The timeline is right.. start the game again and you will see that story there BEFORE meeting Jason. And no, it's not a "typo"... As for that being a lie, where have you ever seen a MC starting to introduce themselves to the reader by telling a lie about themselves?
Let me give you my understanding of this little problem: As far as i can see the dev started this novel with the Jason-cuck route in mind. And as i said before, for THAT route a non virgin Stacy would fit better. That's why we get that story at the very beginning because as he started to work on this, he had only the cuck route in mind (remember also what a small cock Jason had at the beginning, perfect size for a cuck, and how many people criticized this- the posts are still there on the first pages of this thread)..
Seeing the comments on the first pages here (and probably also on Patreon) the dev decided to add a second route where Jason is not a heavy cuck or at least is not being humiliated as such.. And where he has a "normal sized" cock.
For THIS route a virgin Stacy would be better, because this is a "romantic-sharing" path if i may say so

and it is based on love and trust. So while developing this route he probably felt that it was good for Stacy to declare that she was a virgin when she met Jason, and she did so during that game. And the dev probably forgot or did not find it necessary to modify that sentence at the beginning where she says how and when she became a woman (which was BEFORE meeting Jason) and adapt it to THIS route..
So we have that statement at the beginning which fits well in the cuck route (I suppose it fits well there.. i did not play that route) and the virgin Stacy for the non cuck route.
As it was mentioned, most people would not even notice that discrepancy. The only reason why i noticed it is because i started to play the game NOW, in version 0.70. So i read at the beginning that she was not virgin and then, a few play hours later i read that she was .. that's confusing, but ONLY for ppl like me who start playing NOW. For everybody else this is no matter at all..
And in any case, virgin or not, as I also said before, this is a very good game/novel which went directly into my Top 5 of "sharing" games together with TAC, JOHN, Anna and Angelica.