Thank you for your suggestions here
- Make a Sprint feature with the speed of the current run. make run speed the current speed while holding down w key. (slower)
Sounds like an excellent idea, will toy around with when I will be adding the stamina mechanics. It would require a new running (slower) animation for Wegild so it will take a little bit of time (I spend 3 times as much for animations with the main character,
- Prostitution and Funatari (if added) should be optional feature, or less important
I intend to make the prostitution "arc" completely optional, basically side content
Futanari will be for a couple enemies that will have lore reasons to be such ^^
- Rape without Losing HP. No damage stun attacks with the (!) prompts
The struggle/h attack system will be overhauled in the next few patches. Addition of stamina proper, a couple items, struggle animations + an option to concede + a seduction system. I believe a combination like that would be most sufficient ^^
- Sex in full should change character appearance like it does in character status page
I truly wish to do it at some point, however, not only would editing the animations take a long time (that's one of the reasons why we don't have pregnant combat now) but also correctly tracking the states by the animator would be a terrible headache.
I might start taking this on after the second major patch.
- Orgasm animation
Sex animations usually have 3 stages, the last one is them filling Wegild up (usually). Some animations were drawn pretty early on in the game development (like a year ago) and might lack those features, or those features of a creampie stage might not be that visible.
In the new ones I'm making sure that this stage is visible, I might start adding a fourth one where the cum just oozes from her tho, we will see
More harvestable items are coming with the next patch, along with an intro to the crafting system ^^
Animation gallery will be done as one of the QOL features later on, and the bossess will be accessible as.... elite enemies that will appear in other maps
Slightly weaker but with mostly the same appearance/animations