Hey everyone ^_^
Sorry for the slow responses. Been a bit under the weather (think I might have ate some bad food), and busy getting back into things. Lots of comments to respond to here so I'll do my best, but if I miss anything let me know
I honestly didn’t even know it detected those! Since whenever I play it the only clothes I have that aren’t ABDL related are the ones you get at the start of the game, The ones you get at the holiday events and the sleepwear you get for free with the coupon and even then I don’t wear any of it!
Hi Pooploser ^_^
Currently every outfit has a 'Type' value attached to it, so it's; sexy, pet-play, cute, maid, etc. I do make checks on these values sometimes, such as with jobs like the Cat-Girl Maid Cafe checks for Maid outfits, whilst the ABDL Nursery checks for cute and ABDL outfits. Reactions are tough, because it's multiplying every speech encounter by a significant amount (especially with the code determining it).
Still, I do want to have a better checking system, and this will help significantly in creating reactions where I can
Honestly, I'm really anticipated for the clothing overhaul. Next, hopefully would be implementing footwear, lingerie, and wearables like gloves and glasses to complete a clothing set. Perhaps shoes such as sneakers, high heels, boots, converse, and what are those flat shoes and frilly socks you see cafe waitresses wear, and lingerie such as bra and panty sets, negligees, stockings, pantyhose, and bodystockings.
Hi Cboy ^_^
Glad to hear you're excited about the upcoming clothing overhaul. Some of the changes are more minor quality of life ones, others are setting things up for bigger changes in the future, and of course things like piercings are big changes on their own
When it comes to other clothing items as you describe, I do want a lot of these, though it's somewhat tough too which is why I usually put them in one at a time. My full plan for eventual wearables/appearance-changes at the moment are the following.
- Socks/Stockings/Tights slot
- Footwear slot
- Piercings slots (you would get the piercing done, then have a collection of jewellery to wear in that slot)
- Hand slot
- Bra slot (more complicated than you might think but hopefully eventually a thing)
- Tattoos
- Additional TF's (both more options in existing categories, and a few more categories like hand and feet TF's)
- Bikini/Swimwear outfit selection (a bit like your nightwear choice but for outdoor/swimming scenes)
- Workout/Gym outfit selection (a bit like your nightwear choice but for workout/gym scenes)
So, hopefully that gives you a nice idea of where I'll eventually be going with things ^_^
I'm curious to why fetish type wears like the Harlequin Bodysuit and latex catsuit are mixed in with the nightwear?
The reason why fetish outfits appear in the nightwear selection is that some people prefer to do 24/7 latex/rubber/leather play and want to wear it to bed. Eventually when I add the Submissive/Slave trainer there will be a latex side path on it that requests that from you, so I thought it was easier to add it as an option now
I just can't wait for fox pet content. Not fully happy with the puppy play content to submissive for me.
Hi Orannis ^_^
Fox pet-play content would be fun. I don't currently have any plans for it, but I'd be happy to do it at some point when my backlog of polled/commissioned/planned content clears up a bit more. Thanks for the suggestion
Yeah me too I personally would kill to have some baby mittens in this game especially if you could lock them so your hands are rendered completely useless!
Baby mittens might be do-able when I get around to hand-wear (though that's not a priority), so I'll make a note of that. However, locking hand-wear to stop you for being able to interact with things would be very tough to handle. It would require major rewrites of the entire game, so I'm just not sure if it's feasible.
So good news on the mittens, bad news on the locking idea. Thank you for the suggestion
Or paws thay do the same.
As mentioned above to Pooploser, I'm completely on board with adding in a hand-wear slot and featuring paw mittens. At the same time sadly, having a locking feature would just be too big of a game rewrite to make it feasible. Sorry, but it's good news and bad news. Thanks for the suggestion too
I've discovered this typo at the General Store.
View attachment 820573
Good spot Cboy, thank you for the bug report. Will get on that right away once I've finished this response post ^_^
Maybe some things can be done with the slime latex catsuit, like parts of it dissolves away to reveal your vagina and anus, or it can even form a strap-on.
Thank you for the suggestion Cboy. That's an interesting idea, and one I would like to do more with in the future. I did have a few plans for the slime latex catsuit at one point, and they just never got done. Fingers crossed I can write something fun for it eventually ^_^
Quick Question Jpmaggers does anything happen if you refuse to get Aunt Agnes the diaper bag? And if not could there be one day?
I don't think so. I think that just refusing to get the bag in that random encounter is your escape from it if you're trying to avoid it. This was a commissioned scene from a long time ago, so I can't say for sure.
I know this is a bit of a pipe dream and will most likely never happen but I wish the Character backgrounds would get a huge overhaul so for instance if you chose the Crime Pays background the guards will treat you like the human scum that you are but the staff and the other trainees would be scared of you or if you chose the Privileged and Pampered background the guards and other staff will treat you with respect and your character would look down on everybody else and the other trainees will hate how full of yourself you are as well be jealous that you‘re getting special treatment from the staff and the guards just because you’re rich or if you choose the Ageing Child Star background everybody is starstruck by you except the people who work at the little land nursery of course as they're technically celebrities themselves and shops will give you discounts it would be kinda like how everybody treats you differently in diaper quest when you have the princess tiara on but on a much bigger scale!
Hi ^_^
This is a bit more complicated than you might think in the scale you're mentioning, though I do this currently to some extent. Again, anything where we're talking about major reaction alterations would require significant revision of existing content which is a lengthy process to say the least. On top of that, there are already limits in terms of reaction, as player appearance can change dramatically making it tough to recognize them (if they even could). This ties in with another posters comments that regardless of player background you're all in the same situation, as the trainee programme does not differentiate between where you come from.
That all said, there are some special reactions to backgrounds currently in the game, though they're normally a throw-away comment or observation here or there.
It's a cool idea and all, but it's just not an easy change to implement, and when you're working on the scale the game currently is, it's just not feasible. Sorry for any disappointment
I think the reason this does not happen is I took the Privileged background when you sign up basicly you sign away all of your rights because of an active law on the books that everybody really don't know about. Once you go in the only way a Privileged kid would have his freedom back is if he is bought up by his parents.
Thanks for covering the point. This is basically exactly the case
What about the guards that capture you in the beginning how are they different? (Not arguing with you I'm just genuinely curious)
The guards at the beginning care about your treatment in slightly different terms as you're not yet within the facility yet. You aren't fully registered on the trainee programme, so they treat you more appropriately to your background.
Hope that helps answer your question