The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...
(12/05/2017 - Original Review - v0.30 which is no longer being worked on)
I really have to say, even though this project is not complete at all, that I really enjoyed the content in this game/visual novel thus far... The visuals are outstanding, the English script is top notch, and the concept is creative and fun...
What makes this story so believable and fun to read is all the inner monologue along with detail put into the character development and story, even after the game portion began... The detail of the visuals for the characters are believable and unique...
I know the author has a lot going on in real life, but I think that so far this one is and will be a hit... We'll just need to wait and see what the future holds for it... I really hope it continues to develop with the quality and fine craftsmanship that it currently has... It shows ALOT of promise...
I wish the author the best of luck at all that's going on with real life stuff, and hope this project continues to be worked on...
This version has been abandoned to remake it...
(01/15/2018 - Review Update - Remake Demo)
Even though the original had a lot more content to it, the remake seems to be off to a good start... I still love the visuals and the story aspect, although not as detailed, it's pretty close to the detail level and standards of the original... There were a few spelling/grammar errors during my play through, but not many...
The visuals for the characters are spot on, with the body proportions matching the character frames just fine, just as before... The wife/daughter visuals seem to be slightly update, at least from what I could tell, which is nice... The backdrops still look unique and creative...
The plot is pretty much the same as the previous version, with a male protagonist living with his wife and daughter... There is also a niece that is away on vacation, but has plans to return to live with the protagonist... He is a psychologist who has a psychiatric practice, and he also uses hypnosis... The original had some plot twists, but this remake version hasn't revealed too many so far... This version so far is just a introduction, presenting most of the primary characters and a small bit of his professional skills...
Overall, being a player of the previous version of this game and really enjoying it, this version is not bad... Knowing what I know from the prior version, I was hoping there would be more in this demo, but it's not bad so far... I really enjoyed the attention to detail that the last version had, and I hope on some level that same detail will play out in this version as it develops... As it seems to be following the same basic story line, that makes me very happy... I am definitely looking forward to seeing how this one progresses, and will be on the lookout for future development...
(02/08/2018 - Review Update - V1.00)
The version number aside (this is basically additional content added to the Remake Demo), this update was pretty much the addition of the niece returning to the protagonists home, relationship choices between the three women living with the protagonist, introduction of a new client for the protagonist, teasing of some possible future drama/twists, and a few short erotic scenes, depending on choices made...
We do begin to see that the protagonist is starting to have more sexual oriented thoughts about the women around him, but his thoughts are not really being acted on... There is also some twist with the Georgia client that gets teased as possible drama for the protagonist in future content... And a possible rival from the protagonists past... Hopefully this will not mean NTR in this VN/Games future?
Overall, this update mostly shows how some of the story dynamics plan to work, with choices mostly just being presented that may influence relationships with characters chosen, in future content... For the time being, you can see a real change from when this VN/Game was first put out there... The original focus seemed to be revolving around a corruption motif via hypnosis, but now it seems to be completely based on a more visual novel story progression with lots of character interactions, less inner monologue for the protagonist then before, and more focus on a slow relationship mechanic (hopefully not too drastically slow)...
In some ways this new take on everything is a big change, and I'm not 100% sure what I think of it yet... I do feel it's setting up for a slower story progression then the original, with a lot of things going on at the same time... Hopefully not too many things, and hopefully not in some sort of melodrama type direction... Still too early to completely know... I still look forward to seeing what the author's have in store for this one...