
Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
You guys keeping the block on conversations rollbacks like 0.3c?
Never said we were removing rollbacks. What I am saying is that you can't max out their liking of you without doing any events... Unless we put in that chapter skip option in later builds. :unsure:

Random flavor events? Can we get at least one example, please?
I actually don't know which ones will be going into the first build. I research the characters, give them an outline, and occasionally skim over some scripts.

But we have discussed instances of getting campus alerts, a student breaking something unintentionally because of their power, and random news reports.

They'll switch up as story events happen as well.

I figure I don't really need two RLEs.
I've been saying this since day 1. We don't seek to replace RLE. I still plan on playing it even after this game is in a fully playable state.


Aug 5, 2018
(I always go the obedience route)

I don't want an example of flavor events. Small details feel like bigger spoilers. A full nude of jean, however...

The leaked alpha disallows scrollbacks.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Can we have an actual demo, Shiny?

Or is the game going that steady that one won't be necessary?

The first release will have all 4 semesters with all 3 girls fully romanceable and fuckable.

There will be further updates adding in content we had to cut to keep the early 2023 release. Eventually when we got chapter 1 as complete as we can possibly get it, we'll release an update with the final event that will lead into Chapter 2.

I have no idea how we'll be handling Chapter 2 at the time of writing this and I refuse to comment too much about it because I don't want to get your hopes up for whatever path we choose.

The only thing I will say is that Chapter 1 is meant to set up the world. Chapter 2 and onwards will be following and adapting the comic books.


Mar 8, 2019
Chapter 2 and onwards will be following and adapting the comic books.
I love this, so many awesome possibilities. Some of my favorite story arcs are the Claremont-Byrne run, X-Cutioner's Song, Age of Apocalypse, and some of the Morrison run. Hopefully some of those will be touched upon in the game!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
I meant updates to the game. Is the game getting updated every three months, which would be quarterly, or every four months, which would make it every trimester.
No idea. We'll see how we go about approaching updates once the first chapter is out. We'll analyze what we have and the work required for future updates.

I've said before Chapter 1 is just setting up the world. All chapters afterwards are dedicated to an overarching story that took place in the X-Men comics.


Jul 26, 2018
hey my bd is this week, wdn mind getting a release this month haha. jokes aside tho im really looking forward to this one, take yall time


Oct 7, 2019
I've been in read only this whole time, and now I just want to say that I got a feeling this is gonna be some really good shit. I'm amazed at how all of you guys are so passionate about working and discussing all of it. I'm sooo looking forward to this!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
I'm amazed at how all of you guys are so passionate about working and discussing all of it.
We're all a bunch of nerds and have found out the witchcraft that can be pulled off with renpy.

We've read 30+ years of comics, played a metric ton of other renpy games to see what they're doing right and what they're doing wrong, and every time one of the non-tech guys go "I wish [thing] was possible." one of tech guys goes "Oh I can have that done in a few minutes."

We figured out how to make things a tad more "animated"* which has had our writing team and UI guys go nuts with potential.

Plus I just tend to keep an eye on the thread and with people telling me how they appreciate quick responses, I try to provide them.

*not actual animation, we just found ways to not have characters be static for the entire game.
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