HTML - The Rare Wife [v0.3.9] [Afeel]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    cuck fantasy with no good content. Nothing is worth a wank. It takes far too long to figure out what the game is actually doing. There's maybe 5 images set on repeat so the whole experience is a lot of time to get nothing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful, repetitive, low quality, low content and amateur. Story is poorly edited flowery AI text. AI pics have wild mistakes in some of them, and generally fall apart after standing solo images. Nothing on the UI is information you currently need, and you have to click into submenus to access what little there is, which advances time and then invalidates the results of checking.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Hi there this game gets extrem ratings here is he reason from 3rd person view
    (y)it has fine graphics cute girl that fits
    some like(y) the light ntr tr for some its too light(n)
    the dev does not use directing click baits (n) =players do not directed to interesting content.
    The game is too light for story/ not enough engine for sandbox experience.(n)
    To sum it up it is a bog standard alpha game with terrible content presentation.
    ps:-1star for no sex with wife and endless rape.
    Likes: ich0
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The story if you can call it that tries to be edgy but comes across as desperate. Its clear that the game was trying to shock players with its content, but instead of being provocative, its just uncomfortable and cringey. The dialogue feels like it was written by someone who thinks that being explicit is the same as being interesting There’s no real plot to speak of, just a series of loosely connected scenes that fail to come together in any meaningful way sadly theres no zero stars option totally waste of time
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    There is no content to speak of. You stumble between 3 locations 2 of which have absolutely nothing, and the only sexual scene that happens is a theoretical things that happen completely off-screen. There is literally on game OR sex.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    So, I highly enjoy this game, even though it's an AI adopter, which of course dings it a point, and the file is compressed with .rar instead of a more universal format. The overall story is good enough for an extremely early, lazily put together HTML game, which again feeds into that whole AI art thing, the creator is clearly a fairly lazy game creator without the morality that would drive them away from the cancer that is AI. Overall, though, pretty enjoyable, and amazing if you're a Windows loving soyboy with a fetish for the downfall of civilization that is AI art.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Creamed Strawberry

    I enjoy the game thus far, these is a decent amount of content but has a long way to go. If you're into cuck/blackmail and/or transformation I'd say this one is worth a shot. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes with future updates.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Game loop is horrible. Tavern work is repetitive and boring. The fact that changing location changed the time was annoying - for example it takes 20 minute to walk from the tavern to the kitchen, but NPC's teleport. Nearly every location in the game is empty with no interactions.

    Writing is often confusing, though that may be the horrible CSS styling in the story sections. Often I found myself utterly confused over who was speaking. You can literally spend 20 - 30 minutes looking for something to do, then are met with a wall of poorly formatted text that can go on for several pages. Not a fun time.

    MC lacks agency. Almost nothing he can do actually affects anything other than in the most random ways.

    Sad, because the AI art for the wife is hot.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    horrible game give no chances to see what ur wife is doing no one is this blind. specialy when they see white liquid running down there leg oh ya she was just sweating... waste of my time i cant get back.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is pure laziness. Ok, AI generated art could be an option (even if it looks uncanny and annoying, but i guess it will quick improve in general), but this game feels all AI generated, from the writing, the obvious plot and so on. Then it is developed with the HTML engine. Per se nothing bad with it, if you do a good project out of it, but it's the 'easy option' and when everything in the project screams of 'shortcut' it really reeks of not putting the effort. The structure of the game is basically grinding and nothing more. Again, the quick shortcut to have some gameplay time with the least effort possible. I think the only attractive of this game is to see the supercute girl in nasty situations, but it's not worth the time and effort needed to. If development is so lazy why shoud the player invest time grinding? Not worth it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Nothing really to do, other than Click, wakeup, tavern, work, clean, serve, sleep, and a few scenes with loki and a woman, and a couple with your wifes father. but no scenes with sissification. i think personally this game shouldve been cooking longer before it was released, as atm it doesnt really resemble a game.

    does it have promise? the idea i see that it has, it can work providing its choca block with content. but atm its just endless clicking with 99percent of it being NTR cuckold based stuff
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This title has some serious problems. Many have already been pointed out by other reviewers, so let's dive into it.

    --Images of the wife are attractive and consistent. As with others that was the main reason I downloaded this game.

    --Horrible gameplay. Time consumption is wonky, sleep till morning goes longer than 8 hrs. Lots of locations that serve no purpose.
    --Problematic narrative. None of it adds up to a cohesive and interesting story. It just doesn't work.
    --All of the wife and husbands "love" talk is annoying as shit given you know she is cheating. Which is fine for the sake of NTR, but it's simply dishonest, wordy, and saccharine. It's simply walls of text that sever no useful purpose.
    --As for the NTR it just happens in the background. The Tavern quest (TQ) is intendeed to push the NTR, but then her sexual activity suddenly changes from nothing to sleeping with multiple people w/very few images to accompany it. Talk abt lame NTR.
    --Feminization storyline makes no sense. Women are rare, witches who can change men to women are killed rather than rewarded for fulfilling an obvious social need and you have to pursue TQ to get the path
    --There's also no good reason for the MC to pursue TQ other than to drive the NTR, since no money goals are placed on gameplay.
    --Can't pursue carpentry quest, even tho black guy is introduced for that purpose.
    --Father interactions don't serve any real purpose other than to allude to wife cheating on MC w/his father. It's not sexy, it simply gross. All that stuff w/his mom was just weird.

    Update: most of the problems I've identified still persist. And none of the gameplay surrounding the tavern makes any sense. You serve people, but to what end? She interacts with men, but only when she goes off to have sex with them is it ever meaningful.

    So, much of her sex content is out of sight out of mind. Isn't NTR supposed to let you see the sex she's having with other men? Her body count will go up, but you will see hardly any of it. It's just such a chore. And none of the money making apparatus makes any sense, even in the revamped storyline. This is really a time-suck where very little happens during the day . . . at least until some event is triggered. The sandbox elements are just the worst.

    Do yourself a favor. There are a lot of NTR stories that are just way better than this and the game play and the excessively convoluted and boring narrative make this not worth the effort.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Other reviewers already pointed out a lot of notable things. But nobody has mentioned so far that the text is also likely AI-generated!

    Come on - who writes like an autistic English major hyper-focusing on a thesaurus after dosing on Ritalin™? The whole game is 'written' in the same over-detailed, over-literate, oft-repeating robotic style devoid of human nuances. "Listening to the erotic symphony unfolding before him, felt her body respond with fervor, even as shame gnawed at the edges of her conscience". Victorian pillow books fed into a LLM, anyone?

    "Maybe the author is this way, you untalented edgelord" - some will object. Well, good grammar, dictionary and lack of mistakes heavily contrast with the rest of the game: poor UI, poor interactivity, placeholder sections (and whole parts of the game), actual test buttons (!) and errors on missing passages. The quality differential is too stark. The only other sophisticated aspect is, fittingly, the AI imagery.

    Now, is this a bad thing? Some would say that "competent literary version of uncanny valley" is still better than "primitive jerk commentary with 8th grade writing skills, translated by AI" that is so frequent on this site. I do not judge, really. Porn is, as ever, a driving force in tech, and this game can serve as a very early, amateur attempt at text-image synthesis in media. Worth a try just to see where we are at this moment in time.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't normally review early games but the reviews for this are all over the place, and this game looks adorably promising. So just wanna balance out the reviews slightly and I'll update this as the game gets further along.

    Art: Absolutely fantastic, especially for AI. (By which I mean that AI is usually not consistent, and it often has hallucinations - so getting this consistent, on-point, not deformed, took obvious effort).

    Story: Too early to tell (v0.2) - but the way the wife hints at NTR is well written, subtle, and hot. And the world is very interesting - I am curious to learn more about it.

    Writing: Average. It is generally decently written but a lot of the early stuff is repeated multiple times in a few pages. Once something has been established it doesn't need to be restated quite so often.

    Gameplay: Too early to tell. There are the interactions with the wife, a bunch of images you can interact with on the street (aside from one encounter none of them seem to do anything, and it is hard to tell that they won't do anything), time jumps all over the place really fast (a quick interaction might push you ahead by hours, waking up in the 'morning' is like.. 4AM before anything is happening and anyone is up), and you generally have no idea what you're supposed to do. So in other words, its mostly just placeholders (literally, there are still buttons just for testing pop-ups) - promising for the future but not there yet.

    This games hows promise and I hope to see it fleshed out!
    Likes: Afeel
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Long, looong repetitive walls of text about how much you love your perfect wife, irrelevant quest system that's mostly just waiting for things to happen, choiceless story, and needless city exploration. And of course it's inevitably an unavoidable cuck game, which I won't dock points as obviously if it's not my jam I should have just not played, but it's already at 1 star for other reasons anyway, and even objectivly, it's a poor overly forced way to do that content.

    I feel like dev would have been better off just writing a short story with the occasional AI art to accent it and not bothered with a game. Short of that though, this game needs a massive rework to drastically reduce the amount repetitive text walls and add some actual choice so players can have different flavors of a corruption NTR story (assuming the dev is only interested in offering that) rather than the single one that most minimizes any possible player agency. ie. maybe I start as more an asshole that wants to corrupt my wife to whore her out for political gain. Anything other than your wife fucking off-screen while you twiddle your thumbs.

    I'll say the one good thing is that the author is pretty good at AI generation, the preview pics are why I tried it. I assume he has a custom LORA for the wife's appearance and it's remarkably consistent. But even in this area the game has problems of characters occasionally wearing modern clothing and such.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I encountered some bugs, I was blocked at the point when meeting Loki, I can't go further nor go back to the previous point, 'cause there is no link in the page. Anyway, I hope this game will grow better, for now it is just a very nice graphic in a simple HTML game
    (This is my first review here, sorry for my poor English and for my lack of more technical terms)
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    After my January review the game didn't get any better as I expected (or, better say, as I wanted).

    Main turn-off for me is a strong genre pivot from ntr entirely into MC M-F transformation and humiliation. As the plot remains linear, the game does not give you a choice (I mean, you can just not advance transformation quests and basically remain in version ~0.2 endlessly clicking the same buttons in the tavern to watch the same 5 AI pictures).

    MC basically does nothing for the "story", no actions matter, and, well, nothing really does. For what's there the game ended up being just a shitty VN with extra buttons to add playtime

    Any potential I mentioned in my last review was not built upon, thus, I'm taking back all the stars. Though, a glimmer of hope for this game still lingers in my heart.

    Old review for v0.1 or 0.2 (don't remember really):

    Completely understand why people rate it so low at this version, but I kinda enjoyed it.

    There isn't really that much atm and it deserves 3 stars at best but based on what there is, I believe a lot can be added and built upon. For example, tavern management system seems very promising and is quite unique.

    Though I wish the player had some influence on the wife being fucked around. It feels like there should be a "wrong" choice that we make that leads to that, but instead it just happens.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Bare bones now but shows great promise. Best Ai art ive seen on this site. The paths are narrow and the images are few but I will follow this work with great interest. Maybe generate scenes when shes cheating on you.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    In the Rare Wife you sleep over and over again until things happen.

    That's it. That's the gameplay.

    Just... what?

    What an absolute disaster of a game. I have to wonder if the dev has ever played an HTML game ever? It's like he's opened one once in order to see what the time management scaffold looks like, but then never proceeded to learn what you actually do in one.

    There's a little bit of introductory content in the form of a word bomb of exposition and "world building" that basically isn't used and is the quintessential definition of telling instead of showing. Once that bit is over there are no actions for the character to take outside of kissing your wife, telling her to make dinner, and wandering aimlessly while nothing happens.

    After sleeping for FOUR DAYS, you can start on a quest. The first one is the main character obliviously missing the fact that his wife is being molested/used at work. We don't know what she's even off doing and can't watch her do it. You can see one of these scenes once a day and do nothing about it.

    Then after TEN DAYS, the lord the MC gave all his worldly possessions to in order to marry the lord's daughter demands that the MC force his wife (the lord's daughter) to fuck the lord in order for the MC to be allowed to open an inn. You have no choice in whether this happens. The lord fucks your wife before you do.

    What an absolutely convoluted mess of a game. AI CG might have brought us a handful of gems, but it sure has created even more comically bad clusterfucks. There might be a world in which the dev somehow saves this game and turns it into a ntr paradise, but I don't believe in it. I expect it to stay a typical AI CG cash grab, like so many others.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    After eight versions in 45 days, I expected at least something to do in the game. There are places to go, but nothing to do there. There is a market with things to buy, but no way to make money. The only real thing to do is to sleep for six hours at a time, waiting for a new day in the hopes to see new content.
    Even the content that is there is pretty lackluster. The AI art is passable, and relatively consistent in it's portrayal of the character, but it's not great.

    After eight versions, the only thing that's really here is a lot of insinuation about where your wife goes, and what other people might be doing with her. It's just not enough.