Every once in a while you need to ask Jean and Anna whether you can date anyone else just to find out. Laura is already ok with MC dating Jean and Anna. What worked for me was to use the "Start Following" button (Thanks to whoever mentioned that earlier). You can do this with all 3 girls at once or just pair up the ones who need to improve their relationship. Everywhere you go, they go. You can take a shower with them and even have them all sleep over. Swimming in the pool seems to work the best. I had them swimming from morning til night on the weekends. I also had them going to class together which is assumed to help as well.I've maxed out both the girls stats and keep hanging with them at the pool, still can't seem trigger this friendship event
BTW, I didn't see friendship as an "event". Instead, I still had to ask Jean and Anna (she held out the longest) whether I could date the other girls before I knew for sure.
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