Even as a first game, this is... not good. MT English is sometimes necessary and so tolerable, but no language fails to distinguish between second and third person the way this game fails to. The pictures are very random and no efforts seems to have been made to make the character pictures even remotely similar, so the same character can, on successive pictures on the same or next page, change race, hair color, body type, etc.
The story is ludicrous even for porn. Some stranger shows up, tells the royal guards of a queen that has already suffered from assassination attempts to just walk away, and they do. Characters just mysteriously appear in strange places (Missandre in the army camp, for instance) just so that the player gets a boring, disjointed sex scene.
There are also mechanical problems like images not showing up, jerky two-second videos that annoyingly repeat until the player exits the page, choices that leas to blank pages, etc. These can all be fixed by a good playtest and a scrubbing of the code.
I don't want to discourage a new dev, but this game isn't close to being good. I'd recommend that the dev hold off on anything as ambitious as a GOT "parody" (this actually is not a parody at all) and start with something simpler, for which appropriate images can be found. Walk before trying to run.