Ren'Py - The Regional Manager [v0.171] [Horizontical Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game contains most of the fetishes I'm looking for - blackmail, domination, humiliation... - and presents them in various ways. I love it.
    The story and the situations are a bit grotesque, but of course, it is a game, so it's not a problem for me :)

    There are cons of course:
    - The game is way too grindy (the cheat mode is strongly recommended; it doesn't alter the story at all, but eases frustration)
    - Not sure, if it's because WIP, but sometimes I feel the triggering random, and the hint system could be more clear

    Because of those I give only 4 stars.

    All in all, it is a great game, and once it's finished, it can be close to perfect for me, and in that case, of course, the rating goes up to 5 stars.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    i am honestly surprised with this game. never heard it before and tried for the first time. smart and strong protagonist, sexy and various females, an addictive gameplay. absolute example of how an adult game should be. looking forward to next update
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    The good:
    +interesting characters
    +exciting sex scenes with quality renders
    +not afraid going on the harassment road
    +the setting involving around a business and being a manager

    The bad:
    -incomplete, many threads ending with a dead end
    -quest logs are vague, hint system leaves questions unanswered

    I enjoyed a lot of this Sandbox. I will change the rating to excellent when it's more complete. This is a very complicated sandbox with lots of characters so development requires much time. I'm afraid the developer might burn out and decide to abandon the project. I hope not.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a little unique. It allows the MC to be outright creepy and evil unlike other games where you're forced with strict moral compass.

    No moral compass
    Realistic body types/shapes
    Numerous characters with sexual content
    Decent graphics

    Noticeable amount of bugs but not show stoppers
    Character arc may seem unrealistic
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    §d art isn't that great and the story is so unrealistic for a game that wants to be.
    The protagonist is from his character personality not that type of guy who would be able to do this.
    I played it about 4 hours and i know this is a interative game but it feels like it shoudn't be. These whole mass dialogues with each character and you see 2 new pictures every half an hour if you are doing great.
    I almost never had a clue what to do next if i didn't rea the whole thousands of words. You have to be at exactly this time there etc. Annoying.
    Not only the 3d art is not really good, the posing and pose skills are just bad.
    Thx for the game, i really like the tags. But the tags alone can't win me over.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. It does suffer from being a sandbox with like 50 locations and characters and many of them are not finished. Some of the content is pretty well buried in there, like you have to repeat the same scene like 10 times to progress. It has two separate help systems, and they are not both updated. You will find some info in one, then different info in the other for the same quest. Really, I wish the dev would remove any of the half completed content and characters all together until ready. Like the quest where you have a date scheduled has been there unfinished for a year. Hopefully once the game is finished, you will be able to mix being naughty and nice, skip who you don't like, etc.

    Besides those issues, once you figure the game out, what is there is good. It seems like the dev has the total story on what happens to everyone in the town and just has to get it into the game. I like that this is one of the few games you can be a bad guy... lots of blackmail, humiliation like stuff. Writing and characters are good. If you want to play a beta cuck soy boy, or a woman that gets raped there are literally 1000s of those games out there.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    1.019 / 5.000
    Resultados de traducción
    I had played this game a long time ago, but had forgotten about it. Now I'm back to playing, and it's a great game.
    I don't know how the nice path will be, since I like being evil. However, Evil path is very good. Especially blackmail, which is my favorite genre, and the game has a lot of it. As a negative note, to say that some plots are a bit silly. And some blackmails are hardly credible. But it doesn't really matter, because they are hot.
    The renders are good. Some models might be better made than others, but in general they are hot.
    As for the gameplay, I don't like the grind. But since you have the option to disable them, it doesn't matter too much. I seem to remember that the other time I played there was no option to deactivate the grind. Or maybe it was and I didn't. In any case, much better without having to worry about nonsense like eating or sleeping. We come here to jerk off, not to waste time. Good decision to include the ability to disable those things.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of the best blackmail and rape games on here. Most of the renders are very good and the content is plentiful. It handles the sandbox part very well and understands how someone might not care for it giving you built-in cheats. I can't comment much on the writing, but I enjoy it and haven't noticed any big mistakes.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This sandbox game provides a ton of content, for something still relatively early in development (v. 0.0.59). Choices and consequences flow logically, with characters reacting to you in a way that is consistent and realistic, by the standards of a porn game.

    The large cast means there's a good deal of diversity in your potential conquests, with a variety of body types, ages, attitudes, etc. There's also a lot of smart interplay between characters, which is affected by your choices. It makes it feel like you're inhabiting an actual world where the characters know and react to one another, rather than just going down a checklist of quest items to find content. And speaking of which, the built-in quest guide does a good job of guiding you towards content when you get stuck.

    My only real knock against the game is that the sex scenes tend to be a bit abrupt, following a lot of teasing and build-up. I think that, if all the sex scenes were given the same attention as the coercion and blackmail tactics leading up to them, this game would be nearly perfect.

    Good-aligned content is sparse at the moment, so players who don't enjoy being the bad guy likely won't enjoy this one. But if you like blackmail, coercion, force, and drugged/sleep content, this is the game for you.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I am someone who actually likes sandboxes and doesn't mind a little grind to get good scenes. Not only that but I also like office-themed games as they satisfy the fantasies of my sad sack of shit middle class working life.

    Needless to say if a game is of that genre, it has to really be poor for me to rate it negatively. I honestly wouldn't leave a review if not for the current 4-5 star average that it has, which I can't understand. Balance must be restored


    - I don't hate the general way it's set up, with your survival stats + relationship stats base and the idea of having some work progress/management aspects


    - poor UI, takes way too many clicks to get around and/or to figure out what you need to do
    - art is uninspired
    - characters are unattractive
    - dialogue makes no sense, beyond the poor english it's just very childish dialogue
    - i couldn't tell you what the MCs actual job is and what he's actually doing when you "work" for the company - you have a vague idea that you can progress and help your company grow but there's no real immersiveness in the workplace and what you're supposed to be doing

    Look, maybe it's just me and maybe these other positive reviews see something I don't, but after an hour of playing everything felt like a chore and I saw no reason to keep going.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I couldn't finish this game. Very quickly you learn that conversations and fluidity is not something this game considers important. The dialogues are honestly awful, as if every character has Asperger's. Every encounter with characters are awkward and has a strong sense of that it's all very artificial. No one talks like this, no one acts like this.

    I'm cutting my losses, this game is just not for me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm loving the sandboxy nature of this game. There's a lot of grind, even with cheat mode it feels like that, but this is the good kind of grind. The power play aspects of being the boss etc. are a very kinky turn-on, and this game explores it like few others ever tried to.

    I recommend it, even though there are a lot of gaps in the content (still being worked on) and some ultra goofy characters like the "hospital dude" that really break the immersion at first. But after a bit you chuckle and suspend disbelief to keep on enjoying the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Jim Bentley

    This is my jam. Not every girl immediately throws her vagina at you and becomes your sex slave, you have to play the game and make decisions with different outcomes. The game can be hard, micromanaging money and food, or you turn it off and not worry about it. There is an excellent hint system if you get stuck. There is a quite a bit of content for an early version. My favorite is that you can be mean if you want, some games shy away from that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics and very replayable. Different styles of facial features and bodies on both men and women characters. Numerous places to visit. Can make game play as difficult or easy as you would like. Nice hint feature to keep you on task to complete quests. Feels like a game and not just a story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitively my favorite game at the moment. I enjoyed it so much I became a patron :).
    First the girls. They are all great. From personalities to looks. I'll be frank I have sen a model or two in other games, and I didn't like those characters there mainly for their looks, but here, the way the MC interacts with them, tries to corrupt them or dominate them makes them so desirable!

    The renders are beautiful there are a lot of girls, and a lot of places to visit each places has multiple locations. I was afraid that the content would be too diluted due to the number of girls, but there is already so much content that this is not an issue.
    Most of it has to be found but there is no feeling of having to farm for it. It's more of a finding the right ways to trigger it. Who to talk to, where to be, the right kind of way to make you for it ! :)
    I keep coming back and finding new chain of quests for the characters just because I didn't think of talking to one at the right place for exemple! Or I didn't think of talking to someone after learning something interesting from another character. And I am not kidding there is just sooo much stuff to do!
    You like imposing your will on beautiful and confident girls? Try this!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The amount of blackmail content in this game and its execution is superb. There is absolutely no grind even although the game is a sandbox. The events are varied and very fun, the models nice and each characters individual storyline is interesting. I found it fun and likely will go back to new updates.

    This is written as of version v0.0.42.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like this game has a lot of potential, and I give it 5 stars not because of what it is now, but for what it will surely become in the future.

    Great art
    Actually fun to play
    Doesn't go over the top with dialogue

    Sometimes I felt like it was difficult to find the next step I should take.
    Every girl I was able to attract was unavailable until the next update.
    I worry about spending all of the time it would take to get through the full game, given that there is still so much left to do, which would mean I would have to come back and play it multiple times.
    I felt like there was too much incentive to be the bad guy, when really I wanted to play the good guy. Like if you don't blackmail the girls you simply aren't going to get laid in many cases.

    There needs to be clearer directions for how to progress with each girl. The guide is very helpful, but sometimes I felt like "what is this person even doing here and how do I get to the next point where I can talk to them?"

    There were many time where someone would give you their number and you would not gain them as a contact, which was just confusing to me.

    I told Sam to break up with his girlfriend and they are still together, and I still cannot figure out for the life of me how to get that girl into the photo studio.

    aside from some typos I think there was 1 very major bug.

    I was able to increase my relationship with any girl I wanted simply by looping their conversations over and over and figuring out which response gave me the positive points with them.

    Playing the memory game on the first day gave me enough money to never have to get money again.

    As a whole I would say this game is awesome. I look forward to its updates, its exactly the kind of game I like to play. The art is not at issue here, I would say the biggest problem here is simply pulling together all of the assets into a cohesive and playable game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice work on graphics as well characters background to be revealed. Thanks for the entertaining and the time I was contemplating about each situation.
    I like the approach beeing not the "nice guy" as well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Mad Max: Creampie

    This is a very long game and many characters, each character has a very complex and interesting personality and circumstances, perhaps because of so many characters ,,,, each character is unfinished, and it seems very I don't see the end of the game in a long time.
    Game graphics at first glance not beautiful, but if you play hard for 1 hour, you will discover that the character's body is great and the face expression is very rich.
    I think the game deserves 5 ^ for all of that.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though the game is still in the early stages and contains numerous cons that I will discuss, it is already one of my favorite games on this site. For blackmail lovers like me, this game is among the best of the best, and I liken it to High Rise Climb (another great game with plenty of blackmail and a somewhat similar story).

    - There are a large number of scenes already despite the game still being in the early stages. Most games either only concentrate on one or two characters and have minimal new scenes for each update or have a ton of scenes but with weak to no story accompanying the scenes, but this game is definitely a beautiful exception as there are a huge number of characters and the majority of them already have their own storylines involving at the least, scenes where you can undress them, and many of them scenes where you can do more with them. The few other games that have a similar number of characters normally results in rushed scenes where the player doesn't have many choices and it turns more into a visual novel than a game controlled by the person playing it. However, that isn't the case with this one, and the scenes for the most part are all done very well.

    - The characters fit their character personas well throughout the game. This isn't like most games when you start corrupting an innocent young lady and she quickly turns into slut mode and starts to love the one corrupting her. The characters seem to follow their individual goals and attributes throughout and maintain a high level of unhappiness and/or hatred for the main character when succumbing to give in to the desires of the main character.

    -There is a variety of characters fitting different ages, careers, and personalities. There are characters who are the equivalent of a sister and mother (you have to manually input their relation to you) for incest lovers, but there are also a lot of other characters that fit to individual fetishes such as college students, teachers, office workers, a doctor, a dentist, nurses, a lifeguard, a maid, a store clerk, a young delivery driver, a couple living in an RV, a corruptible mayor, a corruptible police chief, corruptible businessmen, etc. However, what I absolutely love about the game is the specific details given to character's backgrounds such as an office worker struggling to get money to provide financial support to a husband suffering from cancer as well as their daughter, a demure young woman who finally got away from an abusive partner only to have him reenter her life, a struggling immigrant trying to make a living on a small paycheck, etc.

    - The English is very good. I'm not sure of the game creator's background, but most games similar to this have barely passable English, but this game seems to be done by a native English speaker. It is interesting if you go to the creator's Patreon page, one of the giving levels is "Assistant to the Regional Manager" which is an Office pun that few non-native speakers would have any idea to create.

    - The game contains a checklist and an additional help tool (the question mark in the top right of the screen) that provides some information on how to get sexy scenes and find hidden places. While neither of these tools are perfect, the creator seems to already have some tools in place to help one find the many, many scenes in this game.

    The cons (and they are many despite the 5 star rating):
    - The renders are definitely not the best and animations are as basic as it gets. I say this merely to point it out, but I have a feeling there is a trade off here between the creator having only enough time for either impeccable renders or a large number of scenes and opportunities, and I know personally I'd prefer the scenes and opportunities over perfect renders.

    -There are a number of bugs (please note the game is in v0.0.31 as I write this and the bugs may be fixed in future versions). I'm hoping the creator will eventually address this, but there are a host of bugs throughout. For example, after blackmailing one character who agrees to send a nude picture each day if you call her, there was a glitch while I played where she would always say she already sent the picture for the day (the only fix I could find was to click the advance one day icon). There are also several bugs when researching other character backgrounds within the office's archives .

    - The game desperately needs a walkthrough or better hint system. After playing my first time through I missed a ton of scenes based on the images available in the game folder which makes me think either the game has steps that have to be followed through in a specific order or they are only triggered based on specific scenario settings that I haven't figured out. I am hoping a more thorough guide will eventually be created as there are a ton of different characters and it is very difficult to figure out what to do in what order which leads to a ton of time wasting trying to figure out who to talk to next. This unfortunately leads to it sometimes taking hours to figure out how to do things that could have been done in a few minutes with a guide or better hint system.

    - Many scenes tease you by saying it will be implemented in a future update or even worse ends without giving a warning that you can't continue further. It is a big letdown when you do the many steps required to get a date with a girl only to be told you'd have to wait to a future update to go on the date. This particularly concerns me as this a tactic that has been used by other developers of blackmail/coercion focused games (ex. Bad Brother Saga and Teachers Pets) that unfortunately often rarely lead to the updates ever being created in future updates. I'm hoping this game will be different. A separate issue is there are several scenes that don't continue further, but the game doesn't alert you which can cause you to waste a ton of time trying to figure out what to do next when you are actually unknowingly taking part in a mission impossible quest due to the creator not alerting that there is nothing further to do in the quest at the moment.

    -Many of the sex scenes are a bit rushed. This isn't necessarily terrible as I'd prefer it over long sex scenes that feel grindy, but it does seem like some scenes progress (and end) much quicker than they should. For example, the first sex scene with Cecilia was over much too quickly.

    Overall, this game ranks near the top of my all-time favorites despite it being at an early stage of development. If the developer keeps things up at this pace (and fixes the bugs and provides an easy to follow guide), he or she definitely has a masterpiece in the making which has me very excited and looking forward to future updates.