Makes me want to do another playthrough of the mass effect trilogy, not sure if I'd be able to make it through once again because I played it sooo much.
Like an Elcor: Sincere Questions: Have you played all 6 classes? I know we all have our preferred romance, but have you tried the others? Have you played both Paragon and Renegade?
They are sincere questions, because part of my problem is I almost always go into the rut. I love my biotic charging shotgun wielding vanguard, and I can't seem to play through a trilogy setup without restarting multiple times and taking that for myself. I would LOVE to play the trilogy as an Engineer sometime, but....I just keep going back to biotic charge. So, my questions are sincere in the idea that if you are like me, going the same route each time, maybe mix it up? Make it through the trilogy as a class you don't normally play, the polar opposite of what you do normally (Which for me who always goes Vanguard would actually be Engineer, if you set up the classes like the primary/secondary color wheel from grade school). Romance someone you haven't normally. Play the opposite gender Commander than normal. If you normally Renegade, try Paragon. Anything to breathe fresh life into it. ^-^
And I asked like an Elcor because I knew, especially on the internet with only text, my questions could very easily be misinterpreted as snark/sarcasm.