Is it possible you're not having the secondary conversation to tell them who specifically you intend to date? I was just playing a new game and still haven't seen the cheating scenes despite blatantly sleeping around.
Like after telling Jean "I want to be your boyfriend, but I also want to date other people" and her accepting, you must go back to Jean and say "I want to date Laura, is that okay?" and then "I want to date Rogue, is that okay?"
I definitely did. In fact, I found where/what the bug (well, one of them) is and fixed it. It worked for you because, in a way, you got lucky.
What's going on with that bug is that in each character's game/characters/<character>/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy file, the conditions to run each jealousy event is checking Character.check_traits('polyamorous') wrong. But not all of them. It should have be:
"not Character.check_traits('polyamorous')"
(note the "not") for all of them. Instead, some has the "not" and others didn't.
If you look at each file:
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11: "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:261: "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:436: "not Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:610: "Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Jean/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:762: "Jean.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11: "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:253: "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:459: "not Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:606: "Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Laura/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:747: "Laura.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:11: "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:251: "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:421: "not Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:569: "Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
./Rogue/events/relationship/jealousy.rpy:718: "Rogue.check_traits('polyamorous')",
So, depending on which jealousy event the condition is fulfilled for, you may or may not get a jealousy event you should have even when you're in a poly relationship. But there's a potential problem 2, depending on what the intent is.
Whenever you flirt, it runs this code:
for C in Partners:
if C != Character and (not C.check_traits("polyamorous") or Character not in C.knows_about):
if not Player.History.check(f"cheated_on_{C.tag}_date", tracker = "recent"):
if Character.location == Player.location and Player.location in public_locations:
if not Player.History.check(f"cheated_on_{C.tag}_date", tracker = "recent"):
Basically, every time you flirt with character A, if character B is around and NOT polyamorous or doesn't know about A, that cheating flag increments for character B, i.e. B thinks you're cheating on her with A. Which sounds okay until you think about what if character A is the person that's poly and okayed the relationship with character B? This runs the possibility that when B *BECOMES* polyamorous and knows about A, she'll say you cheated on her because you've "cheated" on *PRIOR* to her being poly even when you told her about A (because the jealousy condition for flirting_anyways doesn't check for if B knows A).
IMO (and this may not be the best way to do this, but it make sense in the real world), the moment A is poly and knows about B, A's "cheated_on_flirting_in_public" counter needs to be set to -1 (which is what a lot of the conditons are checking for).
But, realistically, once the check for polyamorous is fixed in the jealousy file, at the moment, problem 2 would be fixed.
ETA: I forgot to mention this. In my case, I went on a date with Jean and Rogue (who has poly set and knows about Jean) came in upset. But she's not upset because I dated Jean nor slept with her, but because I *flirted* with her. The scene I got was "Rogue_jealousy_flirted_anyways" NOT "Rogue_jealousy_went_on_date_anyways".