dependent on event flags. I believe, for the most part, (it can be dependent on the character, though I believe this is uniform across all partners at the moment) they'll need to have said "I love you". You can crank up love and trust to 99999 and they would still deny sex if they haven't said "I love you" to you yet. (I've tried)
- Additional note: I did not add this as part of the cheat on purpose. These flags in the game are pretty linearly set (but not linearly related to each other). Adding them out of order can very, very, VERY easily break the rest of the game. You could literally be sacrificing every other aspect of the game for sex with that character.
- The purpose limit cap break is to increase their shame limit as those are a mathematical calculation of love + trust multiplied by some constant. By changing the cap to some obscene amount, they will literally be willing to run around nude even before they're willing to kiss you.
This is because the cheat injector can now do things that can desync a game's save file from it's intended state/path. It now has the ability to remove things like the nympho state which does not come on or off easy. (I think... I haven't looked in detail. Any of the staff, feel free to correct me on that one.)
Since this isn't the first time that this question came up, even outside this thread, I will update my cheat thread to make sure people know that the limit cap IS NOT for getting to sex earlier.
It was not on my bingo card, I'll tell you that muchCan you guys stop with the anal questions? You ask every single day. Its insane.
While I wouldn't bet on Cecilia being the 5th woman and there are a couple characters I disagree with, it's a very solid list. As Shiny said, the game is stopping way before Hope but it's also stopping before the Cuckoos and Pixie. If you want some pointers to complete your list, think of mutant girls that existed between Phoenix Saga and Onslaught, that can probably help find the missing spots.Bug, but I haven't really tested bringing them to the pool a lot. So I'm trying that soon as well. Since the developers have talked about adding a friendship meter that should help clear things up.
So 15 girls are planned? That's impressive. Any chance we can get some Avengers or is that the sequel? ;P
So 15 girls... we already have Laura, Jean, and Rogue. Storm is in the game so I'm assuming she's number 4. Cecila Reyes is in the game so she may be a 5th? If I can make a speculative list (since I imagine the developers don't want to spill the beans as half the fun is the reveal) These are in no particularly order.
Emma Frost
Betsy Braddock/Kwannon/Psylocke (however the hell you all manage that)
That's 10 and those women are tied closely to the X-Men. Next is me more loosely speculating like an earlier post:
Boom Boom
That's 14. Next you could go with characters like Madelyn Pryor, Rachel and Hope Summers, or the Stepford Cuckoos. You know characters who are clones or similar to other characters who are or may be in the game. You could do ladies like Stacy X, Lady Deathstrike, Polaris, Marrow, Blink, Pixie, etc. Lesser known characters from the franchise.
Finally you have characters with history with the X-Men or ties to mutants like Captain Marvel/Warbird/Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel, or Scarlet Witch.
Calm down, bro. It happened exactly the same to me. In my case, I just skip to the next week. Then girls would be show up in Null room by chance. And if you reach 1000+ love& trust, so you don't have to interact or contact with girls every single day. I think it's not a bug, it's just about the time.1 have reached 1000+ love & 800+ trust with Jean & Laura ... BUT NO SEX yet ? OR having Sex with all 3 girls come on the next update ?
Can someone shed some light?.
Well, flags, which are season and time dependent. Specifically:Calm down, bro. It happened exactly the same to me. In my case, I just skip to the next week. Then girls would be show up in Null room by chance. And if you reach 1000+ love& trust, so you don't have to interact or contact with girls every single day. I think it's not a bug, it's just about the time.
That kinda goes without saying. To be fair, it's a game, I automatically assume the goal is to have the player choose whatever they want and as such I automatically assume all girls will have all options available.They probably mean there will not be any girls that *only* take it in the ass, and will never do vaginal. Yes, you can only ask for anal now and never ask for vaginal, so that is effectively the same thing, but there are likely no plans for girls that will never allow vaginal to anyone.
You are far, FAR more likely to find a woman who will never allow anal (I think a study I saw showed about 40% of women do anal sex, probably more have allowed it and then went "NOPE!" - interestingly the same study showed that the number of women who do 'rough play' is also about 40%, not necessarily the same women).
The game got posted in the anal thread, so it got an influx of people checking it out with this specific fetish. It's going to calm down. Except for me, I've been here since the beginning, and I mean "the" beginning, not the restructured beginning, so you probably saw my posts.Can you guys stop with the anal questions? You ask every single day. Its insane.
Perfectly reasonable. Now can people stop asking about it before they get mad and disable anal out of spite.This. We're not going to include a girl who will never permit vaginal.
so far, I'd say 50-50Odds on Null finishing the school year outside the infirmary?