Best game 2020, that coder looks like a handsome fella too.
A few things about the code, from a players perspective (some of these might be more about gameplay then code, I know)
1: Taking away both rollback and "history" means no chance of recovering if you accidentally skip over a line too fast.
2: The randomization seems a bit unfortunate, randomizing how much currency you get for doing an action feels more like a punishment to the player when the roll low, than a victory when they roll high, and "reward" scenes being random before the player has been though all of them is a waste, since the player might stop once they get a repeat (oh, I've seen that before, that must mean I've seen all the scenes now).
3: Save and load limitations; in a porn game, this is usually either a sign your game is too hard (you have to prevent savescumming) or that your code is messy (the game breaks if you load at the wrong time). Currently the game has one sexy scene, but because of the save limitations, I'm not going to bother go back to it, before a save-breaking-update forces me to play the game from the start again. Also, no quickly starting the game to rewatch your favorite scenes once the game is longer is a bit sad given how good the art is.
Unrelated to the code, a quick introduction to earning and spending currency (the flag thingy) would be welcome.