
Apr 19, 2020
since she doesn't enter the timeline for a while.
I mean... I'm thankful for the help, I swear I wouldn't have asked otherwise - but I'm not reading all of that... can I get, like, your favourite few issues or so?
Also, the despictions of her just get wilder and wilder with time; she's gone from having a huge forehead, to covering it up, to brushing it aside - which is just absolutely sexy, by the way, I want that in the game (that X-force cover has gotten me hard since the first time I saw it).
I'm also pleasently surprised at how they found a girl that looks so much like young Laura for Logan, that kid had the meanest set of brows and it fits really well.

Eh, some things will happen but Null gaining the power to protect his friends is pretty much his character arc. That's not really a spoiler since y'all already know he has a purely defensive power that he trains to control better.

Though our "bitter/anti-hero" dialogue will allow you to ditch the power of friendship vibe.
Ok, you guys going with that route then? We'll have an actual arc, we won't be a guy that just wins? Or the guy that follows the people that win all around?

Damn it, Shiny, you got me actually interested in a video-game story since Mafia: DE's announcement. Fuck.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
can I get, like, your favourite few issues or so?
Honestly? Just read and . The events of both runs will be canon to the X-23 you'll be meeting in the game. The key differences are-

Because Captain America is Nomad during the time we had to push to so we could include Laura in the game, she is never taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D

The broadcast of Xavier revealing he's a mutant to the world doesn't happen.

Laura is 17 in Target X instead of 15 so she can be 18 for The Null Hypothesis.

Ignore the appearance of Emma Frost.

Feel free to read ahead but and will not be canon as those events deliberately rely on Laura being separated from the X-Men by S.H.E.I.L.D and Captain America.

Edit: Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 and will happen differently due to Laura already living with the X-Men.

Everything after that will be woven into the story or delayed as necessitated.

Ok, you guys going with that route then? We'll have an actual arc, we won't be a guy that just wins? Or the guy that follows the people that win all around?
Oh hell no. You wanna "win"? :ROFLMAO:

You're going to a school to learn how to be a superhero. Don't plan on being one day 1.
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Apr 19, 2020
Honestly? Just read and . The events of both runs will be canon to the X-23 you'll be meeting in the game.
Much easier, thank you.

Oh hell no. You wanna "win"? You're going to a school to learn how to be a superhero. Don't plan on being one day 1.
It's the easier route people take with porn, hah. But yeah, appreciate you guys for apparently not taking it; we'll have to see how much further restraint all of you show.
Good thing it won't take too long now - and for the record, I don't want to win anything but a good time.


Aug 5, 2018
Now what are the sexiest real comics/panels?

Y'all ever read any of Tracy Scops stuff? Mostly Spider-Man but there are some okay X-men porn comics.


Apr 19, 2020
Now what are the sexiest real comics/panels?

Y'all ever read any of Tracy Scops stuff? Mostly Spider-Man but there are some okay X-men porn comics.
I did see some of Tracy's, yeah. I remember one about... incest, I think. Was hot.

I was edgy, so I saw Shadman. He had X-23 stuff, but you can imagine what it was if you know Shad.


Apr 5, 2018
Doesn't have a face? She even has a toy, sadly I didn't find it at my local store during that time period.

After looking around the card is fake, so the toy might be too. I am quite disappointed.
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Apr 19, 2020
Doesn't have a face? She even has a toy, sadly I didn't find it at my local store during that time period.

After looking around the card is fake, so the toy might be too. I am quite disappointed.
I don't believe this is real, and I refuse to look it up based on the fact that I have - some - respect for what I put into my head.
Also... uh... y'know, what? There's also someone called Eye-scream? Who turns into... different flavours...

Ok, so this is probably a dumb question, and I may really regret asking, but how exactly does that power help her to fight crime???
Can't a girl just be quirk and useless from time to time? She plays a support role, if a character is ever hungry or needs ice for a bruise after a fight, they call her. She actually makes herself more useless than she is since she could cure world hunger.
Sep 20, 2020
Wo why is this thread so silent suddenly? Where's rapeseed's continuous stream of questions XD

Okay I have a question - what kinda gifts can I give the gals? Will they just be clothes and sex toys and lewd magazines? Can I gift them something special - something unique that only a specific gal would like and appreciate. Maybe saving up money to gift a ring or smthin else the gal always had her eyes on - she didn't tell the MC to buy it but for her but you picked it up this info from the conversation and then later gave them a surprise gift. Ring is just an example - it can be anything other than lewd dresses and toys -I love those 2 things (the lewd costumes and toys) but I also want some varieties- somethin personal to the Gal


Apr 19, 2020
Wo why is this thread so silent suddenly? Where's rapeseed's continuous stream of questions XD
The game's coming sometime soon, and I've had about 10 pages of questions answered, hah. Besides, I'm always trying to comment on something to make sure the thread has some activity - I had to nothing to say about Soft Serve but I still decided to make a little joke about her.
I'm here from 07:00 EST to 20:00 EST. Usually doesn't take long to write a reply down, and it's fun, so keep 'em coming and I'll do the same.

Okay I have a question - what kinda gifts can I give the gals? Will they just be clothes and sex toys and lewd magazines? Can I gift them something special - something unique that only a specific gal would like and appreciate.
I'm hoping we can gift them non-perishable snacks and buy clothes without them being there with us - I don't want that to be the only way, tho', and I'd like to get opinions on the clothes I buy, rather than just a simple description of what I just brought.

Maybe saving up money to gift a ring or smthin else the gal always had her eyes on - she didn't tell the MC to buy it but for her but you picked it up this info from the conversation and then later gave them a surprise gift. Ring is just an example - it can be anything other than lewd dresses and toys -I love those 2 things (the lewd costumes and toys) but I also want some varieties- somethin personal to the Gal
Relationship rings are a thing, aren't they? I've never given one to a girl, I'm not even the one to ask them if they want to date - but it's a thing that exists, a phenomen in our boring society that somehow makes sense to young people.
Somehow it made sense to my friend, but he was still cheated on - and I've never failed to make fun of that even if I was, without being too clear on it, trying to lift his spirits a little.

I do like the idea of girls sharing stuff with other girls and we using that info to get them stuff they like. Can even make it non-exploitable, since it'd make the game too easy if you just knew, and hey - two ways of doing that without making it too boring.

I thought y'all are the same age as me. Now I'm interested in you all's ages - you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I just turned 21 a few days ago. College is so fkin hard - I hate it
College's the strong-willed man's stairway to self-fullfiment, the long play for porpuse in life - you're doing the right thing even if you'll probably never sit right with putting the time into it. But yeah, college's hell, man, I'd rather have served the army for the... uh, what'd you call it... the remainder of the period you can before you need to actually get hired, than to go to college, ever.

Shiny's also a college dude, but he'll tell you more.


Apr 19, 2020
Another thing, I've been reading some of the stuff Shiny passed. I've got nothing to say about it in here - it's just opinion stuff, not that interesting - but I've been reading it. Read the first two comics for X-23, liked the first a lot, didn't like the second.


Apr 19, 2020
Something to make her happy - I don't like rings but if that makes her happy then why not.
That's the idea.

(no point in being humble on a porn site)
Most of us don't get to choose our perversion - we prefer not to fight it... or simply can't - but we get to choose how we act, what we write. There's pride in being humble, just can't let yourself be too greed when it comes to it.

I just hate studying about human anatomy/physiolog/jst bio in general. I'm pretty good at biology , but I what I lack is the passion that I see in my classmates. They are soo interested in learning about it - whereas I study it just to do good at exams. Even though I'm better academically - I think all of my classmates will be better doctors.
My dad did all that, for 4 years, in his last one, the young hot-shot ended up with me. He wasn't very passionate about college, mind you.
Try and get passionate about it, take it from my dad - you get get your mind in the game or you'll end up with something you won't be able to wrap you head around, never; kids aren't the only example, but you get the idea.

Sorry if I got too personal :sweat_smile:. I just wanted to rant a bit
Don't sweat it - personally, I prefer to rant in private with the people who, I imagine, can spare the time. But as long as we follow a loose connection to what the thread is about - we'll be fine.

Married while being in college? It's wild how progressive other countries are - this will never happen in our country. Btw I'm not criticizing it - it's honestly sounds amazing
Shiny's thirty, he went back to college - last year or so, I think. It's not about progression as much as it is about comfort, marriage isn't exactly how you progress in life, it's how that other person complements you and you change for her that marks slices of progresses in the timeline of a lifetime.

Had I... not... fucked up, I guess - I'd be married myself, with a kid in the way... or so I've spent life dreaming about.

If you like comics and you are open to reading stuff other than superhero - I would highly recommend Saga and Y the last man - both are amazing. And if you are open to manga (Japanese comics - they are translated in English but are Balck and white)then tell me - I have some good recommendations
I do like... some sorts of comics? It's... boring to describe. And, I appreciate that you're willing, but no mangas for me.
I gotta get a torrent for TWD and Watchmen sometime or the other, I've been meaning for the longest time but I read stuff so fast I might as well learn different languages just to spend at least a few days reading the Bible again for that kick I used to get.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Okay I have a question - what kinda gifts can I give the gals? Will they just be clothes and sex toys and lewd magazines? Can I gift them something special - something unique that only a specific gal would like and appreciate. Maybe saving up money to gift a ring or smthin else the gal always had her eyes on - she didn't tell the MC to buy it but for her but you picked it up this info from the conversation and then later gave them a surprise gift. Ring is just an example - it can be anything other than lewd dresses and toys -I love those 2 things (the lewd costumes and toys) but I also want some varieties- somethin personal to the Gal
Pretty much all of this has been discussed by the dev team and we think it'd be fun to include. To what degree I can't say.

I'm hoping we can gift them non-perishable snacks and buy clothes without them being there with us - I don't want that to be the only way, tho', and I'd like to get opinions on the clothes I buy, rather than just a simple description of what I just brought.
Not sure about snacks but I think you'll be able to buy clothing without needing the girl to be around. Not sure why you'd do that though. Their reactions are half the fun.


Aug 5, 2018
Married while being in college? It's wild how progressive other countries are - this will never happen in our country. Btw I'm not criticizing it - it's honestly sounds amazing
I'm having trouble understanding how it's progressive and how/why a country would prevent people marrying at that age. Do you mean it'd be prohibitively expensive to do so?


Apr 19, 2020
Not sure why you'd do that though. Their reactions are half the fun.
They can even have the same reaction, although some amount of surprise is to be expected if they weren't aware of it - which's a cute thing, giving a gift to someone as a surprise, it heightens the gift sometimes.

I'm having trouble understanding how it's progressive and how/why a country would prevent people marrying at that age. Do you mean it'd be prohibitively expensive to do so?
I have an idea of what he meant, but I'm not actually sure. I think that's just a mispelling? He's not American - he said it before.
Oct 21, 2019
Pretty much all of this has been discussed by the dev team and we think it'd be fun to include. To what degree I can't say.

Not sure about snacks but I think you'll be able to buy clothing without needing the girl to be around. Not sure why you'd do that though. Their reactions are half the fun.
Do you happen to know when the next build may be?


Aug 5, 2018
Do you happen to know when the next build may be?
I have no idea, not on the team, but my bones tell me at worst the end of april. They're just bug testing right now; everything else is done iirc. I just have no idea how bug hunting works so I'm saying my nightmare date.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Do you happen to know when the next build may be?
They're just bug testing right now; everything else is done iirc
This was a miscommunication on my end. We were waiting on the art for characters and a few backgrounds to be done but I didn't mean to imply that we had the game fully programmed just with no art or something.

We're putting things together, testing, putting more things together, and testing that.

As we're going through this process we're also getting more music and clothing options from our excited artist and music man.

but my bones tell me at worst the end of april.
Pretty much this. We already have a firm idea of what's going to make the cut for the first release so don't worry about feature creep delaying anything.

We want you guys to have something you can have fun with so whatever doesn't make the cut will probably be included in the second update such as music, more clothing, more random dialogue.

A fun base first then y'all get the bells and whistles.
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