The renders in this game are phenomenal, and the update was great, although it felt a bit short considering the length of time since the last update.
My main critique would be, what is up with the writing???
I hope you don't take offense to this, but based on the many spelling and grammatical errors it seems like you're not a native English speaker, which is fine, just get some help from an editor. But on top of that the writing is so overly complicated that it feels like a thesaurus vomited all over the screen.
Here's an example from the new update:
*He didn't just stop there. Further taking it down to her clit. Dolphin-slippery, less wet than rather deliciously mucilaginous, and tasting of Amontillado*
What does that even mean? Did you compare her clit to dolphin skin? And "mucilaginous"? I actually had to look this word up, and it means having a viscous or gelatinous consistency. That's what her pussy is leaking? Dave better back up cause it sounds like Gail has a serious infection.
When you write like this, all it accomplishes is irritating the reader because it feels like you're unnecessarily complicating things. Just follow the KISS rule, i.e., Keep It Simple Stupid.
I would have written the description like this:
*Dave quickly dropped to his knees and found himself facing Gail's drenched pussy. He began to lap up the sweet nectar pouring out of her before turning his attention to her clit. As Dave worked his tongue over the sensitive nub, Gail pinched her right nipple and moaned in delight."
I'm no writer, but that feels more understandable and relevant to the image it accompanies.
Just my two cents.