Like I mentioned
there (which relates to another issue I have with the ignore option), I'm just gonna put it my exchanges with a fellow community member here too, where I think we raised valid points on our end (which was prompted by the new ignore prompts which we both really disliked), just so that our "votes" are in as a matter of sorts.
As much as I do understand and respect what's been said by the Admin in that other thread, I just wanna state (without any expectations attached) how for long term use of the latest update feed it makes it really inconvenient and bothersome. Also as much as I understand them pushing for the use of tags exclusions/ignoring tags (which works for a lot of people I imagine, and it useful to newcomers who might not know such options exists) and that I'd love it if it was simple as ignoring tags entirely, the problem is that there's many games love or really like that I never would have seen since they include a tag I'm not into (like guro, scat, gay or futa for quick examples) without it being the whole game (and often being a very small or totally optional portion of it, that I can just quickly skip through if it's non-optional anyway.)
And the alternative of greying it out is not nearly as practical.
And even the workaround based on greying them out first and then filtering it with an ad-blocker extension out comes with it's pitfalls.
Anyways, in direct relation to what this specific thread is about, we raised a lot of good points I think in our exchanges.
I think there should be a "do not show this again" option on the prompt.