The quirks don't really effect the poly aspect. That's more tied to getting your trust to 600 and getting them to be friends with each other which currently just means inviting them all to the pool and spamming swim until they like each other. The devs have mentioned adding more ways to do that in the future though.
Thanks for answer and another for the tip, I've only gathered them at the pool a couple of times.
Unless something changes in the future, it should not affect it in any way (although, that's an interesting idea...)
Honestly, if there was anyone who would block harem route if fully quirked up, that would be Jean.
Why? hmm... maybe as one variation she'd get possessive and/controlling. But in another, she'd be a cuckquean or a pimpette!
I was too focused on getting to a date that evening, when Laura popped in to ask permission to keep being pushy, and I instictively allow each character their intended perrsonality to see what the writers have more fully planned. I
was more worried about it effecting my other relationships, but honestly that is the one character here I'm not enjoying. Sure it is intended as the dominatrix in the mix, which I would normally enjoy as much as the submissive, but it is written with significantly more detail for her to be a simple archetype. ANd having been around a few of those oddities that somehow combine desperation with entitlement and go about it with such public ham-fisted-ness, I cannot think of a bigger turn-off... PLus that jock-effect, all that's missing is the burp, ICK!
I don't know why but the big sib thing with Jean is really hot to me, yes I'll be your lil bro

It IS great! Half the games around add the sibling-thing as a variation for us desensitized to straight vanilla roles and the result is worse than blandness /not having a kink. Many, where the sibs are intrinsic to the plot, are as bad, feeling forced, irrelevant or tasteless. THIS, with Jean, is chef's-kiss!
I will note though, that the "fun" is not designed to fit, as MC is the guiding hand/top.
NEW QUESTION> btw, did I discourage Jean from her thang by paying for dinner?
EDit: no I have more I cannot find in search:
Is it weird I cannot see the diff the comic filter makes?
and: I saw somewhere something about humiliation fetish with Rogue, does like Dismiss instead of Talk Later factor into this or is that an exaggeration of her enjoyment of pain and breathplay?