I launched fresh run and I got a waaay different experience somehow than my previous one. I mean, I didn't noticed anything different in terms of content, but just the randomness and how I got to dating with Jean first this time (while in my previous run it was my last quest) made it feel pleasantly distinct.
Few highlights:
1. I'd like for the event 'spawning' on map to anchor itself, so it doesn't disappear on rollback.
2. I am conflicted - you can find more about that in
here - about +/- Love/Trust system, and in extension - basically whole games form of storytelling. Complex issue, it's hard to balance the amount of info given to the player. BTW - does the game have some hidden points beside those main 2? Are choices in dialouges dependand on any of them?
3. Speaking of choices - can we get rid of the meaningless ones?
Or am I this much biased as rollback user? Because that's what this here is - rollback redundancy.
The only use for that scene is if you stumble upon the event while using dialouge-movement, and at this point - just rollback?
4. I somehow got this scene in the "dating" event
Whole event was kind of fucked for me, I remember I basically had to agree to dating twice I think.
5. Something with this, but I don't remember details?
It felt weird somehow, like order of scenes was not quite right?
6. Leaving flavor and general lack of finesse in the girls menu.
It's strange to choose "Talk to you later".
Imagine, a dude and girl in uni class, they sit together and flirt, then you the guy stands up, says "Talk to you later", and sits back down next to her to have classes together?
I guess it's an issue of not sticking to one system, first person lines are mixed with categories.
So it feels like I am choosing between saying "What do you think...", "Talk to you later!" and "Dismissed". xD
It's the same way with that follow system, the options in that menu make it sound like I am taking my dog on a walk. There are lines like "stop following me for now" or "don't need you anymore".
I would, no joke, find it more natural if it was just simple, scene-less "end" - and the tether between player and girl just disappeared.